XAT 2025 Last Minute Tips and Exam Day Guidelines

XAT 2025 Last Minute Tips and Exam Day Guidelines

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 05, 2025 01:53 PM IST | #XAT

XAT Exam Day Guidelines and Last-Minute Tips: This year XLRI Jamshedpur has introduced the facility for candidates to carry scientific calculator for XAT 2025 test. XAT exam is conducted on January 5, 2025. All the aspirants of XAT 2025 must have prepared adequately and now should be busy with the last mile preparations. Now is the time for all XAT 2025 candidates to focus on revising their strong areas instead of worrying about their weak points. They should mainly focus on how to improve their score with the help of shortcuts and tricks. They should spend time in checking the latest XAT exam pattern and previous years papers. Read this article to get last minute tips and exam day guidelines for XAT 2025.

This Story also Contains
  1. Last-Minute Tips for XAT 2025: Overview
  2. Points to Keep in Mind for XAT 2025 Last-Minute Tips
  3. XAT 2025 Last-Minute Tips: Exam Day Instruction
  4. XAT 2025 Exam Day Guidelines
  5. XAT D-Day Instructions 2025
  6. XAT 2025 Exam Strategy
  7. Section-wise XAT 2025 Last-Minute Tips and Exam Day Guidelines
  8. XAT Preparation Books
XAT 2025 Last Minute Tips and Exam Day Guidelines
XAT 2025 Last Minute Tips and Exam Day Guidelines

Last-Minute Tips for XAT 2025: Overview

The Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) is a competitive MBA admission test in India offered by XLRI Jamshedpur. This article contains last-minute advice and exam-day instructions to assist applicants in enhancing their performance and increasing their chances of success. With these points in mind, This article on XAT 2025 last-minute tips and exam day strategies by Careers360 has compiled a list of the finest methods and strategies to use on exam day in order to improve your score.

Before starting the preparation, let us have a short look at the XAT exam pattern 2025. Some changes have been made to the XAT exam pattern in recent years. The section of essay writing has been brought back as part of the XAT test paper. Now the test will be 3 hours and have five sections. With these in mind, this article on XAT 2025 last-minute tips and exam day guidelines by Careers360 has curated a list of the best tips and strategies to follow during the XAT exam day in order to score better.

Indus Business Academy (IBA), Bangalore PGDM Admissions 2025

Triple Accreditation (NBA, IACBE & SAQS) | Dual Specialisation | Merit-Based Scholarships Available

Great Lakes - PGPM & PGDM 2025

Admissions Open | Globally Recognized by AACSB (US) & AMBA (UK) | 17.3 LPA Avg. CTC for PGPM 2024 | Application Deadline: 10th March 2025

Candidates should take note of the following changes for XAT 2025:

  • Essay Writing Section Removed: Starting from XAT 2025, the Essay Writing section has been eliminated from the exam. However, it will continue to be a part of the XLRI selection process in the future.

  • Reduced General Knowledge Questions: The number of questions in the General Knowledge section has been decreased from 25 to 20, allowing for a more focused assessment.

  • No Sectional Time Limits: XAT 2025 will no longer impose sectional time limits, giving candidates greater flexibility in managing their time across different sections of the exam.

XAT 2025 College Predictor
Know your chances for getting calls from MBA colleges by using XAT 2025 College Predictor, based on your category, academic profile & XAT expected score.
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ISBR Business School PGDM Admissions 2025

250+ Companies | Highest CTC 16 LPA | Average CTC 8 LPA | Ranked as Platinum Institute by AICTE for 6 years in a row

ITM Business School MBA Admissions 2025

400+ Company Visits | Highest CTC Offered: 21 LPA | Average CTC Offered: 8.65 LPA | 100% Placement Assurance

Points to Keep in Mind for XAT 2025 Last-Minute Tips

As you approach the XAT 2025 exam, keep in mind these last-minute tips to maximize your performance:

  • Ensure that you revise: Go through all the important concepts, formulas, and strategies you've studied. Focus on revising key topics and solving a few practice questions to reinforce your understanding.
  • Be confident: Believe in your preparation and stay positive. Confidence can significantly impact your performance, helping you tackle questions more effectively.
  • Go through the current affairs: Review recent news and major events, as this will be crucial for the General Knowledge section. Stay updated with the latest developments to answer these questions accurately.
  • Choose the best XAT exam strategy: Decide on a strategy that suits you best, whether it's answering easier questions first or managing time across sections efficiently. Stick to your plan to ensure a smooth exam experience.
  • Always have a backup plan: Be prepared for any unexpected issues, such as technical glitches or time management problems. Having a backup plan will help you stay calm and handle any situation effectively.

