CAT Slot 3 Analysis 2024 (Available) - Detailed Paper Analysis of CAT Exam Slot 3

CAT Slot 3 Analysis 2024 (Available) - Detailed Paper Analysis of CAT Exam Slot 3

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Dec 03, 2024 07:46 AM IST | #CAT

The CAT 2024 exam slot 3 has been concluded on November 24, 2024. As per the CAT 2024 slot 3 analysis, the overall level of the exam was moderate to difficult. A total of 68 questions were asked in the slot 3 CAT 2024 exam, with 24 questions from VARC, 22 questions from Quant, and 22 questions from DILR. The CAT 2024 slot 3 question paper included a mix of question types, and candidates can refer to the CAT 2024 slot 3 memory-based paper for a better understanding of the pattern. For those looking for additional practice, the CAT 2024 slot 3 memory-based questions are also available.

This Story also Contains
  1. CAT 2024 Answer Key and Response Sheet
  2. CAT Slot 3 Analysis 2024
  3. CAT Exam Analysis - Important Links
  4. CAT Exam Pattern 2024
  5. CAT Cutoff 2024
  6. CAT Slot 3 Analysis 2023
  7. CAT 2022 Slot 3 Analysis
  8. Detailed CAT 2022 Slot 3 Analysis
  9. CAT 2024 Slot 3 Question Paper Analysis
  10. CAT 2024 Slot 3 Question Paper PDF
CAT Slot 3 Analysis 2024 (Available) - Detailed Paper Analysis of CAT Exam Slot 3
CAT Slot 3 Analysis 2024 (Available) - Detailed Paper Analysis of CAT Exam Slot 3

VARC was easy to moderate. Summary questions were hard, while the passages were easy but a bit lengthy. The quant section was the toughest of all. TITA questions were more in number. Questions from topics such as remainder theorem, chord, Time, Speed, and Distance, Profit & loss, and Average were asked in the exam. The overall difficulty level, as per the CAT 2024 slot 3 analysis, reflects the challenges faced by candidates across different sections, with particular emphasis on the quantitative aptitude section.

The DILR section was moderate to difficult. 3 DI sets were asked, with 1 set of 5 questions and 2 sets of 3 questions each. There was a question based on the intersection of 3 horizontal lines and 3 vertical lines, where each intersection repeats an ATM. There are only 6 ATMs, and 3 are blank. Another DI was based on bar graphs, from which 4 questions were asked. Additionally, there was a DI based on the GDP of 8 countries, with 2 more countries and their values provided. The students needed to make a comparison among them. One question on the Line graph, indicating the temperature, was also asked. Overall, CAT 2024 slot 3 was the toughest slot of all, according to the feedback and the CAT 2024 slot 3 analysis.

Indus Business Academy (IBA), Bangalore PGDM Admissions 2025

Triple Accreditation (NBA, IACBE & SAQS) | Dual Specialisation | Merit-Based Scholarships Available

Great Lakes - PGPM & PGDM 2025

Admissions Open | Globally Recognized by AACSB (US) & AMBA (UK) | 17.3 LPA Avg. CTC for PGPM 2024 | Extended Application Deadline: 10th Feb 2024

After the release of all CAT slot analysis, CAT exam takers can predict the CAT cut off marks required for the MBA admission 2025-27. Check out the detailed section-wise CAT slot 3 analysis 2024, number of good attempts in CAT exam, etc here.

CAT 2024 Answer Key and Response Sheet

IIM Calcutta has official released the CAT 2024 answer key and response sheet for slot 1, 2, and 3 on its official website. To get the complete answer key click on Download CAT 2024 Slot 3 Answer key


CAT Slot 3 Analysis 2024

The CAT 2024 slot 3 question paper consisted of 68 questions in total. The CAT 2024 slot 3 analysis suggests that the pattern for all slots remains the same. The VARC, DILR, and QA sections consisted of 24, 22, and 22 questions, respectively. The CAT 2024 slot 3 highlights include a time duration of 2 hours for the exam, with 40 minutes allotted per section.

