MAH MBA CET 2025 Analysis and Expected Cutoff: Maharashtra CET MBA Paper Analysis

MAH MBA CET 2025 Analysis and Expected Cutoff: Maharashtra CET MBA Paper Analysis

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Feb 03, 2025 05:42 PM IST | #MAH MBA CET
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MAH MBA CET  Exam Date : 01 Apr' 2025 - 03 Apr' 2025

MAH MBA CET 2025 analysis will be available after the exam. As per the previous year's analysis, the difficulty level of the MAH CET 2025 exam will be moderate. The MAH MBA CET cut off percentile is expected to remain at 99+ for top MBA colleges accepting MAH MBA CET exam like JBIMS, SIMSREE, Welingkar, PUMBA, etc. Read this article to know section-wise MAH MBA CET 2025 analysis in-depth and the expected cut off for all MAH CET participating colleges.

This Story also Contains
  1. MAH MBA CET Exam 2025: Latest Updates
  2. MAH MBA CET Exam Analysis 2025 (Expected)
  3. MAH MBA CET Day 2 Exam Analysis 2025
  4. MAH MBA CET Day 1 Exam Analysis 2025: Questions asked in LR section
  5. MAH CET MBA Analysis 2024 (Previous Year)
  6. MAH MBA CET All Slots Analysis
  7. MAH CET MBA Day 1 Exam Analysis (All slots)
  8. MAH CET MBA Day 2 Exam Analysis (All slots)
  9. MAH CET MBA Exam Analysis by IMS (Slot 1)
  10. MAH MBA CET Expected cutoff 2025
MAH MBA CET 2025 Analysis and Expected Cutoff: Maharashtra CET MBA Paper Analysis
MAH MBA CET 2025 Analysis and Expected Cutoff: Maharashtra CET MBA Paper Analysis

MAH MBA CET Exam 2025: Latest Updates

State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra will conduct MAH CET 2025 for MBA on April 1, 2 and 3, 2025. As per the MAH MBA CET aspirants, the sessions on both days are expected to be easy to moderate as per the previous year's trends. Some questions in the VARC section of MAH CET will be taken from MBA entrance exam like CAT and XAT exam. The overall difficulty level of the MAH MBA CET VARC section was tough. The logical reasoning section had few Quants based questions and Venn diagram as well.

MAH MBA CET is the second MBA entrance exam after CAT held in India for admission to graduate management programmes in terms of participation. Around 1.43+ lakhs students students are expected to sit for MAH CET this year. As per the MAH MBA CET exam pattern. candidates will be given 150 minutes to answer all sections of the MAH CET paper. There will be 200 marks total, and each question carries 1 mark. MAH MBA CET marking scheme is expected to be the same as last year.

VIT Bhopal University | MBA Admissions 2025

MBA Admissions 2025 Open @ VIT Bhopal University | Ranked #1 in India by ARIIA | Overall Highest CTC 59 LPA | Applications closing soon | Apply Now

ISBR Business School PGDM Admissions 2025

Last Date of Applications- 22nd April | 250+ Companies | Highest CTC 16 LPA | Average CTC 8 LPA | Ranked as Platinum Institute by AICTE for 6 years in a row

MAH MBA CET Exam Analysis 2025 (Expected)

After the conclusion of the MAH MBA CET 2025, the overall and sectional MAH MBA CET analysis will be published here. The MAH CET MBA 2025 analysis is based on the reactions of students and experts like IMS learning, Career launcher, Hitbullseye, etc. The expected MAH MBA CET exam 2025 analysis is explained in the table below.

MAH CET MBA Syllabus
Appearing for MAH CET MBA entrance test? Use this eBook while preparing for Maharashtra MBA Common Entrance Test.
Download Now

MBA CET VARC 2025 Exam Analysis (Shift 1)

TopicNumber of questions
RCs (3 Passages)12 (4+5+3)
Idiom/ Phrases/ One word substitution11
UPES MBA Admissions 2025

Ranked #41 amongst institutions in Management by NIRF | 100% Placement | Last Date to Apply: 28th March

ITM Business School MBA Admissions 2025

400+ Company Visits | Highest CTC Offered: 21 LPA | Average CTC Offered: 8.65 LPA | 100% Placement Assurance | Last Date to Apply: 16th March

MAH CET MBA 2025 Quantitative Aptitude & DI Analysis (Shift 1)