XAT 2025 Last-Minute Tips: Exam Day Instruction

Check out below what to carry and what not to carry, etc.

1. Do not forget to carry XAT Admit Card

In all entrance exams, candidates must carry a hard copy of their XAT admit cards. In the XAT MBA entrance exam also, XLRI Jamshedpur will ask candidates to carry at least two hard copies of the XAT 2025 admit card. Before reaching the exam centre of XAT 2025, it will be mandatory for candidates to have their admit cards. No candidate will be allowed to get inside the exam centre if he/she does not possess a hard copy of their XAT admit card 2025.

2. Documents to carry

Apart from a hard copy of the XAT admit card 2025, candidates will be required to carry certain other documents for verification purposes as well. Some of the documents that candidates should carry to the exam centre of XAT 2025 are as follows -

  • Recent passport-size photograph
  • Original Identity card like PAN, Aadhaar, Voter ID, Passport, Driving License
  • Stationery items

As per the exam pattern of XAT 2025, the exam will be conducted in computer-based mode. Hence, candidates are not required to carry anything. A rough sheet will be provided along with a pen if required by candidates.

3. Check the Location of Exam Centre Beforehand

Once candidates download their admit card of XAT 2025, the exam centre allotted to them is mentioned there. As one of the practical pieces of advice on XAT last-minute tips and exam day guidelines, candidates are requested to visit the exam centre a few days before the exam to avoid hindrances on exam day.

XAT 2025 Exam Day Guidelines

  • Be on Reporting Time - Candidates should be at the exam centre of XAT at least one hour before the exam time. The reporting time is also mentioned on the admit card and candidates are required to adhere to the time. No candidate will be allowed to go inside if they are late than the reporting time.
  • No Electronic Gadgets Allowed- To ensure fulfilment of security requirements and avoid any kind of hassle, candidates are advised to not bring any kind of electronic gadgets like mobile phones, digital watches, calculators, etc., Candidates who during checking are found with any such gadgets will not be allowed to continue with their XAT exam and will be debarred.
  • Double Check Answers - As per the XAT 2025 exam pattern, there will be negative markings in the XAT question paper. Hence, after answering candidates should ensure that they have revisited and re-checked their answers to avoid negative markings in wrong answers. If you are unsure, then do not attempt the question at all.

XAT D-Day Instructions 2025

  • Five options per question will be visible to candidates.
  • One question at a time will be there on the screen. Candidates will be able to switch between questions using the next and previous question tab.
  • On the top-right corner of the screen, a timer will be visible. XAT question paper will disappear once the timer gets to zero.
  • If candidates are unsatisfied with marked answers, they can choose to unmark the same by clicking the 'Erase' button given at the bottom.
  • There will be no sectional timing, hence, questions can be answered in any time frame.
  • The option to bookmark a question is also available in case the candidate wishes to review it. This can be done by clicking on the 'Tag' button.

Status of Questions in XAT 2025




Unanswered & Marked for review






Unanswered yet



Answered & Marked for review

  • In case the candidate completes the paper within the stipulated time period, he/she can end the test by clicking the 'Preview Submit' button. Note that candidates will not be allowed to leave the exam hall before three hours i.e. the time duration of XAT 2025 is complete.

  • Even if the candidates do not click on the 'Preview Submit' button, the result will be saved automatically.

XAT 2025 Exam Strategy

Keeping in view the XAT previous year question paper, there are no fixed no. of questions that the candidates need to answer. Given below is a list of questions from each section along with a marking scheme that can be checked by candidates.