CAT 2024 slot 3 Analysis Video

CAT 2024 Slot 3 Initial Estimates of Percentiles


Slot 3



































CAT 2024 Slot 3 Analysis of Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

Titles of the Questions

Number of Questions

Difficulty level

RC 1 - The Story of the Success of

liquor brand Moutai



RC 2 - Space Contamination


Medium to Difficult

RC 3 - RC on Endangered Languages



RC 4 - The need for A regulations




Number of Questions


Difficulty Level

Verbal Ability




Paragraph Completion



Medium - Difficult




Medium - Difficult

Odd Sentence



Medium - Difficult

CAT 2024 Slot 3 Analysis of Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning


Number of Questions

Type of Questions

Difficulty Level

App subscription


4 MCQs


Room temperature based on line graph


2 MCQs, 3



ATMs based question on Network of roads and


3 MCQ, 2


Medium to Difficult

Proteins-Carbohydrates in

food items




The GDP of 10 countries


3 MCQs, 1



CAT 2024 Slot 3 Analysis of Quantitative Aptitude


Number of Questions







Modern Maths




CAT Exam Analysis - Important Links

CAT 2024 College Predictor
Know Your Chances for getting Calls from IIMs & other Top MBA Colleges through CAT Percentile, based on your category, academic profile, work-ex & CAT result.
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CAT Exam Pattern 2024

Before going for CAT slot 3 analysis, you need to know about CAT paper pattern and marking scheme.

CAT 2024 Exam Components

CAT 2024 Pattern

Test duration

2 hrs (120 Minutes)

Test sessions/ Slots

3 (Morning, Afternoon and Evening)

CAT Slot 3 timing
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM

Total Questions


Number of Sections in CAT question paper


Time allotted for each section in the CAT exam

40 Minutes

ISBR Business School PGDM Admissions 2025

Last Date of Applications- 20th February |250+ Companies | Highest CTC 16 LPA | Average CTC 8 LPA | Ranked as Platinum Institute by AICTE for 6 years in a row

ICFAI Business School MBA/PGPM 2025

25+ years of IBS legacy | 9 Campuses

CAT 2024 Slot 3 Exam Analysis: Marking Scheme

As per the released official notification of the CAT exam, there is no change in the CAT exam marking scheme, check out the same given below.

  • For each wrong MCQ answer, a -1 mark is deducted from the candidate’s overall score

  • For each correct MCQ or TITA answer, +3 marks are awarded to the candidates

  • There is no negative marking for TITA Questions

Quick Link -

CAT Cutoff 2024

CAT cutoffs 2024 for admission to the IIMs range between 95-100 percentile for all categories. Candidates belonging to the General category need to secure at least 98-100 CAT percentile to get a call from top IIMs. For the upcoming batch CAT cutoffs are expected to be in the same range. The IIMs are other top MBA colleges such as MDI, FMS, IMT, SPJIMR, MICA etc. also release the qualifying CAT cut offs for WAT and PI shortlisting much before the announcement of the CAT result.

CAT Slot 3 Analysis 2023

According to last year's CAT aspirants, the VARC section was easy to moderate, the DILR was moderate to difficult, and the QA was slightly more difficult than slot 1 and 2.

  • Verbal Ability Reading Comprehension: The CAT VARC section in slot 3 has 16 RC passages with 400-450 words. In it 3- Doable, 1- Difficult. It has Odd Sentence, Para Jumble, and Summary in a total of 8.
  • Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning: The DILR section has 20 questions with 8-10 Questions Doable. It has topics from Route Based Diagram, Online Sites, Girls / Boys (LR Caselet) Tests, Caselet- Window/ Split AC.
  • Quantitative Aptitude: The QA section has 22 questions with a level of difficulty. This section in CAT slot 3 has topics in Factors, Indices, Integral Values, Log, Equations, Functions, Sequence and Series, Algebraic Expression, Circle, Polygon, Triangle, and Arithmetic.

CAT 2023 Slot 3 Analysis

Section Name in CAT Exam Slot 3
Number of questions in CAT Slot 3
CAT Slot 3 Difficulty Level
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning
Quantitative Ability
Moderate to Difficult
Moderate to Difficult

Check out the detailed CAT 2023 slot 3 analysis here

CAT 2022 Slot 3 Analysis

According to the CAT 2022 slot 3 analysis, the paper has a total of 66 questions, and the average attempt made by the candidates was 35 to 40. Ankush Surin, a CAT aspirant said that the paper was relatively tough in comparison to last year. "The CAT paper appeared tough to me. I can hardly attempt 35 to 40 questions, as the questions in DILR were tough and time-consuming," he said.

Another candidate Ritushree Roy reviewed the paper as moderately difficult, with questions in the reading comprehension section found to be easy, while the DILR, and VARC sections were a bit difficult. "I could hardly attempt 25 to 30 questions and was not satisfied with the exam. I will appear for the CAT next year."

Specifics in CAT 2022 Slot 3?

