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MAT Language Comprehension & Verbal Ability Tips 2024

MAT Language Comprehension & Verbal Ability Tips 2024

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jun 12, 2024 02:06 PM IST | #MAT

Management Aptitude Test (MAT) is a renowned national-level entrance exam that is accepted by over 600 B-schools across India for admissions to MBA and allied programs. This article will discuss MAT 2024 preparation for Language Comprehension & Verbal Ability.

The MAT exam is conducted four times a year - February, May, September, and December by the All India Management Association (AIMA) and contains 150 MCQs across 5 sections to be answered in 120 minutes.

MAT 2024 Preparation for Language Comprehension & Verbal Ability

Read ahead as we discuss how to prepare for MAT Language Comprehension 2024. The guidelines mentioned here will help you prepare language comprehension for the MAT exam. Some guidelines in short are:

  • Enhance vocabulary

  • Work on grammar skills

  • Improve reading comprehension skills

  • Solve MAT previous year questions

MAT 2024 Exam Pattern

Before dealing with MAT 2024 Preparation Tips for Language Comprehension and Verbal Ability, we need to discuss the pattern of MAT 2024. The five sections/subjects and some of the other details of MAT 2024 are -




1. Intelligence and Critical Reasoning

2. Data Analysis and Sufficiency

3. Language Comprehension

4. Indian and Global Environment

5. Mathematics


Total Marks – 150

Marks of Each Section – 30

Mark of Each Question – 1

Negative Marking – Yes

(penalty of 0.25 marks for each incorrect response)

Sectional Time Limit


Note - Some of the MAT participating institutes do not consider Indian and Global environment marks.

All sections of MAT 2024 have equal weightage so the importance of Language Comprehension cannot be denied. The difficulty level of the Language Comprehension of MAT is considered moderate and to excel in it you need an effective study plan. Now we’ll move on to MAT Language Comprehension & Verbal Ability Tips for which we first need to understand the syllabus and structure of the section.

MAT Language Comprehension & Verbal Ability Section Syllabus

The MAT syllabus and structure of the section on language comprehension for MAT exam is as follows -

Part 1: Reading Comprehension

  • 1. Types of Passages (Narrative, Descriptive, Argumentative)

  • 2. Types of Questions Asked -

    • Main Idea and Theme

    • Inference Questions

    • Author's Tone and Purpose

    • Vocabulary in Context (Synonyms/Antonyms)

Part 2: Verbal Ability

  • Sentence Rearrangement

  • Odd One Out

  • Sentence Correction based on Parts of Speech, Tenses and Usage of Words

  • Subject-Verb-Agreement

  • Direct & Indirect Speech

  • Active & Passive Voice

  • Antonyms/Synonyms

  • Fill in the blanks

  • One-word substitution

  • Idioms/Phrases

Preparation Tips for MAT Verbal Ability Section

Enhance Vocabulary

  • Rote memorization isn't very helpful when it comes to learning new vocabulary.

  • With the help of root words, you are often able to understand the meaning of the words you have never encountered before. Learning and revising through roots saves a lot of time and you tend to learn more effectively. For instance, FID is a root word that means TRUST. It forms several words like :

    • CONFIDENT – having trust in your own ability to do things and be successful

    • FIDELITY - the quality of being loyal; trustworthiness

    • INFIDELITY - the act of not being faithful to your wife, husband or partner; faithlessness

    • CONFIDANT - a person that you trust and who you talk to about private or secret things

    • CONFIDANTE - a girl/woman that you trust and who you talk to about private or secret things

    • CONFIDENTIAL - meant to be kept secret and not told to or shared with other people; to be kept in trust

    • DIFFIDENT – not having trust in your own ability to do things and be successful; shy; not having much confidence

    • PERFIDIOUS - that cannot be trusted

    • AFFIDAVIT - a written statement that you swear is true, and that can be used as evidence in court; that you claim can be trusted

    • BONA FIDE - genuine, real or legal; not false

    • MALAFIDE – illegal or dishonest

  • For MAT vocabulary, read the newspaper daily. Note down the difficult words that you come across while reading. Look up the meanings of those words and note them down in a separate notebook dedicated exclusively to vocabulary learning. It is advisable to write down the part of speech of the given word and at least one example sentence in simple language containing the word that you have just learned. It helps you better understand and remember the word. For this purpose, try to make your own sentence, possibly somehow related to your own life. That way you will remember the word longer.