TopicsNumber of Questions
Profit, Loss & Discount3
Time, Speed & Distance9
Time & Work2
Number System9
DI (4+3)7

MAH CET MBA 2025 Logical Reasoning

TopicsNumber of Questions
Linear Arrangement (1+5)6
Circle Arrangement4
Blood Relations4
Odd one (word based)5
Analogy (word based)4
Analogy (number)1
Basic Logic (number-based)3
Find the missing number3
Order & Rank2
Alphabet series1
DT (3+4+4)11

MAH MBA CET 2025 Session 1 Exam Analysis (Shift 1 and 2)

MAH MBA CET SectionsDifficulty LevelNumber of QuestionsGood Attempts
Abstract ReasoningEasy25170-175
Logical ReasoningEasy to moderate74
Quantitative AptitudeEasy46
Verbal AbilityEasy55

The number of good attempts in MAH MBA CET 2025 is expected to be between 170 to 175 out of total 200 questions.

MAH MBA CET Day 2 Exam Analysis 2025

MAH MBA CET 2025 slot 2 will be quite difficult as compared to the morning slot. The overall difficulty level of the abstract reasoning section will be moderate. QA section will be tough for those who have not good command over the same.

Questions from Probability can be quite tough. Students can expect questions from height and distance, number system, LCM and HCF, and Modern Maths. An attempt of 140 questions can be considered as good.

MAH MBA CET Day 1 Exam Analysis 2025: Questions asked in LR section

TopicsNumber of Question
Data Sufficiency4
Odd Man Out/ Classification3
Alphabet Test2
Arrangement/ Puzzle21
Letter Series6
Number Analogy2
Blood Relation4
Assertion & Reason4
Permutation and Combination2
Set Theory3
Course of Action2

Check out : MAH MBA CET Syllabus

MAH CET MBA Analysis 2024 (Previous Year)

MAH MBA CET 2024 was conducted on March 9, 10 and 11. The MAH CET was held at various centres in selected cities across the state.` The duration of the MBA CET 2024 exam was spotted different. The number of questions remained the same. The paper in both slots on the second day of the exam was unexpectedly the same, giving an advantage to candidates in the second slot.

MAH MBA CET 2024 Exam Pattern


No. of Questions

Maximum Marks

Marks per Question

Difficulty Level (Slot 1/ 2)

Total Marks

Marking Scheme

Logical Reasoning (LR)




Difficult and lengthy/ Difficult


No Negative Marking

Abstract Reasoning (AR)





Quantitative Aptitude (QA)





Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension (VA/RC)




Moderate/ Difficult

MAH MBA CET All Slots Analysis

The students who appeared in the test suggested the paper as moderate to difficult. Here is a detailed analysis based on day 1 exam inputs from students.

  • The paper and options were completely jumbled up and no questions based on critical reasoning.
  • There were 20 questions from data sufficiency while only 15 questions from mathematics.
  • Two questions from equation, ratio, mixture and probability each. Five questions were from series.
  • DI has two bar and graph based sets.
  • Some new types of questions in abstract reasoning.
  • There were 5 questions from grammar. Decision making saw 5 questions and only one small paragraph
  • Around 10 questions were related to vocabulary
  • Logic had 35 questions, with 10 questions only from coding - decoding. 5 questions were from syllogism
  • No questions were asked from reverse syllogism
  • Odd one out saw two questions, and all were easy

MAH CET MBA Day 1 Exam Analysis (All slots)

Given below is the IMS Day 2 MAH CET Analysis based on the feedback received from IMS students and experts who appeared for the tests. CET second slot retained the overall structure and the types of questions of the past four years’ with minor differences. The broad pattern and the IMS estimate of difficulty level are as follows:


MAH CET section nameApprox. number of questionsDifficulty levelGood attempts
Logical Reasoning80-85Easy to moderateAround 160
Abstract Reasoning8-10Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude55-60Easy
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension45-50Moderate


  • There were no sections and questions of various sections were mixed up throughout the paper.
  • As usual, CET consisted of 200 questions to be attempted in 150 minutes
  • Since there is NO Negative Marking in CET, candidates are expected to attempt all 200 questions.
  • IMS estimate of good attempts refers to the number of serious attempts and excludes the randomly marked answers.

