MICAT Sample Papers 2025: Download Previous Year Question Paper PDFs Free

MICAT Sample Papers 2025: Download Previous Year Question Paper PDFs Free

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The Mudra Institute of Communications in Ahmedabad (MICA) administers the MICAT exam for admission to its PGDM-C and PGDM programmes. This exam is noted for its unique MICAT exam pattern and difficult questions, making it difficult for both students and working professionals. To face these challenges and be successful in the MICAT examination, candidates must prepare efficiently. One of the most best ways to prepare for the MICAT exam is to constantly practice MICAT sample papers. While practicisng the MICAT sample papers helps the candidates to be familiar with the exam format, it also builds their confidence. In this article, we will go deep into understanding why answering solving MICAT sample papers is critical for anyone planning to succeed on the MICAT exam.

This Story also Contains
  1. Importance of Solving MICAT Sample Papers
  2. MICAT Exam Pattern Overview
  3. Marking scheme of the MICAT Exam
  4. How to Use MICAT Sample Papers Effectively?
  5. MICAT Official Sample Papers
  6. MICAT Sample Papers by Careers360
  7. Mistakes To Avoid While Solving MICAT Sample Papers
  8. Best Books for MICAT Preparation
  9. MICAT Preparation Materials by Careers360
MICAT Sample Papers 2025: Download Previous Year Question Paper PDFs Free
MICAT Sample Papers 2025: Download Previous Year Question Paper PDFs Free

Importance of Solving MICAT Sample Papers

The MICAT selection process is more rigorous than most other management entrance examinations, A solid MICAT score, as well as a legitimate score on the CAT, XAT, or GMAT, are required for admission. Additionally, you must perform well in the Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview (PI). Before proceeding to these phases, you must pass an initial screening test, which comprises a picture description and a psychometric test. Only then can you proceed to the MICAT preparation. This shows how difficult MICAT may be without sufficient preparation. With exam dates approaching shortly, it's critical to begin your preparation early rather than waiting until the last minute. Practising MICAT sample papers is an important step in preparing for the exam.

Familiarity with Exam Pattern: MICAT sample papers give candidates a clear understanding of the exam's format, including the types of questions and the overall structure. This helps in reducing surprises on the exam day and allows candidates to approach the test with better confidence.

Improved Time Management: Practicing with MICAT sample papers enables candidates to replicate the real exam experience and learn how to manage the limited time effectively. By timing themselves during practice, candidates can develop strategies to complete each section within the allotted time.

Identifying Weak Areas: Solving MICAT sample papers allows candidates to identify specific topics or question types where they might struggle. This helps in targeting weaker areas, ensuring a more focused and effective MICAT preparation.

Building Confidence: Regular preparation with MICAT sample papers gives students confidence in their ability to handle the MICAT test obstacles. Candidates who are aware of the kind of challenges they may encounter can lessen stress and perform better under exam pressure.

Enhanced problem-solving abilities: Solving Skills: Studying MICAT sample papers enhances critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Candidates can practice utilizing several techniques to answer problems, improving their overall test preparation. Divergent and Convergent Thinking is an important component of the MICAT exam, which requires Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills to overcome every challenge.

MICAT Exam Pattern Overview

The MICAT exam is divided into three sections and each section has a different number of questions. The MICAT exam questions distribution is given below:

MICAT Exam Sections


Number of Questions

Question Types

SECTION A (Psychometric Test)

The Psychometric Test is designed to assess a candidate's personality traits, decision-making style, and ethical stance. It is unique to MICAT and aims to evaluate whether a candidate is suitable for management roles based on their psychological attributes.


Multiple Choice Questions

SECTION B (Descriptive Test)

This section tests a candidate’s ability to think in different directions (divergent) and come to logical conclusions (convergent). It assesses problem-solving, analytical skills, and pattern recognition.


Subjective Questions

SECTION C (Divergent & Convergent Thinking+General Awareness+Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation

+Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension)

This combined section assesses a candidate's logical reasoning, language skills, mathematical prowess, and awareness of current events and business knowledge. These four areas test a wide range of abilities essential for management roles, including problem-solving, communication, and the ability to stay updated with global happenings.


Multiple Choice Questions

Both sections A and B are the preliminary sections and are part of the screening test which is used to decide whether the candidate should be allowed to take section C of the MICAT exam.

Marking scheme of the MICAT Exam

The MICAT test conducting authority has yet to provide an update on the MICAT exam's grading technique. The marking process varies in each section, and there have been conflicting reports of negative marking. As a result, MICAT test applicants should use MICAT sample papers and other study resources to better their MICAT preparation by giving equal weight to all questions throughout all three sections of the exam.

How to Use MICAT Sample Papers Effectively?

MICAT test sample papers are more than just study tools; they help applicants succeed on the MICAT. As a result, students must learn how to use MICAT sample papers effectively to prepare for the exam. Now let us look at some of the reasons why this is significant.

Simulating Exam Conditions

The time duration given for the MICAT examination is 135 minutes and the MICAT examination is conducted as a Computer Based Test (CBT). So while attending the MICAT sample papers with solutions, it is highly recommended that the candidates also set themselves a timer and attempt the test in a peaceful environment. This can help them to get accustomed to the exam situations and can also greatly improve the time management skills of the candidates.