  • Use mnemonics to learn vocabulary for the MAT exam. Mnemonics are memory devices that help learners recall larger pieces of information by associating them with some word or sentence. For instance,

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ASSIDUOUS means working very hard and taking great care that everything is done as well as it can be; diligent. Now we can learn it by associating it with the word ASS which means a donkey and a donkey is known for working hard and carrying heavy loads. Similarly, SAGE means wise, especially because you have a lot of experience. We can learn it by associating it with AGE. Generally, with age comes wisdom. Unfortunately, this does not hold true for everyone!

  • Vocabulary can be learned through clustering. This basically means learning words around one theme or idea. These themes or ideas can be words related to cold weather like frosty, frigid, shivering, chattering, etc, or anything related to food like beverage, dessert, potable, edible, ambrosia, etc.

Clustering may even include semantically related words as in synonyms and antonyms. For example, the synonyms of SCARED can be learned together -

fearful, frightened, afraid, horrified, terrified, petrified, intimidated, panicky, panic-stricken

  • Arranging words alphabetically and then learning can be a little helpful. Also, learning those words together that rhyme can be of help like “horrified, terrified, petrified” together.

  • Vocabulary can be learned better with the help of pictures because the human brain responds far better to visual information compared to just plain text.

  • Take the help of pictures to learn idioms but more importantly, idioms often have their origin story - how that idiom came into existence. This often helps in learning it. For instance, the idiom BEAT AROUND/ABOUT THE BUSH comes from hunting practice. This idiom means to talk about something for a long time without coming to the main point. While hunting birds, participants would beat bushes in order to draw out the birds. Therefore, they were beating around the bush before getting to the main point of the hunt - actually capturing the birds.

  • Besides, learn vocabulary from a book. The best would be Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis.

  • Keep revising daily. If you have difficulty in learning, memorize by writing.

Work on Grammar and Sentence Correction

  • Tenses and the basic understanding of parts of speech form the basis of English. You need to be thorough with them and be able to recognize the different parts of speech.

  • Understand all the rules of grammar related to different topics, starting with the study of basic tenses or parts of speech.

  • Understand the concepts with the help of example sentences.

  • Practice questions on each topic.

  • Go through the questions of previous years in order to familiarize yourself with the kinds of questions that can be formed on each topic.

  • You will have to find the error in the given sentence or apply some grammatical rule to fill in the blank. Let’s discuss the grammar section with two examples -

  1. Given below are four sentences or parts of sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the part(s) of sentence(s) that is/are incorrect in terms of grammar and usage.

  2. Although he was born in a little village near the coast and had gone to school in the nearest seaside town Mr. Smith was not a lover of the sea.

  3. When walking along the sands, he was always afraid of the tide.

  4. He was not a very good swimmer, so perhaps this accounts for it.

  5. After working for some years in London he was transferred to a coastal resort, and of course, the family outings were often made to the beach.

  6. One day his children pleaded him to take them for a ferry ride.

  7. 1 and 3 B. 1 and 4 C. 1 and 5 D. 2 and 4

1 and 5 are wrong so the correct answer is C.

Explanation :

Remove BUT. ALTHOUGH is not followed by BUT. ALTHOUGH can be used with YET or just with a comma (,). Therefore, 1 is incorrect.

Besides, PLEAD is followed by the preposition WITH. Example -

He pleaded with me. (correct).

He pleaded me. (wrong)

Therefore, 5 is incorrect.

II. This hotel ___ three swimming pools.

A. comprises of B. Comprise C. Boasts D. Boasts of

The correct sentence is “This hotel boasts three swimming pools.” so the correct answer is C.


A is wrong because COMPRISE is not followed by OF

B is wrong because the subject HOTEL is singular so the verb should be COMPRISES.

Now between C and D, we need to look at the meaning of the word BOAST.

BOAST + OF/ABOUT = to talk with too much pride about something that you have or can do

For example, He always boasts of/about his high-paying job.

BOAST + no preposition = to have something that is impressive and that you can be proud of

For example, India boasts the highest win percentage in the T20 World Cup.

Therefore, C is the correct answer.

Practice Jumbled Sentences

If you find jumbled sentences and sentence rearrangement difficult, start practicing easy questions first. There are several other exams in which jumbled sentences are asked but they are shorter and easier. When you master them, go on to MAT-level questions.

You get grammatical clues in order to arrange the sentences in the right order. When you get a grip on applying grammatical rules in smaller/easier questions, you can ace MAT-level questions with practice very soon. Remember, this needs to be done only if you are facing difficulty in it.