XAT Exam Pattern 2025

Number of Questions

XAT Part-I

Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning (VA&LR)


Decision-making (DM)


Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation (QA & DI)



Mock Keyboard Testing



General Knowledge (GK)

10 mins (For the General Knowledge alone)
Total180 minutes

XAT Marking Scheme 2025 - Highlights

  • For each correct answer, one mark will be awarded
  • For each incorrect answer, a 0.25 mark will be deducted
  • A Total of 0.10 mark will be deducted for every eight unattempted questions
  • For the General Knowledge section 20 questions will be asked instead of 25. This would include 12 questions from current affairs and 8 questions from static GK, there will be no negative marking

Also Read- How to prepare for XAT while working?

Section-wise XAT 2025 Last-Minute Tips and Exam Day Guidelines

For Verbal and Logical Ability

  • Topics like Critical Reasoning : Decision making conclusion derivation and theme detection , Sentence Correction, Para Jumbles, Sentence Completion (multiple blanks), Reading Comprehension, etc., will form major questions in this section.

  • The length of Reading Comprehensions and other passages in this section will not be very long but the English used will be difficult to read. Hence, candidates are advised to focus on strengthening their vocabulary for this section.

  • To save time, it is advisable to attempt the questions related to Sentence Completion, Para Jumbles, Cloze test, Vocabulary, etc., and then move on to the difficult and time-consuming questions related to Reasoning, RC, and Correction. In XAT 2025, candidates can expect an equal number of inferential as well as specific detail-based questions.

For General Knowledge

  • There will be no negative marking in this section, hence candidates tend to waste their time on General Knowledge.

  • It is suggested that candidates should answer only those questions which they can answer quickly and accurately.

For Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation

  • In XAT 2025 this section will possibly justify your preparation & hard work. Questions from Arithmetic, Number System, Geometry, Algebra, Base System, and Mathematical Reasoning will be the mainstay in this section.

  • For practice, use your CAT preparation material but don't go beyond the Advanced Level problems. DI sets are usually simple and do not create any problems in terms of reaching the solution.

  • If QADI is strong then you should target almost all questions. Average candidates should target not more than 15-20 questions. The SQC techniques, as well as the three-round approach, will work here.

For Decision Making

  • This section includes Behavioral and Mathematical decision-making questions. In behavioural questions, the situation is described and the protagonist in the passage needs to make a decision and solve his/her dilemma. Candidates are required to suggest the right course of action and mark the correct answer.

  • Eliminate the choices based on the parameters of legality, fairness, and the desired result.

Candidates must thoroughly go through XAT previous year papers and practice as many XAT mock test as they can to strengthen their XAT preparation 2025.

XAT Preparation Books

Choosing the right XAT preparation books is essential because they provide structured and comprehensive coverage of the exam syllabus, ensuring you don't miss any critical topics. These books are often updated with the latest exam patterns and include a variety of practice questions that reflect the types of questions you'll face in the actual exam, helping you become familiar with the format and difficulty level.

Best XAT Books: Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation

Book Name


Salient Features

Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations

RS Aggarwal

Comprehensive coverage of quantitative topics, numerous practice questions, step-by-step solutions.

Data Interpretation for the CAT

Nishit K Sinha

Focuses on data interpretation techniques, includes CAT-level problems, detailed explanations.

How to prepare for Data Interpretation

Arun Sharma

Strategies for different types of DI problems, practice sets, time management tips.

Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examinations

Abhijit Guha

Extensive practice problems, clear explanations, covers various competitive exams.

Best XAT Books: Decision Making

Book Name


Salient Features

Jabbing the XAT (with solved papers)

RK Jha

Previous years’ XAT papers, detailed solutions, mock tests.

Analytical and Logical Reasoning

Arihant Publications

Covers various reasoning topics, practice questions, exam-oriented approach.

Target XAT (Past papers & mock tests)

Disha Publications

Collection of past XAT papers, mock tests, detailed solutions.

Best XAT Books: Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning

Book Name


Salient Features

Word Power Made Easy

Norman Lewis

Vocabulary building, easy-to-understand format, effective word usage.