  • Sections - As per CAT 2022 slot 3 analysis, there were three sections namely Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DI & LR), and Quantitative Ability (QA).
  • Sectional Duration - In slot 3 of CAT 2022, candidates got 40 minutes per section. No candidate was allowed to switch between sections. Once the 40 minutes are over, the next section appears on the screen automatically.

Detailed CAT 2022 Slot 3 Analysis

When going to know about CAT exam time duration, Slot 3 was conducted on November 27 from 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm. The overall difficulty level for VARC, DILR, and QA is available in detail in the CAT 2022 analysis by students on this page. The section-wise difficulty level and expected cutoff also form part of the CAT paper analysis.

In the CAT 2024 slot 3 analysis, the DILR section was of easy to moderate difficulty, with only 2 sets being of moderate difficulty. The VARC section was simpler compared to the other two slots, with 2 extensive passages and para jumbles, but no antonyms or synonyms questions. The CAT slot 3 difficulty level in the QA section was mild, a contrast to the CAT 2022 slot 3 where the quant questions were trickier and required more time to solve, often leading to candidates losing valuable time on other QA questions. This was reflected in the overall CAT paper review slot 3, where the balance of difficulty across sections stood out. The section-wise analysis CAT slot 3 provides insights into these trends.

CAT 2022 Slot 3 Section Wise Analysis

Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension: The CAT 2021 slot 3 VARC section was comparable in difficulty level in all three slots and had the same segmentation. The bulk of the questions were of medium difficulty, and even difficult for quite a few questions. There were very few simple questions. There were 4 passages in Comprehension: 2 passages with 4 Qs each and 2 passages with 5 Qs each. Most of the questions were argumentative and application-based. Questions from the CAT 2021 slot 3 VA also did not offer much respite. To arrive at the response, they also required careful deliberation. The only consolation was that the forms of Summary, Odd Sentence, and Paragraph Jumble questions were answered by common questions.

Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning: As per the CAT DILR analysis, the most challenging part was this section. There were a total of 5 sets, each with 2 sets of 6 questions and 3 sets of 4 questions.

Once again the set range was an essential factor and would have determined the number of questions students could try. There were two sets that were simple and fast to do. One was really rough. DI was the hardest section overall and the 6 question sets were tricky again.

DILR Analysis Table:


Set Description

Number of Questions

Level of Difficulty

Question Type

Data Interpretation

Four facilities in a school


Easy to Medium

2 TITA + 2 MCQ

Organization delivering groceries


Medium to Difficult


Logical Reasoning

Game of six rounds


Medium to Difficult

4 TITA + 2 MCQ

Farmer and four daughters


Medium to Difficult


Patients undergoing blood test


Easy to Medium


Quantitative Ability: The QA segment of Slot 3 of CAT 2021 was also dominated by Arithmetic, like Slots 1 and 2 (10 questions). The focus was, however, significantly lower on Algebra than in the first two slots. For Algebra, there were 4 questions. There were also 5 questions about modern mathematics, 4 questions about geometry, and 3 questions about numbers. Slot 3 also had a range of questions about time, like the first two slots, Velocity-Distance.

This year there were 8 TITA Qs. Overall, this segment was at a medium difficulty level. The trick was choosing the right questions to try. Good students in the given period should have been able to try around 16 to 18 questions.

QA Analysis Table:

Area/Q Type

No of Questions







Easy to medium



Medium to difficult




Modern Maths



Based on the feedback received from IMS students, we estimate the CAT scores vs percentiles for Slot 3 as follows:

Score VARC
Score DILR
Score QA
Overall Score

Quick Links - IIM Admission Criteria 2025-27

CAT 2024 Slot 3 Question Paper Analysis

If a candidate finds the above analysis of the CAT 2024 slot 3 examinations, they are advised to download the elaborated ebook designed by Careers360 that includes a variety of questions asked in the CAT 204 slot 3 examination. This will help the candidates understand the exam trends and the varying exam difficulty among the various slots within the CAT 2024 examinations.



CAT 2024 Slot-3 Paper Analysis

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CAT 2024 Slot 3 Question Paper PDF

The limited memory-based questions available in the article may not be adequate for the candidates. Hence, Careers360 has compiled an ebook for that contains the questions of the CAT 2024 slot 3 questions. This resource will be very helpful for the candidates.



CAT 2024 Slot 3 Question Paper

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How many slots are there in CAT exam and what are their timings?