Test of Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (50 questions)

  • VARC consisted of around 50 questions with about 40 VA questions and around 10 RC questions.
  • While the number of Reading Comprehension questions came down to 10, there was only one question per passage. The length of passages varied from 50 words to 250 words. Some of the passages were challenging to read and were accompanied by inference-based questions. The other questions types were: Specific Detail questions, Tone of the passage, Source of the passage etc. Overall, the Reading Comprehension questions were of moderate difficulty level.

The VA section had various question types.

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

No. of Questions (Approx.)
FIB - 1 Blank5

Replace the underlined word in the passage with a similar word

Jumbled Paragraphs (5 statements)6

Select the odd one from word-meaning pairs

Choose the correct spelling8
One word substitution (Passage-based)2
Anagram-based odd word3
Reading Comprehension10
TotalAround 50

Quantitative Aptitude

There were about 60 questions on Quantitative Aptitude in the second slot of CET. Major Surprise was that there were only 3 questions on Data Interpretation and only 1 question on Data Sufficiency. Similarly, a major deviation from recent years was that there were a few questions Limits, Integration, Differential Equations, Inductive functions which were never included in this exam. The level of difficulty of the questions on Quantitative Aptitude was easier as compared to recent years.

The questions on Quantitative Aptitude were dominated by questions on Arithmetic. There were about 12 questions on Arithmetic and all the subtopics in Arithmetic (such as Time-Speed-Distance, Averages, Ratio-Proportion, Time & Work, Mixtures & Alligations, Percentages, Simple and Compound Interest) were represented.

The questions on Quantitative Aptitude were dominated by questions on Arithmetic. There were about 12 questions on Arithmetic and all the subtopics in Arithmetic (such as Time-Speed-Distance, Averages, Ratio-Proportion, Time & Work, Mixtures & Alligations, Percentages, Simple and Compound Interest) were represented.

Following was the approximate overall break-up of the topics in this test:

TopicsNumber of questions
Modern Math12
Limits, Integration, Differential Equations, Statistics8
Limits, Integration, Differential Equations, Statistics3
Data Sufficiency1

Logical Reasoning

Questions on Logical Reasoning were dominated by questions on non-verbal reasoning. There were 70 questions on Non-Verbal Reasoning and 20 questions on Verbal Reasoning. Out of the 70 questions on Non-Verbal Reasoning, only 15 questions were set based and all other questions were standalone. There was a set of 2 questions on Sequential Output and 1 question on Data Sufficiency.

All the 5 sets were on Arrangements. Three sets were on matrix arrangement while two sets were based on circular arrangement. A set of 2 questions on Sequential output and a set of 2 questions on Selection Criteria were also included.

The standalone questions on non-verbal reasoning were on different topics such as directions (6 questions), Linear Arrangement (9 questions), Coding (7 questions), Family Tree (5 questions) and Data Sufficiency (3 questions).

In Verbal Reasoning, there were around 20 questions of the following types: Critical Reasoning, Statement-Conclusion, Statement-Assumption, Courses of Action, Situation-Response, Syllogisms, and Statement-Assertion. The verbal reasoning questions were of easy to moderate difficulty.

Following is the summary of the approximate break-up of this section.

Non-Verbal Reasoning (Around 70 questions)

5 sets and 11 standalone questions

(Three sets on matrix arrangement and two sets Circular arrangement)

Family Tree5 standalone questions5
Coding7 standalone questions7
Directions6 standalone questions6
Selection CriteriaSet of 2 questions2
Data Sufficiency3 standalone questions3
Sequential output2 standalone questions2
MiscellaneousStandalone questions19
Verbal Reasoning (20 questions)
Critical Reasoning (Weaken the argument)1
Statement-Conclusion (2 conclusions; 5 conclusions)9
Courses of Action (2 CoA; 5 CoA)4

Abstract Reasoning

There were about 10 questions on Abstract Reasoning. There were questions on series completion and paper folding. The questions were not easy like previous year papers.

MAH CET MBA Day 2 Exam Analysis (All slots)

According to the inputs from the applicants who took the exam, the MAH CET held on March 26 was a bit more difficult than the day 1 morning slot exam held on March 25. It was moderately difficult, and English paper was moderate level of difficulty. But there were a lot of ambiguity and errors in the paper. The questions were badly phrased, making it complex to understand. One more thing that was quite interesting and unexpected is that there were around 8-10 questions from XAT, CAT and IIFT. And 12-14 questions from a few previous MAH MBA CET exams. Paper pattern was not same in the LR and QA ( DI included). These sections had 59 questions and 66 questions respectively.