Solve MAT Previous Year Questions

It is crucial as part of MAT Language Comprehension & Verbal Ability Tips that you target the previous years’ questions of at least 6-7 years. This will help you understand the difficulty level of MAT and the types of questions asked. The more you practice, the better it is. If you are able to practice and master them, you have taken a giant step towards getting the required MAT score.

Take Topic-wise Tests and MAT Mock Tests

  • For MAT Language Comprehension 2024, you need to solve more and more tests in order to keep track of your progress.

  • Just quantity is not the key. This should be accompanied by the right strategy.

  • When you start studying, focus on your basics. Gain clarity and make such topics strong. Only a strong foundation can help you solve difficult questions later.

  • After studying a particular topic, practice sectional or topic-wise tests related to that topic.

  • Once you have covered a major portion of the syllabus, you can start practicing from MAT mock tests.

  • There is no point in solving mock tests if you haven’t studied the topics. You won’t be able to answer the questions on something you haven’t studied.

Focus on Time Management during MAT exam Preparation

  • Time management plays a pivotal role so it is required that you keep track of time while studying as well as while solving mock tests and previous years’ questions.

  • Note down the things you are learning in order to better memorize them. Keep the notes as brief as possible - as bullet points. Writing down effectively helps in the learning process and also in revision.

  • Keeping track of time while practicing will help you identify the topics in which you are taking too long to solve and help you make your time management strategy for the exam day. You’ll know beforehand which questions you generally take longer to solve and which questions you can avoid attempting in case there is a time crunch or solve later.

  • The Pomodoro Technique is considered very effective for time management and can be utilized. It involves studying for 25 minutes, then taking a 5-minute break, and repeating this process four times. After the fourth break, a longer break of 15–30 minutes is to be taken.

Preparation Tips for MAT Reading Comprehension

  • Enhancing your reading comprehension part and vocabulary building are interrelated. They are simultaneous processes and a big portion needs to be done together. A solid vocabulary boosts reading comprehension because it’s hard to read and understand a text if you don’t know what the words mean.

  • MAT reading comprehension passages can be based on a number of different topics – Economics, Literature, Arts, History, Science and Technology, and Philosophy and reading a variety of things enables you to familiarize yourself with diverse terminology and writing styles. Generally, students who are into reading do not find the reading comprehension questions very difficult.

  • If you read a mix of things – newspapers, magazines, novels and non-fiction, blogs – it will help you a great deal in terms of vocabulary building as well as reading speed and general understanding of the text.

  • Improving your reading comprehension as part of MAT Language Comprehension 2024 is a long process that demands patience and dedication. If you do not have much study time, focus solely on newspaper reading because there is no source as diverse in its very nature as a newspaper is. You will find news and articles on everything in it- Economics, Politics, Science and Technology, Literature, Arts, History, and Philosophy. Extensive reading is the key.

  • For language comprehension for the MAT exam, work on your vocabulary and reading speed. Tracing the text line by line using a pen or your finger helps you to focus on exactly the thing you are reading without your eyes involuntarily picking up words from other lines or rereading words. This technique is called the Pacer method. You also need to increase your eye span which in turn will increase your reading speed. Eye span means the maximum number of words you can read in a single glance without changing your eye position. This is an effective time management technique for reading comprehension.

  • You can also practice speed reading methods like Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP). This is a scientific method that can help with attentional focus.

  • Form the habit of writing down or highlighting key points and after reading the whole article try to summarize the main points. This will help you in overall understanding, information retention, and also in identifying the keywords which will help you in understanding the main idea of the passage.

  • Go through the different tones of styles of the passage that can be asked. You should be able to recognize them, for example - apathetic, cynical, ethical, etc.

  • Practice Different Types of Passages -

  1. NARRATIVE - Narrative style of writing is easy to identify since these passages are written in the form of a story. The intention of the author is to narrate some events or personal experiences through such passages. Such a passage requires you to imagine the scenes and setting and understand the characters to connect with the plot.

  2. DESCRIPTIVE - Descriptive passages are used to describe a person, thing, place or event in great detail. It is natural that such passages include a lot of adjectives, adverbs, metaphors and similes in order to paint a picture of that particular person or thing in the reader’s mind.

  3. ARGUMENTATIVE - Argumentative style uses factual evidence and logical support to convince the reader to form a particular opinion. Such passages cite instances, justifications, studies and facts to support a specific point of view or stand taken on the given topic.