The CAT exam is conducted in three slots on the same day i.e. November 24, 2024. The timings of the CAT exam slots are as follows:

  • Slot 1: 8:30 AM to 10:30
  • Slot 2: 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM
  • Slot 3: 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM 


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Questions related to CAT

Have a question related to CAT ?


Securing a seat in a National Institute of Technology (NIT) with a JEE Main score of 67 as an SC category candidate is challenging. Consider the following points:

  • Qualifying Cutoff : The expected qualifying cutoff for SC candidates in JEE Main 2025 is around 65 marks.

  • Admission Prospects : While you may qualify for JEE Advanced, admission to NITs typically requires higher scores. For instance, in previous years, SC candidates needed higher marks to secure seats in NITs.

  • Improvement Opportunity : Consider preparing for the next JEE Main attempt to achieve a higher score, thereby enhancing admission prospects in subsequent counseling rounds.

You can also use the JEE Mains College Predictor Tool to predict which college you can get based on your score.

Hope you find it useful!


With an 88 percentile in the JEE Main exam and belonging to the SC category from Karnataka, your chances of securing a Computer Science Engineering (CSE) seat in NITs, IIITs, or GFTIs are as follows:

  • NITs :

    • Top NITs like NIT Trichy or NIT Surathkal have higher cutoffs for CSE. For instance, in 2024, the closing rank for SC category in CSE at NIT Trichy was around 1,171.
    • With an 88 percentile, your rank might be higher than these cutoffs, making it challenging to secure a CSE seat in top NITs.
  • IIITs :

    • IIITs also have competitive cutoffs for CSE. For example, IIITM Gwalior had a closing rank of 11,494 in 2024, making it highly competitive.
    • Your current percentile may not meet the typical cutoffs for CSE in top IIITs.
  • GFTIs :

    • GFTIs generally have higher closing ranks compared to NITs and IIITs, providing a more accessible option.
    • You may have a better chance of securing a CSE seat in GFTIs with your current percentile.

Hope you find it useful !


According to the NIFT 2025 exam schedule , the General Ability Test (GAT) is from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, and the Creative Ability Test (CAT) is from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM. This indicates a gap of 3.5 hours between the two tests.

The official guidelines do not specify whether candidates are allowed to leave the exam center during this interval. Therefore, it's advisable to:

  1. Check the Admit Card : Specific instructions regarding breaks may be mentioned.

  2. Contact the Exam Center : Reach out directly to confirm their policy on leaving during the interval.

By taking these steps, you can ensure compliance with the exam center's policies and plan your day effectively.

Hope you find it useful !

The CDAC C-CAT exam dates for the August 2025 batch haven't been announced yet. However, I can provide you with some information on the exam schedule for the February 2025 batch, which might give us an idea of what to expect for the August batch.

The CDAC C-CAT exam for the February 2025 batch was held on January 11 and 12, 2025.The application form for the February batch was available from November 2024 to December 30, 2024.

Typically, the CDAC C-CAT exam is conducted twice a year, in June and December, for admissions to the August and February batches, respectively. However, the exact dates for the August 2025 batch will be announced separately.

To stay updated on the CDAC C-CAT exam dates and other important events, I recommend checking the official CDAC website regularly.


Hello there,

A B.CAT (Bachelor of Creative Arts & Technology) in Film Editing is mainly focused on the media and entertainment industry. However, you can still apply for certain government jobs , such as:

  • Broadcasting & Media Jobs – Doordarshan, All India Radio (Prasar Bharati).

  • Government Film & Cultural Departments – Film archives, cultural boards, and media units.

  • Teaching & Academics – Apply for lecturer roles in government colleges after additional qualifications.

  • General Government Exams – SSC, UPSC, Banking, Railways, State PSCs (degree holders are eligible).

For core government film editing roles , experience and certification from recognized institutes can improve your chances.

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.

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Directions for question :

M/s Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, one of the top four audit and accounting firms in the world with headquarters at London, UK, and with an operational presence in 153 countries, hires Management Trainees (MT) from all the premier management institutes of India thrice every year, in the months of January, May and September.

Each new group of Management Trainees (MT) have to go through a four month rigorous training schedule, after which they have to pass through a test consisting of a written assessment and a case-analysis. The top hundred ranked Management Trainees (MT) based on the performance in the test are confirmed as Management Executives (ME). The rest are given the opportunity of undergoing the training for four months one more time along with the next batch of Management Trainees (MT) and then passing through the subsequent test consisting of the written assessment and case-analysis. The Management Trainee (MT) who fails to get confirmed as a Management Executive (ME) the second time is fired.