High School English Grammar & Composition

Wren & Martin

Comprehensive grammar rules, composition techniques, numerous examples.

Analytical Reasoning

MK Pandey

Extensive reasoning problems, clear explanations, practice exercises.

A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning

RS Aggarwal

Wide range of verbal and non-verbal reasoning problems, step-by-step solutions.

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

Ajay Singh

Focuses on reading comprehension, verbal ability, practice questions, strategies.

Best XAT Books: General Knowledge

Book Name


Salient Features

Manorama Year Book

Malayala Manorama Group

Comprehensive annual reference book, current affairs, general knowledge.

Objective General Knowledge (Lucent's)

Sanjiv Kumar

Objective questions, covers a wide range of GK topics, useful for competitive exams.

Lucent's General Knowledge


Detailed coverage of GK topics, frequently asked questions, concise format.

General Knowledge 2025

Manohar Pandey

Updated GK content, current affairs, exam-oriented preparation.

Lucent's General Knowledge 2025

Dr. Binay Karna

Comprehensive GK coverage, useful for various competitive exams.

Arihant’s General Knowledge 2024

Manohar Pandey

Extensive GK content, current affairs, competitive exam preparation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why is last minute revision important?

Go through all the important concepts, formulas, and strategies you've studied. Focus on revising key topics and solving a few practice questions to reinforce your understanding.

2. Does XAT have a negative marking?

The XAT 2025 exam has negative marking. Candidates should carefully evaluate their responses to avoid losing points for wrong answers. If you are doubtful about a question, do not try it.

3. Does confidence really matter?

Maintain a good approach and trust your preparations. Confidence may significantly boost your performance and allow you to answer questions more effectively.

4. When should I arrive at the examination hall?

Candidates must appear at the XAT exam center at least an hour before the exam begins. The reporting time is on the admission card, and applicants must adhere to it. Those who arrive late will not be permitted to enter.

5. Is final rechecking significant?

Yes, it is necessary to review all of the answers to ensure that none of the answer you attempted are wrongly marked, as well as to double-check that all attempted answers are accurate from your end.


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Questions related to XAT

Have a question related to XAT ?

Yes, it is definitely possible for you to get an interview call from Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai for their PGDM program, even with a 73 percentile in XAT 2025. While the typical cutoff for XAT may be higher, around 85 percentile, Great Lakes considers a variety of factors in their selection process, including academic performance, work experience, and diversity in the class.

Since you are a non-engineer female candidate, that diversity is seen as a positive aspect. Even with your XAT score, if you have a strong academic record, relevant work experience, and a clear passion for management, you can still stand out in the application process.

To increase your chances:

Prepare thoroughly for the interview by focusing on your experiences, what drives you, and how you align with the program’s values.

Highlight your unique background and any leadership roles you’ve had.

Show how Great Lakes fits with your career goals.

While the competition can be tough, if you present a well-rounded application and give your best in the interview, you can definitely convert the call into an offer.

With a 74 percentile in the XAT 2025 exam, you are eligible to apply to several reputable MBA colleges in India. Some of the top institutions that typically accept candidates within the 70-80 percentile range include KIIT School of Management (KSOM), Bhubaneswar; Jaipuria Institute of Management (multiple campuses); Welingkar Institute of Management (WeSchool), Bangalore; Woxsen University, Hyderabad; IFMR Graduate School of Business at KREA University, Sri City; BIM Trichy (Bharathidasan Institute of Management), Tiruchirappalli; and XIME Bangalore (Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship).

To proceed, research each institution's application deadlines and procedures and ensure you submit all required documents promptly. Be prepared for further selection stages such as group discussions, personal interviews, and written ability tests. Evaluate each program's curriculum, faculty, placement records, and campus culture to determine the best fit for your career goals. While your XAT percentile is significant, remember that your overall profile, including academic records, work experience, and extracurricular activities, also plays a crucial role in the selection process.