Analyzing Performance

Another very important benefit of using a MICAT sample paper is that it helps the candidates to analyze their performance and helps them identify their weak areas. After solving each sample paper, the candidates must cross-check their answers and assign them the marks. Extra care must be given to topics where the candidates lost marks or were overlooked. This can help them greatly reduce the panic during the actual MICAT exam.

Revising Key Concepts

Sample papers closely resemble the real MICAT test, therefore answering a large number of MICAT sample papers may help students discover the most relevant questions and other MICAT key themes. This allows them to narrow down the question kinds and significant problems before preparing for the test. Preparing the most crucial MICAT topics helps ensure candidates' success on the MICAT test.

MICAT Official Sample Papers

The MICAT conducting bodies have released three official MICAT sample papers for the reference of the candidates. The candidates can download and study them using the links below:



MICAT Official Sample Paper 1

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MICAT Official Sample Paper 2

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MICAT Official Sample Paper 3

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MICAT Sample Papers by Careers360

Careers360 has designed a set of 3 MICAT sample papers with solutions for ensuring the overall performance of the candidate in the MICAT exam. The sample papers are designed after proper analysis of the official MICAT sample papers released by the official MICAT exam conducting authorities. The candidates are strongly advised to download and study the MICAT sample papers using the ebook link given below.



MICAT Sample Papers by Careers360

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Some of the sample questions from the MICAT sample paper are given below:

Section A: Psychometric Test

1. Sticking to traditional methods is safer than experimenting with new approaches.

A. Totally Disagree

B. Strongly Disagree

C. Disagree

D. Somewhat Disagree

E. Somewhat Agree

F. Agree

G. Strongly Agree

H. Totally Agree

2 . An effective manager must be rigid in their expectations to ensure discipline.

A. Totally Disagree

B. Strongly Disagree

C. Disagree

D. Somewhat Disagree

E. Somewhat Agree

F. Agree

G. Strongly Agree

H. Totally Agree

Section B: Descriptive Test

1a) 'Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a threat to human employment.' Present five arguments in support of this statement.

(Provide about 250 words space to write)

1b) 'Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a threat to human employment.' Present five arguments against this statement.

(Provide about 250 words space to write)

1c) Having given your arguments on both sides of the statement, 'Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a threat to human employment,' present your own views in about 200 words in response to a request from a leading business magazine editor. Please note that you have to take one viewpoint for your response, i.e., either for or against. No marks will be given for expressing your views on both sides of the argument.

1a) Arguments supporting the statement 'AI is a threat to human employment':

Job Replacement: AI can perform tasks faster and with greater accuracy than humans, leading to the replacement of human jobs in sectors like manufacturing and customer service. This trend could result in widespread job losses as AI technologies become more advanced.

Skill Obsolescence: As AI tools become more integrated into daily operations, the current skills of many workers will become outdated. Workers may struggle to find new jobs without significant retraining or upskilling.

Economic Inequality: The use of AI could exacerbate economic disparities as those who are AI-literate are more likely to secure jobs. Conversely, individuals without the means to access AI education could face increasing economic hardship.

Market Domination: Companies that can afford to invest in AI could dominate market sectors by outperforming smaller competitors who do not use AI. This could lead to a decrease in diversity within the marketplace and fewer job opportunities overall.

Reduced Human Oversight: The increasing reliance on AI for decision-making processes can reduce the need for human staff. Over time, this could diminish the role humans play in many professional settings.

Centralisation of Jobs: AI can lead to job centralisation in urban areas where tech industries typically thrive, potentially leading to job scarcity in rural or less economically developed areas. This could worsen regional economic imbalances.

Privacy and Surveillance: In workplaces, AI-driven surveillance systems can lead to a lack of privacy for employees. This could create a hostile work environment, potentially leading to job dissatisfaction and turnover.

2. Arrange the following pictures in a sequence to write a story accordingly. Write the picture sequence and a story of approximately 300 words in the allocated space. Ensure that all the pictures have been utilized in the story. Please mention the sequence of images as part of your answer.


A Day in Bloomtown

In the small village of Bloomtown, the morning sun shone on the cobblestone streets, filling them with light. The village was quiet at first, but soon, people started setting up their market stalls. They laid out fruits, vegetables, and beautiful flowers. The smell of fresh bread mixed with the scent of flowers made the air sweet and inviting (Top Left).

Anna and Theo, a young couple, decided to walk through the market. They held hands and looked at the colourful stalls under big, bright umbrellas. Children played near a fountain, and the sound of their laughter mixed with the voices of the people selling their goods. The couple enjoyed the lively atmosphere and the old church that watched over the village (Top Right).

While walking, Anna and Theo stopped at Mrs. Bramley's stall, which was filled with the best strawberries. Mrs. Bramley greeted them with a big smile, and they picked some strawberries to eat later. Nearby, an artist was painting the market scene. His painting was so beautiful that Anna and Theo bought it to remember their day (Bottom Left).

Their visit ended with dinner at a small restaurant that looked out over the village. As the sun set, its light filled the room where they sat. They talked and laughed over their meal, enjoying the peace of the village now that the market was closed. The view from the window showed the quiet streets, making it the perfect end to their day in Bloomtown (Bottom Right).