MAH MBA CET exam pattern

Section Name

No. of Questions

Difficulty Level

Good Attempts*

Logical Reasoning59Moderate170-180
Abstract Reasoning25Easy
Quantitative Aptitude ( DI included)66Easy to Moderate
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension50Moderate

Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension

VARC consisted of 50 questions with 32 questions from VA and around 18 RC questions.

There were 2 passages - one was slightly lengthier than the other, but both were easy to read and comprehend. The longer passage had about 9 questions and the other passage had 5 questions. Most of the questions were specific detail questions and were easily answered from the passage directly.

The VA section was dominated by vocabulary and grammar based questions. The questions were standard CET fare such as fill in the blanks, cloze paragraph, synonyms, antonyms, analogies, spotting the error and Para jumbles. Overall, the difficulty level of the VARC section was Moderately difficult ( a bit difficult than last year).

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

No. of Questions (Approx.)

RC (1 DM)18
Odd one out4
Jumbled Paragraph5
Critical Reasoning
Statement and Conclusion

Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation

There were about 55 to 60 questions on Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation in this slot of CET. On the first two days of CET, the emphasis on Data Interpretation was very low. It went back to previous years of CET in this slot. There were a total of 6 DI sets with a total of 24 questions. One set was on a Pie Chart with 5 questions and one other set was on table with 3 questions. There was one DI set on three variable Venn diagrams with 5 questions and three sets on caselets. Two out of these three sets on caselets had 4 questions and the third set had 3 questions. Most DI sets involved easy calculations.

There were about 35 questions on Quantitative Aptitude. Those questions were heavily dominated by questions on Arithmetic. There were as many as 27 questions on Arithmetic. Most subtopics in Arithmetic such as averages, Profit & Loss, and Time-Speed-Distance were asked. There were four questions on Modern Mathematics ( Permutation & Combinations and venn diagram) and two questions on Geometry.



Ratio and Proportion
Linear Equations
Permutation and Combination
Mixture and Allegations
Profit and Loss
Time, Speed, and Distance
Time and Work
SI and CI
Gant Chart (Set 1)
Bar Graph (Set 2)
Bar Graph ( Set 3)
Pie Chart (Set 4)

Logical Reasoning

In the both slot of the second the pattern of paper was the same in terms of number of total questions, sectional questions and so on. The overall difficulty level of this section was moderate compared to Abstract Reasoning section. The number of questions in this sections was less than that of day 1 CET exam. There were around 5 questions asked from calendars followed arrangement and matrix which had 4 questions each. Clocks and dimensions saw 3 questions each. There was only 1 question based on odd one out.


Total Questions

Series completion2
Odd one out1
Blood relations2

Abstract Reasoning

This slot of CET had 25 questions on Abstract Reasoning, like in previous years. The questions were on analogies, series completion, odd man out and finding the missing part. One question on paper cutting was reported. Following was the break-up of the questions on abstract reasoning in this slot of CET.



Series completion11
Odd man out10
Paper cutting1

MAH CET MBA Exam Analysis by IMS (Slot 1)

The first slot of CET took place on September 16, between 9 am and 11:30 am. Given below is the IMS Day 1 MAH CET Analysis based on the feedback received from IMS students and experts who appeared for the tests. CET first slot retained the overall structure and the types of questions of the past four years’ with minor differences. The broad pattern and the IMS estimate of difficulty level are as follows:


MAH CET section nameApprox. number of questionsDifficulty levelGood attempts
Logical Reasoning70-75Easy to moderate170-175
Abstract Reasoning20-25Easy
Quantitative Aptitude50-55Easy
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension45-50Moderate

Based on the feedback received from several candidates we estimate the scores and percentiles** to be as follows:

VERDICT after all slots:

  • First slot of CET was easier.
  • As usual, CET consisted of 200 questions to be attempted in 150 minutes
  • Since there is NO Negative Marking in CET, candidates are expected to attempt all 200 questions.
  • IMS estimate of good attempts refers to the number of serious attempts and excludes the randomly marked answers.

Test of Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (50 questions)

VARC consisted of 45 to 50 questions with about 30 VA questions and around 15 RC questions. Overall, the VARC was easier than in the previous year.

While the number of Reading Comprehension questions was roughly the same as last year, there were four passages instead of the usual two. The passages were challenging to read and were accompanied by mostly inference-based questions.