The scatter-graph below depicts the number of Management Trainees (MT) at Deloitte taking the tests from January 2020 till May 2022, and the vis-à-vis hired Management Trainees (MT) at Deloitte who were fired :

It is also known that for the month of September 2019 at Deloitte, 96 hired Management Trainees (MT) failed to be confirmed as a Management Executive (ME) the first time, and that 36 hired Management Trainees (MT) were fired. 

Question :

In which test did the minimum number of Management Trainees (MT) get confirmed as a Management Executive (ME) in the second attempt ?

Option: 1

September 2020



Option: 2

May 2021

Option: 3

January 2021


Option: 4

January 2022 

Directions for question:

Two friends Moloy and Niloy passed out from the Purulia Institute of Science and Technology with B.Tech degrees in Mechanical Engineering, but even after a year placement was hard to find. So they decided to take the challenge head-on, came down to Kolkata, rented a garage space on Park Street, and having an affinity towards making people enjoy good food, started their firm named 'B.Tech Bread-Omlette Wala'. 

They started with three items on the menu. One was the French Toast which could be prepared in 3 minutes. The second was the Egg Tortillas which took 15 minutes to prepare. Any one of Moloy and Niloy could prepare any one of them at a time. The third was the Egg Bhurji with French Fries. This however was prepared on an automated fryer which could prepare 3 servings at a time and took 5 minutes irrespective of the number of servings equal to or below 3. The fryer did not need anyone to attend to it, and the time to put in the raw ingredients could be neglected. So one could tend to the preparation of other items while the Egg Bhurji with French Fries were being prepared. 

They wanted to serve the orders as early as possible after the order was given. The individual items in any order were served as and when all the items were ready, and the order was then considered closed. None of the items on the menu were prepared in advance in anticipation of future orders. 

On the first day, 3 groups of customers came in and ordered at 6.00 pm, 6.10 pm, and 6.13 pm. The first order was for a plate of Egg Tortillas, two plates of French Toast, and three plates of Egg Bhurji with French Fries. The second order was for a plate of French Toast and two plates of Egg Bhurji with French Fries. The third order was for a plate of Egg Tortilla and a plate of Egg Bhurji with French Fries. 

On the backdrop of the above information answer the questions given :


Assuming that the next customer's order could only be attended to when the previous customer's order was closed, at what time would the first customer's order be considered closed ?


Option: 1

6.15 pm



Option: 2

6.17 pm


Option: 3

6.18 pm


Option: 4

6.20 pm

Directions for question :

Six sticks of equal lengths were kept in the vertical position in an empty flower-vase, to be arranged at the six corners of a regular hexagon. The two ends of each of the sticks were of different colours. 

The top ends of the sticks were one of each of the following colours – Red, Cyan, Pink, Brown, Black and Green. The bottom ends were one of each of the following colours – Blue, Yellow, White, Orange, Purple and Grey. Both the sets of colours mentioned were in no particular order.

It was also known that :

a) The stick with the red colour was opposite to the stick with the blue colour

b) There were exactly two sticks whose both ends had colours whose names started with the same letter

c) The stick with the grey colour was adjacent to the stick with the white colour

d) The stick with the cyan colour was adjacent to both the sticks with the brown colour and the one with the blue colour

e) The stick with the purple colour was adjacent to both the sticks with the grey colour and the one with the green colour

f) The stick with the white colour was opposite to the stick with the green colour

Question :

What was the colour of the bottom end of the stick having brown colour at the top end ?

Option: 1



Option: 2


Option: 3



Option: 4


Directions for question:

Two friends Moloy and Niloy passed out from the Purulia Institute of Science and Technology with B.Tech degrees in Mechanical Engineering, but even after a year placement was hard to find. So they decided to take the challenge head-on, came down to Kolkata, rented a garage space on Park Street, and having an affinity towards making people enjoy good food, started their firm named 'B.Tech Bread-Omlette Wala'. 

They started with three items on the menu. One was the French Toast which could be prepared in 3 minutes. The second was the Egg Tortillas which took 15 minutes to prepare. Any one of Moloy and Niloy could prepare any one of them at a time. The third was the Egg Bhurji with French Fries. This however was prepared on an automated fryer which could prepare 3 servings at a time and took 5 minutes irrespective of the number of servings equal to or below 3. The fryer did not need anyone to attend to it, and the time to put in the raw ingredients could be neglected. So one could tend to the preparation of other items while the Egg Bhurji with French Fries were being prepared. 