Section C


DIRECTIONS for the question: The passage below is accompanied by a set of questions. Choose the best answer to each question.

Understanding romantic aesthetics is not a simple undertaking for reasons that are internal to the nature of the subject. Distinguished scholars, such as Arthur Lovejoy, Northrop Frye and Isaiah Berlin, have remarked on the notorious challenges facing any attempt to define romanticism. Lovejoy, for example, claimed that romanticism is "the scandal of literary history and criticism" ... The main difficulty in studying the romantics, according to him, is the lack of any "single real entity, or type of entity" that the concept "romanticism" designates. Lovejoy concluded, "the word 'romantic' has come to mean so many things that, by itself, it means nothing" ...

The more specific task of characterizing romantic aesthetics adds to these difficulties an air of paradox. Conventionally, "aesthetics" refers to a theory concerning beauty and art or the branch of philosophy that studies these topics. However, many of the romantics rejected the identification of aesthetics with a circumscribed domain of human life that is separated from the practical and theoretical domains of life. The most characteristic romantic commitment is to the idea that the character of art and beauty and of our engagement with them should shape all aspects of human life. Being fundamental to human existence, beauty and art should be a central ingredient not only in a philosophical or artistic life, but also in the lives of ordinary men and women. Another challenge for any attempt to characterize romantic aesthetics lies in the fact that most of the romantics were poets and artists whose views of art and beauty are, for the most part, to be found not in developed theoretical accounts, but in fragments, aphorisms and poems, which are often more elusive and suggestive than conclusive.

Nevertheless, in spite of these challenges the task of characterizing romantic aesthetics is neither impossible nor undesirable, as numerous thinkers responding to Lovejoy's radical skepticism have noted. While warning against a reductive definition of romanticism, Berlin, for example, still heralded the need for a general characterization: "[Although] one does have a certain sympathy with Lovejoy's despair...[he is] in this instance mistaken. There was a romantic movement...and it is important to discover what it is" ...

Recent attempts to characterize romanticism and to stress its contemporary relevance follow this path. Instead of overlooking the undeniable differences between the variety of romanticisms of different nations that Lovejoy had stressed, such studies attempt to characterize romanticism, not in terms of a single definition, a specific time, or a specific place, but in terms of"particular philosophical questions and concems" ...

While the German, British and French romantics are all considered, the central protagonists in the following are the German romantics. Two reasons explain this focus: first, because it has paved the way for the other romanticisms, German romanticism has a pride of place among the different national romanticisms. . Second, the aesthetic outlook that was developed in Germany roughly between 1796 and 1801-02 - the period that corresponds to the heyday of what is known as "Early Romanticism" . . . - offers the most philosophical expression of romanticism since it is grounded primarily in the epistemological, metaphysical, ethical, and political concerns that the German romantics discerned in the aftermath of Kant's philosophy.

1. According to the romantics, aesthetics:

  1. should be confined to a specific domain separate from the practical and theoretical aspects of life.

  2. permeates all aspects of human life, philosophical and mundane.

  3. is primarily the concern of philosophers and artists, rather than of ordinary people.

  4. is widely considered to be irrelevant to human existence.

  5. should be exclusively discussed in theoretical terms without practical application.

  6. is mainly a subject of debate among literary critics and historians.

  7. ought to be distinguished from beauty in everyday experiences.

  8. should be left undefined to preserve its complexity.

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Correct Answer: Option C

Explanation: The passage highlights that a core romantic commitment is that art and beauty should influence all aspects of human life.

Option 1 is incorrect because many romantics did not reject this view.

Option 3 is incorrect as the passage implies that beauty and art should impact the lives of everyone, not just a select few.

Option 4 is incorrect because the passage does not claim that aesthetics are irrelevant to human existence.

2. Question:

The main difficulty in studying romanticism is the:

  1. controversial and scandalous history of romantic literature.

  2. elusive and suggestive nature of romantic aesthetics.

  3. absence of written accounts by romantic poets and artists.

  4. lack of clear conceptual contours of the domain.

  5. disagreement among scholars about the origins of romanticism.

  6. varied interpretations of romanticism across different cultures.

  7. broad time span over which romanticism developed.

  8. challenge of translating romantic ideas into modern contexts.

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Correct Answer: Option D

Explanation: The passage cites Lovejoy's observation about the lack of a single entity or type that romanticism designates, reflecting unclear conceptual boundaries.

Option 1 is incorrect as the passage does not describe romantic literature's history as scandalous.

Option 2 is incorrect as the elusive nature of romantic aesthetics is a challenge but not the primary difficulty.

Option 3 is incorrect because the passage does not cite the absence of written accounts as the main difficulty.

3. Question:

According to the passage, recent studies on romanticism avoid "a single definition, a specific time, or a specific place" because they:

  1. prefer to focus on the fundamental concerns of the romantics.

  2. seek to discredit Lovejoy's scepticism regarding romanticism.

  3. understand that the variety of romanticisms renders a general analysis impossible.

  4. prefer to highlight the paradox of romantic aesthetics as a concept.

  5. aim to explore the influence of romanticism across different cultures and eras.

  6. attempt to address the philosophical depth of romantic thought.

  7. believe that romanticism's diversity requires a more nuanced approach.

  8. wish to emphasize the evolving nature of romantic ideas over time.