The VA section had familiar question types.

  • There were around 6 to 8 grammar questions in the spot-the-error format - a statement was divided into 4 parts and the part carrying an error had to be marked as the answer.
  • There were 2 jumbled paragraph questions but the format was slightly different. Each set of statements had just one question to be answered unlike last year when 4 to 5 questions were to be answered from a single set of statements.
  • A majority of vocabulary questions were in a format in which 4 words were provided and one had to identify two words that were either similar or opposite in meaning.

Most of the VA questions were easy and could be answered quickly with high accuracy.

Verbal Ability and Reading ComprehensionNumber of questions (Approx.)
Jumbled Paragraphs2
Reading Comprehension15-17
TotalAround 50

MAH MBA CET- Quantitative Aptitude Analysis

There were about 50 questions on Quantitative Aptitude in the first slot of CET. Major Surprise was that there were no questions on Data Interpretation. Similarly, a major deviation from recent years was that there were no questions on Quantitative Comparison, Approximations and Data Sufficiency. The level of difficulty of the questions on Quantitative Aptitude was easier as compared to recent years.

The questions on Quantitative Aptitude were dominated by questions on Arithmetic. There were about 25 questions on Arithmetic and all the subtopics in Arithmetic (such as Time-Speed-Distance, Averages, Ratio-Proportion, Time & Work, Mixtures & Allegations, Percentages, Simple and Compound Interest) were represented.

Other topics on which questions were asked on Quantitative Aptitude were Numbers (4 to 5 questions-questions on factors & multiples and surds), Geometry (3 to 4 questions- questions on mensuration and circles), Modern Mathematics (4 questions- questions on Logarithms, Probability, AP-GP) and Algebra (2 to 3 questions). In addition to these, there were 5 standalone questions on number series.

Following was the approximate overall break-up of the topics in this test:

Test of Quantitative Aptitude

Modern Math4
Number Series5
TotalAround 50

Test of Logical Reasoning

Questions on Logical Reasoning were dominated by questions on non-verbal reasoning. There were about 50 to 55 questions on Non-Verbal Reasoning and 20 questions on Verbal Reasoning. Out of the 55 questions on Non-Verbal Reasoning, 40 questions were set-based (8 sets of 5 questions each) and there were 15 standalone questions. There were no questions on Sequential Output or Selection Criteria.

Out of the 8 sets, four sets were on arrangements. Two sets were on matrix arrangement while one set was on linear arrangement, combined with family relations. One set combined linear arrangement and conditionality's. One set was based on only family relations. There was one case let, which combined the concepts of time and work. That set was slightly complicated. There was one set on scheduling.

The 15 standalone questions on non-verbal reasoning were on different topics such as directions, letter coding and puzzles.

In Verbal Reasoning, there were around 19 to 20 questions of the following types: Cause-Effect reasoning, Assertion - Reason, Strengthen / Weaken the Argument, Analogies and Syllogisms. Syllogism questions formed the major chunk of verbal reasoning questions and owing to the familiarity of the question type, were simpler to answer. The rest of the verbal reasoning questions were in the easy to moderate difficulty range.

Following is the summary of the approximate break-up of this section.

Non-Verbal Reasoning (55 questions)

4 sets of 5 questions each.

(Two sets each on matrix arrangement and linear arrangement)

Family TreeOne set of 5 questions5
SchedulingOne set of 5 questions5
CaseletOne set of 5 questions on Time & Work5
Standalone questionsTotal 15 questions on directions, letter coding and puzzles15
Verbal Reasoning (15-20 questions)
Cause - Effect
Assertion - Reason
Strengthen - Weaken
Around 75

Test of Abstract Reasoning

There were about 25 questions on Abstract Reasoning. There were questions on series completion, analogies and odd man out like in the recent years. Additionally, questions on paper folding made a comeback to CET after several years. There was one question which combined multiple odd man out questions. That was somewhat complex but all other questions were rather easy.

Check: MAH CET Result

MAH MBA CET Expected cutoff 2025

Candidates can check out the expected MAH MBA CET cutoff for admission to top MBA colleges accepting MAH CET MBA.