They wanted to serve the orders as early as possible after the order was given. The individual items in any order were served as and when all the items were ready, and the order was then considered closed. None of the items on the menu were prepared in advance in anticipation of future orders. 

On the first day, 3 groups of customers came in and ordered at 6.00 pm, 6.10 pm, and 6.13 pm. The first order was for a plate of Egg Tortillas, two plates of French Toast, and three plates of Egg Bhurji with French Fries. The second order was for a plate of French Toast and two plates of Egg Bhurji with French Fries. The third order was for a plate of Egg Tortilla and a plate of Egg Bhurji with French Fries. 

On the backdrop of the above information answer the questions given :


Assuming that the next customer's order could only be attended to when the previous customer's order was closed, at what time would the third customer's order be considered closed ?


Option: 1

6.28 pm


Option: 2

6.35 pm


Option: 3

6.38 pm

Option: 4

6.45 pm

Directions for question:

Two friends Moloy and Niloy passed out from the Purulia Institute of Science and Technology with B.Tech degrees in Mechanical Engineering, but even after a year placement was hard to find. So they decided to take the challenge head-on, came down to Kolkata, rented a garage space on Park Street, and having an affinity towards making people enjoy good food, started their firm named 'B.Tech Bread-Omlette Wala'. 

They started with three items on the menu. One was the French Toast which could be prepared in 3 minutes. The second was the Egg Tortillas which took 15 minutes to prepare. Any one of Moloy and Niloy could prepare any one of them at a time. The third was the Egg Bhurji with French Fries. This however was prepared on an automated fryer which could prepare 3 servings at a time and took 5 minutes irrespective of the number of servings equal to or below 3. The fryer did not need anyone to attend to it, and the time to put in the raw ingredients could be neglected. So one could tend to the preparation of other items while the Egg Bhurji with French Fries were being prepared. 

They wanted to serve the orders as early as possible after the order was given. The individual items in any order were served as and when all the items were ready, and the order was then considered closed. None of the items on the menu were prepared in advance in anticipation of future orders. 

On the first day, 3 groups of customers came in and ordered at 6.00 pm, 6.10 pm, and 6.13 pm. The first order was for a plate of Egg Tortillas, two plates of French Toast, and three plates of Egg Bhurji with French Fries. The second order was for a plate of French Toast and two plates of Egg Bhurji with French Fries. The third order was for a plate of Egg Tortilla and a plate of Egg Bhurji with French Fries. 

On the backdrop of the above information answer the questions given :


Suppose Moloy and Niloy had decided to process multiple orders at the same time, however strictly prioritising a first come first serve basis, when would the second customer's order be considered closed ?

Option: 1

6.20 pm



Option: 2

6.18 pm

Option: 3

6.15 pm


Option: 4

6.12 pm

Directions for question:

Two friends Moloy and Niloy passed out from the Purulia Institute of Science and Technology with B.Tech degrees in Mechanical Engineering, but even after a year placement was hard to find. So they decided to take the challenge head-on, came down to Kolkata, rented a garage space on Park Street, and having an affinity towards making people enjoy good food, started their firm named 'B.Tech Bread-Omlette Wala'. 

They started with three items on the menu. One was the French Toast which could be prepared in 3 minutes. The second was the Egg Tortillas which took 15 minutes to prepare. Any one of Moloy and Niloy could prepare any one of them at a time. The third was the Egg Bhurji with French Fries. This however was prepared on an automated fryer which could prepare 3 servings at a time and took 5 minutes irrespective of the number of servings equal to or below 3. The fryer did not need anyone to attend to it, and the time to put in the raw ingredients could be neglected. So one could tend to the preparation of other items while the Egg Bhurji with French Fries were being prepared. 

They wanted to serve the orders as early as possible after the order was given. The individual items in any order were served as and when all the items were ready, and the order was then considered closed. None of the items on the menu were prepared in advance in anticipation of future orders. 

On the first day, 3 groups of customers came in and ordered at 6.00 pm, 6.10 pm, and 6.13 pm. The first order was for a plate of Egg Tortillas, two plates of French Toast, and three plates of Egg Bhurji with French Fries. The second order was for a plate of French Toast and two plates of Egg Bhurji with French Fries. The third order was for a plate of Egg Tortilla and a plate of Egg Bhurji with French Fries. 

On the backdrop of the above information answer the questions given :


Suppose Moloy and Niloy had decided to process multiple orders at the same time, however strictly prioritising a first come first serve basis, when would the third customer's order be considered closed ?