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Correct Answer: Option A

Explanation: Recent studies frame romanticism in terms of "particular philosophical questions and concerns" rather than a singular definition or specific time/place.

Option 2 is incorrect as discrediting Lovejoy's skepticism is not a reason for this approach.

Option 3 is incorrect as the passage does not suggest that a general analysis is unfeasible.

Option 4 is incorrect because recent studies do not primarily highlight the paradox of romantic aesthetics.

Select the option which is the most appropriate one word substitution for the given group of words.

4. One who devotes one's life to the welfare of other people.

  1. Martyr

  2. Altruist

  3. Alchemist

  4. Ambassador

Correct Answer: Option B

The most appropriate one-word substitution for "One who devotes one's life to the welfare of other people" is Altruist.

Here’s why the other options are incorrect:

  1. Martyr: A martyr is someone who suffers persecution or death for their beliefs, often religious or political, not necessarily someone devoted to the welfare of others.

  2. Alchemist: An alchemist is someone who practices alchemy, which historically refers to a form of chemistry concerned with turning base metals into gold. This has no connection to helping others or their welfare.

  3. Ambassador: An ambassador is a diplomatic representative of one country to another, focused on fostering good relations between nations, not necessarily on personal devotion to the welfare of individuals.

Thus, Altruist is the correct answer, as it directly refers to someone who is selflessly concerned with the well-being of others.


5. Anil mixes cocoa with sugar in the ratio 3: 2 to prepare mixture A , and coffee with sugar in the ratio 7 : 3 to prepare mixture B . He combines mixtures A and B in the ratio 2 : 3 to make a new mixture C . If he mixes C with an equal amount of milk to make a drink, then the percentage of sugar in this drink will be

  1. 16

  2. 24

  3. 17

  4. 21

Correct Answer: Option C

A and B mixes in the ratio of 2: 3 to make mixture C.
Let 20 units of A and 30 units of B is taken.
Sugar in C = 2/5 of 20 + 3/5 of 30 = 8 + 9 = 17
Volume of C = 50 units

Volume of drink = 50 + 50 =100

So, Sugar is 17% in the drink.

6. Let n and m be two positive integers such that there are exactly 41 integers greater than 8m and less than 8n, which can be expressed as powers of 2. Then, the smallest possible value of n + m is

  1. 44

  2. 16

  3. 42

  4. 14

Correct Answer: Option B

Smallest value of 8m is 8 i.e. 23 (for m = 1)
Next integer in the form of 2x will be 24.

And we have 41 integers in the form of 2x greater than 8m and less than 8n.
So, last integer in the form of 2x and less than 8n is 244.
So, 8n = 245 which implies that 3n = 45 and n = 15.
So, smallest possible value of n + m = 15 + 1 = 16.

7. The sum of the first two natural numbers, each having 15 factors (including 1 and the number itself), is

  1. 468

  2. 436

  3. 549

  4. 640

Correct Answer: Option B

We know that the number of factors of two given numbers is 15.

If N = ap. bq. cr where a, b, and c are prime numbers.

The number of factors of N =(p+1).(q+1). (r+1)

!5 can be achieved by 1 and 15 or 3 and 5.

So, for the first two natural numbers a = 2, b = 3 and p and q can be either 2 or 4.

Hence, the smallest value of N=24 × 32 = 144

and the second smallest value of N=22 × 34 = 324

Now, the sum =144 + 324 = 468.


8. Match the CEOs to their respective companies:

A. Tim Cook
B. Reed Hastings
C. Reshma Saujani
D. Jack Ma

  1. Apple

  2. Netflix

  3. Girls Who Code

  4. Alibaba Group

A. A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
B. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3
C. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
D. A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2

Correct Answer: Option A

The correct matches are:

  • Tim Cook is the CEO of Apple.

  • Reed Hastings is the CEO of Netflix.

  • Reshma Saujani is the CEO of Girls Who Code.

  • Jack Ma is the CEO of Alibaba Group.

So, the correct answer is:

A. A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4

9. Select the incorrect option:

A) Facebook was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes, who were students at Stanford University.

B) Facebook’s headquarters are located in Menlo Park, California.

C) Users can create profiles, upload photos, join or start groups, and access all features of Facebook for free.

D) Meta Platforms, the parent company of Facebook, also owns Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp.

Correct Answer: Option A

Option A: This statement is incorrect. Facebook was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes, but they were students at Harvard University, not Stanford University.

Option B: This statement is correct. Facebook’s headquarters are located in Menlo Park, California.

Option C: This statement is correct. Users can create profiles, upload photos, join or start groups, and access all features of Facebook for free.

Option D: This statement is correct. Meta Platforms, the parent company of Facebook, also owns Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp.

Therefore, the incorrect option is A) Facebook was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes, who were students at Stanford University.


10. There two five problems in this section. Each problem consists of four clues, and for each set, five alternatives are given. These alternatives are associated with one or more of the clues in some manner. Of these alternatives, only one is associated with all four clues in some way. This alternative is the correct answer.