Admission to MICA's PGDM and PGDM-C programs involves a multi-stage selection process. The final composite score is calculated with the following weightage:

  • CAT/ XAT/ GMAT - 35%
  • MICAT - 25%
  • GE (Group Exercise) - 10%
  • PI - 20%
  • Academic performance (10th, 12th, Graduation) - 5%
  • Extra- curricular - 5%

Your XAT score is 73, performing exceptionally well in MICAT can enhance your chances of being shortlisted for the GE and PI rounds. Specific score requirements for MICAT are not publicly disclosed, focusing on thorough preparation and aiming for high performance in each section will strengthen your application.


Based on the previous year analysis, According to your XAT percentile some of the colleges in which there is chances to get a seat are the following

  • NSB Academy, Bangalore
  • Presidency college, Bangalore
  • Myra School of Business, Mysore
  • International School of Management Science, Bangalore
  • Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore
  • Dhruva college of Management, Hyderabad

There are many other colleges and Institute thay offer admission with 43 percentile in XAT. You can predict the colleges using the XAT college predictor tool.

Hope this information will help you

Based on your high academic background (a CGPA of 9.5), you have a strong profile overall. Regarding your XAT score of 32.7 percentile, it's important to keep in mind that different institutes have varying cutoff criteria and selection processes.

XIME typically considers the following criteria for admissions:

  • XAT/ CAT/ GMAT score
  • Academic performance
  • Work experience

Your XAT percentile is on the lower side, getting a direct call for GD/PI from XIME may be unlikely, as they generally prefer candidates with higher percentiles (around 50 or above). However, the fact that you have an excellent academic record can make you a standout candidate in the holistic evaluation process.

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Marketing Director

A career as Marketing Director is also known as a marketing expert who is responsible for the overall marketing aspect of the company. He or she oversees plans and develops the company's budget. The marketing Director collaborates with the business team to plan and develop the marketing and branding strategies for the company's products or services. 

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A Business Development Executive (BDE) is a professional responsible for identifying growth opportunities and fostering strategic partnerships to enhance a company's market position. Typically, a BDE conducts market research, analyses industry trends, and identifies potential clients or business prospects. He or she plays a crucial role in developing and implementing sales strategies to achieve revenue targets. 

A BDE often collaborates with cross-functional teams, including marketing and product development, to align business objectives. Strong communication, negotiation, and relationship-building skills are essential for success in this role. BDE strives to expand the company's customer base, drive sales, and contribute to overall organisational growth in a dynamic and competitive business environment.

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Content Marketing Specialists are also known as Content Specialists. They are responsible for crafting content, editing and developing it to meet the requirements of digital marketing campaigns. To ensure that the material created is consistent with the overall aims of a digital marketing campaign, content marketing specialists work closely with SEO and digital marketing professionals.

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The Sales Manager work also includes hiring and laying off sales personnel after evaluating his or her work performance. In bigger entities, sales quotas and plans are usually set at the executive level. He or she is responsible for overseeing the set target or quotas met by salespeople or upholding any policy. He or she guides his or her fellow salespeople and allows them to sell.

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In a business analyst  job role a lot of analysis is done, things are learned from past mistakes and the successful strategies are enhanced further. A business analyst goes through real-world data in order to provide the most feasible solutions to an organisation. Students can pursue Business Analytics to become Business Analysts. 

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A marketing manager is a person who oversees a company or product marketing. He or she can be in charge of multiple programmes or goods or can be in charge of one product. He or she is enthusiastic, organised, and very diligent in meeting financial constraints. He or she works with other team members to produce advertising campaigns and decides if a new product or service is marketable. 

A Marketing manager plans and executes marketing initiatives to create demand for goods and services and increase consumer awareness of them. A marketing manager prevents unauthorised statements and informs the public that the business is doing everything to investigate and fix the line of products. Students can pursue an MBA in Marketing Management courses to become marketing managers.

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Digital Marketing Executive

Digital marketing is growing, diverse, and is covering a wide variety of career paths. Each job function aids in the development of effective digital marketing strategies and techniques. The aims and objectives of the individuals who opt for a career as a digital marketing executive are similar to those of a marketing professional: to build brand awareness, promote company services or products, and increase conversions. Individuals who opt for a career as Digital Marketing Executives, unlike traditional marketing companies, communicate effectively through suitable technology platforms.

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