Option: 1

6.22 pm


Option: 2

6.25 pm

Option: 3

6.28 pm 

Option: 4

6.30 pm

Directions for question:

Two friends Moloy and Niloy passed out from the Purulia Institute of Science and Technology with B.Tech degrees in Mechanical Engineering, but even after a year placement was hard to find. So they decided to take the challenge head-on, came down to Kolkata, rented a garage space on Park Street, and having an affinity towards making people enjoy good food, started their firm named 'B.Tech Bread-Omlette Wala'. 

They started with three items on the menu. One was the French Toast which could be prepared in 3 minutes. The second was the Egg Tortillas which took 15 minutes to prepare. Any one of Moloy and Niloy could prepare any one of them at a time. The third was the Egg Bhurji with French Fries. This however was prepared on an automated fryer which could prepare 3 servings at a time and took 5 minutes irrespective of the number of servings equal to or below 3. The fryer did not need anyone to attend to it, and the time to put in the raw ingredients could be neglected. So one could tend to the preparation of other items while the Egg Bhurji with French Fries were being prepared. 

They wanted to serve the orders as early as possible after the order was given. The individual items in any order were served as and when all the items were ready, and the order was then considered closed. None of the items on the menu were prepared in advance in anticipation of future orders. 

On the first day, 3 groups of customers came in and ordered at 6.00 pm, 6.10 pm, and 6.13 pm. The first order was for a plate of Egg Tortillas, two plates of French Toast, and three plates of Egg Bhurji with French Fries. The second order was for a plate of French Toast and two plates of Egg Bhurji with French Fries. The third order was for a plate of Egg Tortilla and a plate of Egg Bhurji with French Fries. 

On the backdrop of the above information answer the questions given :


A fourth customer comes in and orders two plates of French Toast at 6.24 pm. Suppose Moloy and Niloy had decided to process multiple orders at the same time, however strictly prioritising a first come first serve basis. For exactly how many minutes would one of the friends be idle from 6.00 pm till serving the last customer, assuming that the four customers were the only ones to have come in within the period being discussed ?

Option: 1



Option: 2


Option: 3


Option: 4


Directions for question:

Two friends Moloy and Niloy passed out from the Purulia Institute of Science and Technology with B.Tech degrees in Mechanical Engineering, but even after a year placement was hard to find. So they decided to take the challenge head-on, came down to Kolkata, rented a garage space on Park Street, and having an affinity towards making people enjoy good food, started their firm named 'B.Tech Bread-Omlette Wala'. 

They started with three items on the menu. One was the French Toast which could be prepared in 3 minutes. The second was the Egg Tortillas which took 15 minutes to prepare. Any one of Moloy and Niloy could prepare any one of them at a time. The third was the Egg Bhurji with French Fries. This however was prepared on an automated fryer which could prepare 3 servings at a time and took 5 minutes irrespective of the number of servings equal to or below 3. The fryer did not need anyone to attend to it, and the time to put in the raw ingredients could be neglected. So one could tend to the preparation of other items while the Egg Bhurji with French Fries were being prepared. 

They wanted to serve the orders as early as possible after the order was given. The individual items in any order were served as and when all the items were ready, and the order was then considered closed. None of the items on the menu were prepared in advance in anticipation of future orders. 

On the first day, 3 groups of customers came in and ordered at 6.00 pm, 6.10 pm, and 6.13 pm. The first order was for a plate of Egg Tortillas, two plates of French Toast, and three plates of Egg Bhurji with French Fries. The second order was for a plate of French Toast and two plates of Egg Bhurji with French Fries. The third order was for a plate of Egg Tortilla and a plate of Egg Bhurji with French Fries. 

On the backdrop of the above information answer the questions given :


Had Niloy been absent on that day, and assuming that the next customer's order could only be attended to when the previous customer's order was closed, at what time would the fourth customer's order (refer to the previous question) be considered closed ?

Option: 1

6:38 pm


Option: 2

6:42 pm


Option: 3

6:47 pm

Option: 4

6:49 pm

Directions for question:

The bar-graph given below shows the foreign exchange reserves of Nepal (in million Rupees) from 2014 to 2021. Answer the following questions based on the graph :


What was the percentage increase (rounded to the nearest integer, if deemed necessary) in the foreign exchange reserves in 2020 over 2016 ?

Option: 1 None

Option: 2 None

Option: 3 None

Option: 4 None

Directions for question:

The Jadavpur University’s Prince Anwar Shah Road hostel consists of two large separate buildings, one for the ladies and the other for the gents, while having a common kitchen and dining hall. It is the hostel of the CS and the EEC department of engineering students of the university.