All India MAH MBA CET Cutoff 2025 Expected


MAH CET cut off percentile

Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai


Sydenham Institute of Management Studies & Research & Entrepreneurship Education(SIMSREE), Mumbai


Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research, Mumbai


S.I.E.S. College of Management Studies, Mumbai


Department of Management Sciences (PUMBA), University of Pune


Bombay St. Xavier College Soc.'s Xavier Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai


COEP Technological University


Chetana's Ramprasad Khandelwal Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai


MET's Institute of Management, Mumbai


Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management, Mumbai


Zagdu Singh Chartitable Trust's Thakur Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai


Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai


Indira College of Engineering & Management, Pune


Shree C. E. Society's Indira Institute of Management, Pune


Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai


Alkesh Dinesh Modi Institute for Financial & Management Studies, Mumbai


S.C.E.S. Indira School Of Business Studies, Tathwade


Indira Global Business School, Parandwadi Tq. Maval Dist. Pune


Agnel Charities Agnel Seva Sangha's Fr. C. Rodrigues Inst. of Management. Studies, Vashi, Navi Mumbai


Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur


Bharti Vidyapeeth's Institute of Management Studies & Research, Navi Mumbai


Durgadevi Saraf Institute of Management Studies, Malad (W), Mumbai


Gurunanak Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai


Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Wadala, Mumbai


Modern Education Society's Neville Wadia Institute of Management Studies & Research, Pune


Savitribai Phule Pune University Sub Centre, Nashik


Atharva Educational Trust, Atharva Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai


Indira College of Management Studies, Parandvadi


Jankidevi Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Santacruz, Mumbai


Dr. D.Y. Patil Unitech Society's Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Management & Research, Pimpri


Department of Business Management, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur


After the conclusion of MAH CET MBA 2025, candidates can use the MAH CET Rank Predictor to know the rank they will get based on their approximate score in the MAH MBA CET exam. To use the tool, candidates will have to provide details such as personal information and expected scores based on questions attempted, and the rank predictor will give a detailed analysis of their rank.


Certifications By Top Providers

Explore Top Universities Across Globe

University of Essex, Colchester
 Wivenhoe Park Colchester CO4 3SQ
Queen Mary University of London, London
 Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
 16 Richmond St, Glasgow G1 1XQ
Oxford Brookes University, Oxford
 Headington Campus Oxford OX3 0BP UK
Northumbria University, Newcastle City Campus
 Sutherland Building, Northumberland Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1 8ST
Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff
 Llandaff Campus, Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB

Questions related to MAH MBA CET

Have a question related to MAH MBA CET ?

You are likely a Type B student for the MAH MBA CET.

Here's why:

  • Type A students typically require both HSC and graduation from Maharashtra.
  • Type B students need either their or their parents' domicile in Maharashtra.

Since you were born and reside in Maharashtra, fulfilling the domicile criteria, you fall under Type B. The mode of your graduation (online or offline) doesn't affect your candidature type in this case.

However, it's crucial to verify this information on the official MAH MBA CET website or contact the authorities for definitive confirmation

hope this helps you!!

Hello aspirant,

The MBA Mah CET dates for 2024 have been revealed. The dates of the 2024 MAH MBA CET test are March 9 and 10. The official website,, has the Maharashtra CET dates for 2024. As stated in the MAH CET schedule 2024 that was made public, the registration period will run from January 10 until January 31, 2024.

For more information you can visit our website by clicking on the link given below.

Thank you

Hope this information helps you.


MAH CET MBA is to be conducted for 150 minutes in cbt mode, there are a total of four sections such as logical reasoning with 75 questions, abstract reasoning with 25 questions, , quantitative aptitude with 50 questions, and verbal ability/reading comprehension with 50 questions. one mark is awarded for each   correct answer, there is no negative marking,

The integral topics for each section has been mentioned below;

Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension consists of topics such as Antonyms, Comprehension of passages, Fill in the blanks, Grammar, Vocabulary, Para Jumbles, Synonyms, Sentence completion, Sentence arrangement, Sentence Correction, Spelling/Inappropriate usage, Phrase replacement, Odd Sentence Para Jumble, Verbal Reasoning

Logical/Abstract Ability consists of the topics such as Symbol-based Comparison, Linear and Circular Arrangement, Direction, Sequential Output, Series Completion, Conditional Coding, Selection Criteria, Venn Diagram, Verbal Ability. Input/Output,Blood Relations, Coding/Decoding, Syllogisms

Quantitative Aptitude consists of topics such as Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Probability, Ratio & Proportion, Numbers, Percentage, Quantitative Reasoning, Data Sufficiency, Data Interpretation - Graphs, Charts, Tables

check out our page at to know more details regarding this.

hello aspirant,

I hope that you are doing absolutely great.