Also, Check -

Mistakes to Avoid in MAT Language Comprehension & Verbal Ability Preparation

As part of MAT 2024 Preparation Tips for Language Comprehension and Verbal Ability it is important to be conscious of the common pitfalls of the section and avoid them.

  • For MAT Language Comprehension 2024, the very nature of reading comprehension questions requires you to practice a lot and for that, you have to read extensively. Failing to do so will create problems for you in the comprehension section.

  • The vocabulary part demands revision, ignoring which would be a mistake. Make it a habit to do some new vocabulary daily and revise what you did the previous day because out of sight, out of mind.

  • It is not enough to simply understand the concept in grammar. Unless you practice the different chapters, it is of no use. Do chapter-wise practice then move on to mixed practice.

  • Skipping the practice of different question types would be totally unwise. Practice all the types of questions that may be asked for which MAT previous year papers, MAT mock tests, and topic-wise tests will be of help. Regular practice of mock tests and previous years’ questions while keeping track of the time taken to solve is essential to ace this section. Monitor the time you take while solving. This should improve with practice.

  • Reading comprehension questions are time-consuming but it doesn’t mean you rush through the passages. While solving the passage, it is a time-tested strategy to go through the questions first. Then you can skim through the passage to get a general overview of the content keeping in mind the questions. This will help you identify the keywords and main points and let you focus on the things that have been asked rather than trying to grasp the whole paragraph which can be daunting considering the time crunch. This helps you a lot if the passage is of a data-based model. Remember, your strategy has to be question-specific. There is no sure-shot method when it comes to reading comprehension.

  • Failing to review mistakes brings failure. While practicing, monitor the mistakes that you make. Analyze your performance in mock tests. See if there are any recurring mistakes or areas where you are spending too much time. Work on those areas.

  • Do not underestimate the importance of time management. Make a workable study schedule keeping in mind all the topics of the MAT exam that need to be covered within the available time. Keep track of time while studying as well as while solving mock tests and previous years’ questions and of course, while taking the test. Try to keep at least a few minutes for revision in the end.

  • Simply cramming and memorizing words instead of understanding the meaning won’t help. If you do not learn vocabulary with the help of association or mnemonics, you may not be able to retain most of it.

  • Not revising and reviewing grammar rules and concepts before the exam would be a mistake because grammar rules have intricacies that may get mixed up if not revised in the end.

  • Do not make the mistake of avoiding the practice of challenging questions. Even if the level of the MAT exam is moderately tough, there are always a couple of questions that are considered of a higher level. Skipping or getting those questions wrong will hurt your chances of a good overall score.

  • No matter how well you have prepared, everything boils down to your performance on the D-day. The MAT exam day will be a game changer. What all you have studied is important but whether you are able to deliver that on the day of the exam depends on several other factors. For that, your mental and physical health also needs to be good that day, or else things can go wrong. Try to avoid stress and anxiety as much as possible. Stay positive and also take good care of your diet and water intake before the exam.

MAT Preparation Tips, Study Material & Mock Test
Candidates can download this eBook to check MAT 2024 section-wise preparation tips, latest exam pattern, previous year paper analysis & Important books.
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MAT Language Comprehension & Verbal Ability: Important Books

In order to perform well in MAT Language Comprehension 2024 you need to study quality content. Here is a list of the best books for language comprehension and verbal ability -



Word Power Made Easy

Norman Lewis

High School English Grammar

Wren and Martin

How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT

Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay

Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension

Gautam Puri

How to prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT

McGraw Hill


After doing a comprehensive analysis of the MAT exam syllabus and the pattern, stick to your study plan with dedication. Don’t be disheartened with minor failures in your way. Neither should you waste time in any way. Do rigorous practice in a disciplined way, strengthening your weaknesses. Learn from your mistakes. Stay updated with the help of the best quality study material and newspapers. Don’t underestimate the importance of sectional and mock tests as well as previous years’ questions. Following these MAT 2024 Preparation Tips for Language Comprehension and Verbal Ability, you’ll stay at the top of your game. We wish you the best for your MAT exam.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. How many times is the MAT exam conducted every year?

AIMA conducts the MAT exam four times a year - February, May, September, and December.

2. Is there any negative marking in the MAT exam?

Yes. There is a negative marking of 0.25 for every wrong answer. Hence, it is not advised to mark answers randomly. If you aren’t sure about the answer, use the elimination method or skip the question.