  1. Winter

  2. Snow

  3. Chill

  4. Sled


  • A. Hot

  • B. Fire

  • C. Frost

  • D. Rain

  • E. Summer

Correct Answer: Option C


  1. Winter: Commonly associated with cold and snow.

  2. Snow: Snow falls during winter and is cold.

  3. Chill: Refers to coldness, especially in winter.

  4. Sled: Often used on snow.

Alternative C: Frost is associated with all four clues:

  1. Winter: Frost is common in winter.

  2. Snow: Frost is related to snow (frost can occur on snow).

  3. Chill: Frost is associated with coldness or a chill.

  4. Sled: Frost is present on the ground where sledding can occur.

Therefore, Alternative C: Frost is the correct answer.

11. There are five problems in this section. Each problem consists of four clues, and for each set, five alternatives are given. These alternatives are associated with one or more of the clues in some manner. Of these alternatives, only one is associated with all four clues in some way. This alternative is the correct answer.


  1. Library

  2. Author

  3. Document

  4. Novel


A. Editor
B. Publisher
C. Manuscript
D. Typist
E. Book


  1. Library: Contains books.

  2. Author: Writes books.

  3. Document: Books are documents.

  4. Novel: A type of book.

Correct Answer: Option E


  • A. Editor: Related to documents and authors, but not directly to libraries or novels.

  • B. Publisher: Involved with books, authors, and novels, but less directly with libraries and documents.

  • C. Manuscript: Related to documents and novels, but less directly to libraries and authors.

  • D. Typist: Related to documents, but not directly to libraries, authors, or novels.

  • E. Book:

Library: Contains books.

Author: Writes books.

Document: Books are documents.

Novel: A type of book.

Therefore, Alternative E: Book is the option that fits with all four clues.

12. Directions: Find the missing figure of the series from the given responses:
Question Figures:


  1. 1727092404406

  2. 1727092404483

  3. 1727092404235

  4. 1727092404324

Correct Answer: Option B

According to the given question figure –
In each alternative box symbols at the bottom and the top is removed.
From box 1 to box 2 – One small line given at the bottom centre is removed.
From box 2 to box 3 – One small circle given at the top centre of the box is removed.
So, follow the same pattern for the required missing figure –


Therefore, the figure in the second option is the required missing figure. Hence, the second option is correct.

13. Directions: In a certain code language, POLISH is written as 89 and CLIP is written as 72. How will CONTROL be written in that language?

  1. 89

  2. 92

  3. 106

  4. 99

Correct Answer: Option D

POLISH is written as 89 and CLIP is written as 72.

The logic here is – The sum of the opposite position values + the total number of letters
POLISH ⇒ P→K = 11; O→L = 12; L→O = 15; I→R = 18; S→H = 8; H→S = 19
The sum of the opposite position values = 11 + 12 + 15 + 18 + 8 + 19 = 83
Total number of letters = 6
The code is 83 + 6 = 89
CLIP ⇒ C→X = 24; L→O = 15; I→R = 18; P→K = 11
The sum of the opposite position values = 24 + 15 + 18 + 11 = 68
Total number of letters = 4
The code is 68 + 4 = 72
CONTROL ⇒ C→X = 24; O→L = 12; N→M = 13; T→G = 7; R→I = 9; O→L = 12; L→O = 15
The sum of the opposite position value = 24 + 12 + 13 + 7 + 9 + 12 + 15 = 92
Total number of letters = 7
The code is 92 + 7 = 99

So, CONTROL is coded as 99. Hence, the fourth option is correct.

Mistakes To Avoid While Solving MICAT Sample Papers

Now that the candidates are aware of the various tips tricks and strategies to solve the MICAT sample papers, let us discuss the important mistakes to avoid while attempting the various MICAT Sample Papers with solutions.

Not Timing Yourself: One of the most common errors is not keeping track of time while completing MICAT sample papers. It is critical to practice under timed settings to duplicate the real examination to enhance time management.

Ignoring Mistakes: Candidates often skip reviewing their mistakes after solving MICAT sample papers. It's important to analyze incorrect answers to understand where you went wrong and learn from those mistakes.

Focusing Only on Strong Areas: Some candidates tend to repeatedly solve sections they are already good at while ignoring weaker areas. MICAT sample papers should be used to practice all sections, especially those where improvement is needed.

Skipping Full-Length Practice: Solving only individual sections of MICAT sample papers instead of full-length tests can be a mistake. Full-length practice helps in building stamina and prepares you for the overall exam experience.

Not Reviewing Exam Strategies: Simply solving MICAT sample papers without refining your approach can limit improvement. After each paper, it's important to review strategies such as time allocation and question selection to enhance performance.

Best Books for MICAT Preparation

Book Title



How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT

Arun Sharma

Comprehensive coverage of CAT quantitative aptitude topics; practice questions with solutions.

Quantitative Aptitude for CAT

Nishit Sinha

Detailed explanations of concepts; numerous practice problems; updated for the latest CAT syllabus.

Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT

Sarvesh Verma

Extensive practice questions; in-depth theory; problem-solving techniques; multiple difficulty levels.

How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT

Meenakshi Upadhyay, Arun Sharma

Strategies for improving verbal ability; practice exercises; focused on CAT Reading Comprehension.

Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT

Nishit K. Sinha

Extensive coverage of logical reasoning and data interpretation; practice questions with solutions.

A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning

R.S. Aggarwal

Thorough explanation of logical reasoning concepts; practice sets; suitable for various competitive exams.