With reference to your above mentioned query, I would like to tell you that you are not eligible for MAH MBA CET Exam as the minimmum qualifying score in graduation needs to be 50% and 45 percent marks in total aggregate for backward class and those disabled candidates who belong to Maharashtra state. But you have scored 48% in grduation.

Further, below are the detail eligibility criteria;

  • Candidates should have completed their Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of three years of duration from any institution/ university which should be recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) or Association of Indian Universities.

  • Candidates must be done their graduation in any discipline with a minimum of 50 percent marks in total aggregate or its equivalent. (45 percent marks in total aggregate for backward class and those disabled candidates who belong to Maharashtra state)

  • Note - Those who are pursuing their final year of graduation are also eligible to apply for MAH CET 2022.

Further, you can follow the below mentioned link to know more about the MAH MBA eligibility criteria ;

i hope that this will help.

Hello Aspirant,

I hope you are doing well.

There are many books available in the market and online that will assist candidates in better preparing for the MAH CET MBA 2022 and resolving their problems. The following are some of the best books for MAH CET MBA 2022:

  • 50+ Solved Papers MBA by Arihant Publications

  • Maharashtra MBA MH-CET 2022 by Arihant Publications

  • How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT by Arun Sharma

  • MH-CET (MBA/ MMS) Entrance Guide by Disha Publications

  • How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by Arun Sharma

  • How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT by Arun Sharma

  • The Pearson Guide to CET: MBA Maharashtra by Vandana Thorpe

  • Target MHCET (MBA/MMS) – Past papers + 6 Mock Tests by Disha Publications

  • Maharashtra MBA CET Guide by RPH Editorial Board by Priyanka Prakashan

  • Study material on all sections of MBA CET Maharashtra by Chandresh Agarwal

You can downoad them from the lonk given below:

I hope this helps.

Good Luck

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Sales Manager

A sales manager is a revenue-generating source for a company. Any organisation or company which sells a commodity or service requires sales to generate revenue. A Sales manager is a professional responsible for supervising the sales team. An Individual as a sales manager works closely with salespeople, assigns sales territories, sets quotas, mentors the members of the sales, assigns sales training, and builds a sales plan. 

The Sales Manager work also includes hiring and laying off sales personnel after evaluating his or her work performance. In bigger entities, sales quotas and plans are usually set at the executive level. He or she is responsible for overseeing the set target or quotas met by salespeople or upholding any policy. He or she guides his or her fellow salespeople and allows them to sell.

2 Jobs Available
Business Analyst

Individuals who opt for a career as a business analyst look at how a company operates. He or she conducts research and analyses data to improve his or her knowledge about the company. This is required so that an individual can suggest the company strategies for improving their operations and processes.

In a business analyst  job role a lot of analysis is done, things are learned from past mistakes and the successful strategies are enhanced further. A business analyst goes through real-world data in order to provide the most feasible solutions to an organisation. Students can pursue Business Analytics to become Business Analysts. 

2 Jobs Available
Marketing Manager

A marketing manager is a person who oversees a company or product marketing. He or she can be in charge of multiple programmes or goods or can be in charge of one product. He or she is enthusiastic, organised, and very diligent in meeting financial constraints. He or she works with other team members to produce advertising campaigns and decides if a new product or service is marketable. 

A Marketing manager plans and executes marketing initiatives to create demand for goods and services and increase consumer awareness of them. A marketing manager prevents unauthorised statements and informs the public that the business is doing everything to investigate and fix the line of products. Students can pursue an MBA in Marketing Management courses to become marketing managers.

2 Jobs Available
SEO Analyst

An SEO Analyst is a web professional who is proficient in the implementation of SEO strategies to target more keywords to improve the reach of the content on search engines. He or she provides support to acquire the goals and success of the client’s campaigns. 

2 Jobs Available
Digital Marketing Executive

Digital marketing is growing, diverse, and is covering a wide variety of career paths. Each job function aids in the development of effective digital marketing strategies and techniques. The aims and objectives of the individuals who opt for a career as a digital marketing executive are similar to those of a marketing professional: to build brand awareness, promote company services or products, and increase conversions. Individuals who opt for a career as Digital Marketing Executives, unlike traditional marketing companies, communicate effectively through suitable technology platforms.

2 Jobs Available
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