In recognition of the growing dissatisfaction and hence complaints among the inmates of the hostel regarding the menu served for dinner, the Dean of the engineering department, Dr Aparesh Sanyal, personally decided to investigate the matter. He set about collecting information about the preference of dinner among the inmates, separately from the gents and the ladies wing of the hostel.

Dr Sanyal was able to gather the following partial information :  


Hostel inmates

Menu preference for dinner


Egg Meal

Fish Meal

Chicken Meal













The Warden of the hostel was consulted, who after investigation declared that the following facts were clear :

1. Forty percent of the hostel inmates were ladies

2. One-third of the gentlemen inmates preferred an egg meal for dinner

3. Half the hostel inmates preferred either fish meal or chicken meal


What proportion of the lady hostel inmates preferred a fish meal for dinner ?



Option: 1




Option: 2



Option: 3



Option: 4


Marketing Director

A career as Marketing Director is also known as a marketing expert who is responsible for the overall marketing aspect of the company. He or she oversees plans and develops the company's budget. The marketing Director collaborates with the business team to plan and develop the marketing and branding strategies for the company's products or services. 

4 Jobs Available
Business Development Executive

A Business Development Executive (BDE) is a professional responsible for identifying growth opportunities and fostering strategic partnerships to enhance a company's market position. Typically, a BDE conducts market research, analyses industry trends, and identifies potential clients or business prospects. He or she plays a crucial role in developing and implementing sales strategies to achieve revenue targets. 

A BDE often collaborates with cross-functional teams, including marketing and product development, to align business objectives. Strong communication, negotiation, and relationship-building skills are essential for success in this role. BDE strives to expand the company's customer base, drive sales, and contribute to overall organisational growth in a dynamic and competitive business environment.

3 Jobs Available
Content Marketing Specialist

Content Marketing Specialists are also known as Content Specialists. They are responsible for crafting content, editing and developing it to meet the requirements of digital marketing campaigns. To ensure that the material created is consistent with the overall aims of a digital marketing campaign, content marketing specialists work closely with SEO and digital marketing professionals.

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Sales Manager

A sales manager is a revenue-generating source for a company. Any organisation or company which sells a commodity or service requires sales to generate revenue. A Sales manager is a professional responsible for supervising the sales team. An Individual as a sales manager works closely with salespeople, assigns sales territories, sets quotas, mentors the members of the sales, assigns sales training, and builds a sales plan. 

The Sales Manager work also includes hiring and laying off sales personnel after evaluating his or her work performance. In bigger entities, sales quotas and plans are usually set at the executive level. He or she is responsible for overseeing the set target or quotas met by salespeople or upholding any policy. He or she guides his or her fellow salespeople and allows them to sell.

2 Jobs Available
Business Analyst

Individuals who opt for a career as a business analyst look at how a company operates. He or she conducts research and analyses data to improve his or her knowledge about the company. This is required so that an individual can suggest the company strategies for improving their operations and processes.

In a business analyst  job role a lot of analysis is done, things are learned from past mistakes and the successful strategies are enhanced further. A business analyst goes through real-world data in order to provide the most feasible solutions to an organisation. Students can pursue Business Analytics to become Business Analysts. 

2 Jobs Available
Marketing Manager

A marketing manager is a person who oversees a company or product marketing. He or she can be in charge of multiple programmes or goods or can be in charge of one product. He or she is enthusiastic, organised, and very diligent in meeting financial constraints. He or she works with other team members to produce advertising campaigns and decides if a new product or service is marketable. 

A Marketing manager plans and executes marketing initiatives to create demand for goods and services and increase consumer awareness of them. A marketing manager prevents unauthorised statements and informs the public that the business is doing everything to investigate and fix the line of products. Students can pursue an MBA in Marketing Management courses to become marketing managers.

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SEO Analyst

An SEO Analyst is a web professional who is proficient in the implementation of SEO strategies to target more keywords to improve the reach of the content on search engines. He or she provides support to acquire the goals and success of the client’s campaigns. 

2 Jobs Available
Digital Marketing Executive

Digital marketing is growing, diverse, and is covering a wide variety of career paths. Each job function aids in the development of effective digital marketing strategies and techniques. The aims and objectives of the individuals who opt for a career as a digital marketing executive are similar to those of a marketing professional: to build brand awareness, promote company services or products, and increase conversions. Individuals who opt for a career as Digital Marketing Executives, unlike traditional marketing companies, communicate effectively through suitable technology platforms.

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