Word Power Made Easy

Norman Lewis

Vocabulary building techniques; root words and usage; exercises for retention and application.

High School English Grammar & Composition

Wren & Martin

Grammar rules and usage; exercises for practice; comprehensive coverage of English grammar topics.

Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations

Abhijit Guha

Focuses on quantitative aptitude for various competitive exams; practice problems and solutions.

Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency

Ananta Ashish

Focus on data interpretation and sufficiency; practice sets with detailed explanations.

CAT Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning

Gautam Puri

CAT-specific data interpretation and logical reasoning practice; detailed solutions and strategies.

PSC for VA for CAT

Nishit Sinha

Preparation guide for verbal ability; practice questions for CAT and other competitive exams.

30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary

Dr. Wilfred Funk, Norman Lewis

Daily vocabulary building exercises; strategies for effective learning and retention.

The Pearson Guide to Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT

Nishit Sinha

Comprehensive guide on verbal ability and reading comprehension; practice questions and strategies.

Manorama Year Book

Malayala Manorama Group

Updated general knowledge; current affairs; useful for various competitive exams.

Objective General Knowledge (Lucent's)

Sanjiv Kumar

Broad coverage of general knowledge topics; useful for competitive exams; concise and to the point.

Lucent's General Knowledge


Comprehensive general knowledge content; updated and relevant for competitive exams.

General Knowledge 2025

Manohar Pandey

Latest updates on general knowledge; focused on current affairs and important events.

Lucent's General Knowledge 2025

Dr. Binay Karna

Updated general knowledge content for 2025; current affairs and important topics.

Arihant’s General Knowledge 2024

Manohar Pandey

In-depth general knowledge; current affairs; relevant for exams in 2024.

MICAT Preparation Materials by Careers360

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the duration of MICAT exam?

MICAT exam lasts for 135 minutes. It includes various sections, such as verbal ability, quantitative ability, general awareness, and a psychometric test.

2. Is MICAT online or in person?

MICAT is conducted as a Computer-Based Test (CBT). This means you take the exam on a computer at a designated test center.

3. Can I get into MICA without MICAT?

No, you cannot get into MICA without taking the MICAT. It is a required part of the admission process for their postgraduate programs.

4. Is calculator allowed in MICAT?

No, calculators are not allowed in the MICAT exam. You’ll need to do all calculations manually.

5. Why should I solve MICAT sample papers?

Solving sample papers helps you comprehend the exam format, manage time more effectively, identify weak areas, and gain confidence for the actual test.

6. What is unique about the MICAT exam format?

MICAT stands apart from other management entrance tests since it incorporates elements such as a Psychometric Test, a Descriptive Test, and Divergent & Convergent Thinking.

7. How many solving MICAT sample papers help me enhance my performance?

Sample papers mimic the actual test setting, allowing you to evaluate your performance, enhance time management, and discover areas of concentration.

8. Are MICAT sample papers officially available?

Yes, the MICAT authorities have issued three official sample papers that you can download for free.

9. How much time should I spend solving a MICAT sample paper?

The MICAT exam lasts 135 minutes. To get familiar with exam conditions, practice solving example papers with the same time restriction.

10. What types of questions are on the Psychometric Test?

The Psychometric Test consists of questions intended to examine your personality, decision-making style, and ethical attitudes.

11. How can I use sample papers to prepare for the MICAT?

Attempt sample papers in a peaceful setting, time yourself, evaluate your answers, and concentrate on areas where you fall short for growth.


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Questions related to MICAT

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Admission to MICA's PGDM and PGDM-C programs involves a multi-stage selection process. The final composite score is calculated with the following weightage:

  • CAT/ XAT/ GMAT - 35%
  • MICAT - 25%
  • GE (Group Exercise) - 10%
  • PI - 20%
  • Academic performance (10th, 12th, Graduation) - 5%
  • Extra- curricular - 5%

Your XAT score is 73, performing exceptionally well in MICAT can enhance your chances of being shortlisted for the GE and PI rounds. Specific score requirements for MICAT are not publicly disclosed, focusing on thorough preparation and aiming for high performance in each section will strengthen your application.


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GMAT is graduate management admission test which is conducted by GMAC for admission of MBA in many countries, the eligibility criteria regarding this is as follows;

Candidates needs to be 18 years old or above,

Pass bachelor's degree in any discipline from a recognized university, those in the final year or working professionals too are eligible to apply,

Should have a valid passport,

As the exam is conducted in English, hence proficiency in the same language is required as well,

Candidate can take maximum of five attempts in a year, and overall 8 attempts for lifetime, and there has to be a gap of 16 days prior to retaking the exam,

Colleges in India accepting GMAT scores are as follows;

  • SPJIMR Mumbai
  • IMT Ghaziabad
  • IMI New Delhi
  • Xavier University Bhubaneswar (XUB)
  • Great Lakes Institute of Management Chennai
  • T A Pai Management Institute (TAPMI) Manipal
  • K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai
  • Goa Institute of Management (GIM) Goa
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Management
  • FORE School of Management, New Delhi
  • Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi
  • BIMTECH Greater Noida
  • MICA Ahmedabad
  • IFIM Business School, Bangalore
  • SOIL-School of Business Design, Gurgaon

explore more detailed information about GMAT at https://www.careers360.com/exams/gmat

check out the entire list of colleges in India accepting GMAT at https://bschool.careers360.com/colleges/list-of-mba-colleges-in-india-accepting-gmat?icn=college_listing_accepting_score&ici=GMAT_exam_view