3. How many sections are there in the MAT exam?

There are 150 questions across five sections in MAT namely -

1.      Intelligence and Critical Reasoning

2.      Data Analysis and Sufficiency

3.      Language Comprehension

4.      Indian and Global Environment

5.         Mathematics

4. Which section of the MAT exam has maximum weightage?

All the sections of MAT have equal weightage. There are five sections of 30 marks each. Hence, it is important to give ample time for the preparation of each section.

5. What is the mode of the MAT exam?

The MAT is conducted in 3 modes - CBT, IBT, and PBT.

CBT - Computer Based Test

IBT - Internet Based Test 

PBT - Paper Based Test

6. What is language comprehension in the MAT exam?

The MAT Language Comprehension section tests a candidate’s verbal ability and reading comprehension skills. Some topics included in this section are reading comprehension passages, Sentence Rearrangement, Odd One Out, Sentence Correction, Antonyms/Synonyms, Fill in the blanks, etc.

7. How to prepare for the MAT language comprehension section?
  • Start by getting into the habit of reading daily: newspapers, magazines, anything. This will help you get comfortable with reading long RC passages in the MAT exam.

  • Use flashcards for quick recall of key concepts and vocabulary.

  • Revise all the important grammar rules. You can take the help of English grammar books that have practice exercises also.

  • Practice questions from MAT previous year papers, sample papers, and mock tests.


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Questions related to MAT

Have a question related to MAT ?

The applicability of a caste certificate from another state (West Bengal) for MAT admissions in Hyderabad colleges depends on the specific college's policy.

MAT itself doesn't have specific requirements regarding caste certificates. It's a national-level entrance exam.

Each college sets its own admission criteria, including the format and validity of caste certificates for claiming reservation benefits.

Some colleges in Hyderabad might accept caste certificates from other states like West Bengal, provided they are issued by the competent authority and meet their format requirements. Other colleges might require a caste certificate issued by the competent authority within Telangana (the state where Hyderabad is located).

The best way to know for sure is to directly contact the admissions office of the specific colleges you're interested in Hyderabad. They can clarify their policy on accepting caste certificates from other states for MAT admissions.

Some colleges might mention their reservation policy and required documents on their websites. Check the admissions section for details.

I hope it helps!

There could be several reasons why you're facing difficulty downloading your HPU MAT 2024 result:

  1. Website Issues: The HPU website might be experiencing technical glitches or high traffic. Try accessing it later or from a different device.
  2. Incorrect Credentials: Ensure you're entering the correct application number and password. Double-check for any typos or errors.
  3. Result Not Yet Released: Verify if the results have been declared officially. Check the HPU website for any updates or announcements.
  4. Browser Compatibility: Try using a different web browser to access the result page. Sometimes, compatibility issues can hinder downloads.

If the problem persists, consider these steps:

  • Contact the HPU MAT exam cell directly for assistance. They can provide specific guidance and troubleshoot the issue.
  • Check the HPU MAT result-related FAQs or help section on the website.
  • Look for any official notifications or updates on the HPU website or social media channels.

By following these steps, you can increase your chances of successfully downloading your HPU MAT 2024 result.

Hello aspirant,

The Management Aptitude Test (MAT) is a standardised examination designed to help Business Schools (B-Schools) evaluate applicants before accepting them into their MBA and related programmes. Solving mat sample papers immensely helps in its preparation.

To download sample papers you can visit our website by clicking on the link given below.

Thank you

Hope this information helps you.

Hello aspirant,

The MAT's GK Section is not taken into account while determining the composite score or final percentile. However, if you score well in the MAT GK Section, you will have an advantage during the GD/PI procedure. So General Knowledge is also important for the interview perspective.

Thank you

Hope it helps you.

MAT and NMAT are both entrance exams conducted for admission into management program in India. While there maybe some overlap in terms of the general aptitude & reasoning sections, it's important to note that they are conducted by different bodies and have different focuses.

MAT covers sections like language comprehension, Mathematical skills, data analysis and sufficiency, intelligence and critical reasoning, and India and Global environment.

NMAT on the other hand, focuses on language skills, Quantitative analysis and logical reasoning.

MAT is conducted in either paper based or computer based but, NMAT is only computer based.

MAT scores are accepted by wide range of management schools across India. While NMAT score are primarily used for admission into NMIMS, and some other institutions.

Given these differences, it's advisable to study separately for each exam.

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