SNAP is conducted for 60 minutes in MCQs format, each question consists of one mark, there is deduction of 0.25 marks for each incorrect attempt, the following sections are included in the entrance test:-

  • General English
  • Analytical & Logical Reasoning
  • Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency

The colleges accepting scores of SNAP are listed below;

  • Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development, Pune
  • Symbiosis Institute of International Business, Pimpri-Chinchwad
  • Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune
  • Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune,
  • Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Bangalore
  • Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology, Pune,
  • Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Rangareddy,
  • Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance, Pune
  • LM Thapar School of Management, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dera Bassi
  • Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences, Pune,
  • Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management, Nashik,
  • Lala Lajpat Rai Institute of Management, Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra
  • Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research Pune,
  • Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication Pune,
  • Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences, Indore,
  • Symbiosis School of Sports Sciences, Lavale,
  • Symbiosis Institute of Digital and Telecom Management, Lavale
  • Shri Ram Murti Smarak International Business School, Lucknow
  • Symbiosis School of Media and Communication
  • Bangalore
  • Symbiosis Institute of Business Management,, Nagpur
  • Om Bio Science and Management College, Haridwar Roorkee

check out our page at https://bschool.careers360.com/colleges/list-of-mba-colleges-in-india-accepting-snap to know more details regarding this.

CMAT is conducted for 180 minutes, and additional 30 minutes is allotted for optional section, there are total of five sections(one is optional) and each one consists of 25 questions for 100 marks as mentioned below-

  • Quantitative techniques and data interpretation
  • Logical reasoning
  • General awareness
  • Language comprehension
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship (optional)

for each correct answer four marks are awarded and in case of each incorrect attempt one mark is deduced,

The selection process mainly consists of three rounds:-

Written Ability Test,

Group Discussion, and

Personal Interview

Some of the top colleges offering admission for MBA Programme through CMAT are mentioned below-

  • JBIMS, Mumbai
  • SIMSREE, Mumbai
  • KJ Somaiya Institute of Management
  • Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai
  • University of Pune, Department of Management Sciences
  • Xavier Institute of Social Service, Ranchi
  • Welingkar Institute of Management, Mumbai
  • Goa Institute of Management
  • Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad
  • Amity University, Noida
  • Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida

Explore more detailed information about the complete list of colleges offering MBA through CMAT at https://bschool.careers360.com/articles/top-b-schools-accepting-cmat-scores

The list of colleges accepting scores of NMAT are as follows;

  • SPJIMR, Mumbai
  • School of Business Management SVKM's Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai

  • VIT Business School Vellore,
  • IBS Business School Hyderabad,
  • K J Somaiya Institute of Management, Mumbai
  • ITM Business School Navi Mumbai
  • Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
  • GITAM Hyderabad Business School Hyderabad,
  • GITAM Institute of Management, Visakhapatnam
  • Alliance School of Business, Bangalore
  • Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies Mumbai,
  • Amity Business School Noida,
  • Goa Institute of Management Poriem,
  • Amrut Mody School of Management, Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad
  • ISBR Business School Bangalore
  • Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies Hyderabad,
  • Mittal School of Business, Lovely Professional University
  • Centre for Management Studies, Jain University, Bangalore
  • Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Bennett University, Greater Noida
  • Jindal Global Business School, Sonipat,
  • IIHMR University, Jaipur
  • Amity University, Mumbai
  • Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noida
  • Galgotias University, Greater Noida
  • BML Munjal University, Gurgaon
  • Chitkara Business School, Patiala
  • Woxsen University Hyderabad - Woxsen School of Business, Hyderabad,
  • School of Petroleum Management, Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar
  • Amity University, Noida
  • School of Business, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun

check out our page at https://bschool.careers360.com/colleges/list-of-mba-colleges-in-india-accepting-nmat-by-gmac to know more details regarding this.


On February 17, 2022, MICA, Ahmedabad, announced the MICAT 2022 result for phase 2 on mica.ac.in. Using their login credentials, candidates may check the MICAT 2022 phase 2 result. MICAT result 2022 has been emailed to applicants' registered email addresses, and students who took the entrance exam can now verify their qualifying status.

To check the result, follow the below mentioned steps:

Visit MICA Ahmedabad's main website at mica.ac.in.

Select "MICAT 1 Result" from the drop-down menu.

On the screen, a candidate login window will display.

Click the "Login" tab after entering the user ID and password.

Download the MICAT scorecard 2022 and check your qualifying status.

For further information, check out the link provided below.



MICAT Syllabus  - Psychometric Test

Basically, this is a personality test and this section is different from other management entrance examinations. It is mandatory for the candidates to attempt all the questions in this section. Some of the important aspects related to the test are explained below.

In this section, the questions are designed to assess the candidates’ behavior which includes thinking ability, personality, strengths and weaknesses etc. Questions are based on career goals, life goals, situational judgement. Candidates should answer the questions with honesty and open mind

Multiple-choice questions are asked.

Duration allotted for the psychometric test is 25 minutes.

According to previous year sample papers, in the first set of questions, out of the three options candidates should select the option which describes their behavior in the best way.

In the second set of MICAT questions, candidates were asked to give a rating on a scale of 1 to 6 for the responses in terms of their priority under a certain scenario. Around 8 to 10 questions were asked in the entrance exam.

MICAT Syllabus  - Verbal Ability

The verbal ability section is used to assess the language proficiency of the candidates. The topics under the verbal ability section of the MICAT exam syllabus are given below:

Reading Comprehension

One-Word Substitution

Parts of speech




Cloze Test

Spot the Errors

Sentence Completion

Phrasal Verbs

Fill in the blanks

Antonyms and Synonyms

MICAT Syllabus - Quantitative Ability

The quantitative ability section includes the same topics that are covered in the other MBA entrance exam. The topics that are covered under the quantitative ability of the MICAT 2022 syllabus are as follows:



Geometry 2D & 3D



Number system


Surds and Indices



Modern Mathematics

Ratio and Proportion

Profit & Loss


Time & Work

Mixtures & solutions

Solid Geometry

Coordinate Geometry



Permutation & Combinations

MICAT Syllabus 2022 - General Awareness

The general awareness section of MICAT 2022 syllabus includes current affairs. The candidates should have a good knowledge regarding the topics of business and economics to score good marks. All the topics covered in the MICAT syllabus 20222 are given below:




Advertising and marketing


Current affairs



Books & Authors

Mass Media

Indian Constitution



MICAT 2022 Syllabus - Divergent-Convergent Reasoning

From this section of the MICAT syllabus 2022 approximately 25-30 questions are asked. The topics under this section are listed below:

Data Sufficiency

Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning


Seating arrangements

Sequence & Series

Hope it helps.

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Marketing Director

A career as Marketing Director is also known as a marketing expert who is responsible for the overall marketing aspect of the company. He or she oversees plans and develops the company's budget. The marketing Director collaborates with the business team to plan and develop the marketing and branding strategies for the company's products or services. 

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Business Development Executive

A Business Development Executive (BDE) is a professional responsible for identifying growth opportunities and fostering strategic partnerships to enhance a company's market position. Typically, a BDE conducts market research, analyses industry trends, and identifies potential clients or business prospects. He or she plays a crucial role in developing and implementing sales strategies to achieve revenue targets. 

A BDE often collaborates with cross-functional teams, including marketing and product development, to align business objectives. Strong communication, negotiation, and relationship-building skills are essential for success in this role. BDE strives to expand the company's customer base, drive sales, and contribute to overall organisational growth in a dynamic and competitive business environment.

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Content Marketing Specialist

Content Marketing Specialists are also known as Content Specialists. They are responsible for crafting content, editing and developing it to meet the requirements of digital marketing campaigns. To ensure that the material created is consistent with the overall aims of a digital marketing campaign, content marketing specialists work closely with SEO and digital marketing professionals.

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Sales Manager

A sales manager is a revenue-generating source for a company. Any organisation or company which sells a commodity or service requires sales to generate revenue. A Sales manager is a professional responsible for supervising the sales team. An Individual as a sales manager works closely with salespeople, assigns sales territories, sets quotas, mentors the members of the sales, assigns sales training, and builds a sales plan. 

The Sales Manager work also includes hiring and laying off sales personnel after evaluating his or her work performance. In bigger entities, sales quotas and plans are usually set at the executive level. He or she is responsible for overseeing the set target or quotas met by salespeople or upholding any policy. He or she guides his or her fellow salespeople and allows them to sell.

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Business Analyst

Individuals who opt for a career as a business analyst look at how a company operates. He or she conducts research and analyses data to improve his or her knowledge about the company. This is required so that an individual can suggest the company strategies for improving their operations and processes.

In a business analyst  job role a lot of analysis is done, things are learned from past mistakes and the successful strategies are enhanced further. A business analyst goes through real-world data in order to provide the most feasible solutions to an organisation. Students can pursue Business Analytics to become Business Analysts. 

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Marketing Manager

A marketing manager is a person who oversees a company or product marketing. He or she can be in charge of multiple programmes or goods or can be in charge of one product. He or she is enthusiastic, organised, and very diligent in meeting financial constraints. He or she works with other team members to produce advertising campaigns and decides if a new product or service is marketable. 

A Marketing manager plans and executes marketing initiatives to create demand for goods and services and increase consumer awareness of them. A marketing manager prevents unauthorised statements and informs the public that the business is doing everything to investigate and fix the line of products. Students can pursue an MBA in Marketing Management courses to become marketing managers.

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SEO Analyst

An SEO Analyst is a web professional who is proficient in the implementation of SEO strategies to target more keywords to improve the reach of the content on search engines. He or she provides support to acquire the goals and success of the client’s campaigns. 

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Digital Marketing Executive

Digital marketing is growing, diverse, and is covering a wide variety of career paths. Each job function aids in the development of effective digital marketing strategies and techniques. The aims and objectives of the individuals who opt for a career as a digital marketing executive are similar to those of a marketing professional: to build brand awareness, promote company services or products, and increase conversions. Individuals who opt for a career as Digital Marketing Executives, unlike traditional marketing companies, communicate effectively through suitable technology platforms.

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