TANCET MBA Question Papers 2025: Download Previous Year Question Paper PDFs

TANCET MBA Question Papers 2025: Download Previous Year Question Paper PDFs

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Feb 25, 2025 05:28 AM IST | #TANCET

Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) for MBA admissions has been administered by Anna University for more than 20 years, and this year TANCET will be held on 22nd March. Candidates may better grasp the variety of questions in exam key subjects, paper structure, and level of difficulty by going over Previous TANCET question papers. Practising with previous exam papers is one of the most effective strategies to enhance your marks. The following article includes TANCET question papers with solutions in PDF format for applicants to download for practice purposes and score well in exams.

This Story also Contains
  1. TANCET Question Papers
  2. Previous Years TANCET Question Papers
  3. TANCET MBA 2024 Question Paper
  4. TANCET MBA Previous Year's Question Papers: Sample Questions
  5. Benefits of Solving TANCET Question Papers
  6. TANCET MBA 2025 Previous Year Question Papers
  7. Best Books for TANCET MBA 2025 Preparation
TANCET MBA Question Papers 2025: Download Previous Year Question Paper PDFs
TANCET MBA Question Papers 2025: Download Previous Year Question Paper PDFs

TANCET Question Papers

Solving the question paper not only offers you hands-on experience with various types of questions, difficulty levels, and question topics, but it also builds your confidence, which is essential for taking exams. TANCET MBA is a state-level test for admission to the MBA programme in Tamil Nadu's participating universities. Aspiring candidates can download the TANCET questions paper and also check the exam pattern given below.

Anna University sets the TANCET question paper for including paper pattern, TANCET syllabus, and questions. TANCET exam consists of questions from five different sections viz;

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Business Situations
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Business Communication
  • Data Sufficiency
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Scroll down to get and practice the last 8 years TANCET question papers to get seat during TN MBA admission.

Previous Years TANCET Question Papers

The candidates can download various previous year's TANCET question papers using the liknks given below.

TANCET Previous Year Question Papers

TANCET MBA 2024 Question Paper

The TANCET MBA 2024 examination was held on March 9, 2024. The exam was of moderate difficulty and the candidates had to answer 100 questions within a time frame of 2 hours. The official TANCET MBA 2024 question paper published by Anna University, Chennai is given below for the reference of the candidates. The candidates are strongly advised to go through and solve the TANCET 2024 question paper because the examination is expected to follow similar trends in 2025 as well.

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TANCET MBA Sample Papers
Candidates can download TANCET MBA Question/Sample papers from here for better preparation.
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TANCET MBA Previous Year's Question Papers: Sample Questions

Reading Comprehension

Read the Passage and answer the questions that follow

In nearly all human populations a majority of individuals can taste the artificially synthesized chemical phenylthiocarbamide (PTC). However, the percentage varies dramatically from as low as 60% in India to as high as 95% in Africa. That this polymorphism is observed in non-human primates as well indicates a long evolutionary history which, although obviously not acting on PTC, might reflect evolutionary selection for taste discrimination of other, more significant bitter substances, such as certain toxic plants. A somewhat more puzzling human polymorphism is the genetic variability in earwax, or cerumen, which is observed in two varieties. Among European populations, 90% of individuals have a sticky yellow variety rather than a dry, gray one, whereas in northern China, these numbers are approximately the reverse. Perhaps like PTC variability, cerumen variability is an incidental expression of something more adaptively significant. Indeed, the observed relationship between cerumen and odorous bodily secretions, to which non-human primates and, to a lesser extent, humans, pay attention suggests that during the course of human evolution genes affecting body secretions, including cerumen, came under selective influence.

1. It can be inferred from the passage that human populations vary considerably in their

a. sensitivity to certain bodily odors
b. ability to assimilate artificial chemicals
c. vulnerability to certain toxins found in plants
d. ability to discern bitterness in taste

2. Which of the following provides the most reasonable explanation for the assertion in the first paragraph that evolutionary history "obviously" did not act on PTC?

a. PTC is not a naturally occurring chemical but rather has been produced only recently by scientists.
b. Most humans lack sufficient taste sensitivity to discriminate between PTC and bitter chemicals occurring naturally.
c. Variability among humans respecting PTC discrimination, like variability respecting earwax, cannot be explained in terms of evolutionary adaptivity.
d. Unlike non-human primates, humans can discriminate intellectually between toxic and non-toxic bitter substances.

3. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?
a. Artificially synthesized chemicals might eventually serve to alter the course of evolution by desensitizing humans to certain taste and odors.
b. Some human polymorphism might be explained as vestigial evidence of evolutionary adaptations that still serve vital purposes in other primates.
c. Sensitivity to taste and to odor have been subject to far greater natural selectivity during the evolution of primates than previously thought.
d. Polymorphism among human populations varies considerably from region to region throughout the world.

Logical Reasoning

1. If A + B means A is the mother of B; A - B means A is the brother of B; A % B means A is the father of B and A × B means A is the sister of B, which of the following shows that P is the maternal uncle of Q?

a. Q - N + M × P
b. P + S × N - Q
c. P - M + N × Q
d. Q - S % P

2. Find the missing number in the series:

138, 142, 146, 150, ?, 142, 138

a. 146
b. 140
c. 146
d. 144

3. A, P, R, K, S, and Z are sitting in a row. S and Z are in the center. A and P are at the end. R is sitting to the left of A. Who is to the right of P?

a. A
b. X
c. S
d. Z

4. Pointing to a man, a woman said, "His mother is the only daughter of my mother." How is the woman related to the man?

a. Mother
b. Daughter
c. Sister
d. Grandmother

Data Sufficiency

DIRECTIONS: Data sufficiency problems consist of a question and two statements, labelled (I) and (II), in which certain data are given. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the question. Use
the data given, plus your knowledge of mathematics and every day facts, to mark your answer as
a. If the question can be answered with the help of statement I alone
b. If the question can be answered with the help of statement II, alone
c. If both, statement I and statement II are needed to answer the question,
d. If the question cannot be answered even with the help of both the statements

1. What is the speed of the boat in still water?

I. The boat covers a distance of 48 km in 6 hours while running upstream.
II. The boat covers the same distance in 4 hours while running downstream.

2. What is the height of a circular cone?

I. The area of that cone is equal to the area of a rectangle whose length is 33 cm.
II. The area of the base of that cone is 154 sq. cm.

3. How many daughters does M have?

I. P and Q are the only daughters of N.
II. D is the brother of P and son of M.

4. On which day of the week did Sanjay visit Mumbai?

I. Sanjay returned to Hyderabad from Mumbai on Thursday.
II. Sanjay left Hyderabad on Monday for Mumbai.

Business Communication

Pick out the most effective word to make the sentence meaningfully complete

1. We are familiar with the _______ ‘A book should not be judged by its cover’.

a. Absurdity
b. Quibble
c. Maxim
d. Paradox

2. I must appreciate the extensive effort made by your staff in organizing the interview. Their attitude was highly

a. Dishonourable
b. Commendable
c. Contemptible
d. Reprehensible

3. Surveillance cameras are _______ these days. These cameras have obvious benefits.

a. Ubiquitous
b. Unique
c. Sporadic
d. Freakish

4. Jobs are stagnant from the past few years. Unemployment is a sheer waste of manpower. Corruption, bribery and ______ favour the undeserving job seekers.

a. Fair-mindedness
b. Nepotism
c. Disinterest
d. Objectivity

Benefits of Solving TANCET Question Papers

Aspirants are often guided to refer to the various study materials for the preparation of the TANCET MBA, but is it enough for the preparation? Preparing through study materials will have little impact on performance if one does not go through the previous year's question papers. Let’s know several benefits of downloading TANCET previous year question papers:

1. Helps to Know the Exam Pattern and Syllabus

By solving the previous year's TANCET MBA question papers students will get a clear picture of the exam pattern of TANCET MBA. Also, students will be able to know the weightage and section-wise questions

2. Know Strengths and Weaknesses

While solving the question paper of TANCET students can know their weak and strong areas. By determining the weak areas students can formulate their preparation strategy accordingly.

3. Build Confidence

Solving the questions from the question paper helps students build confidence by becoming familiar with the exam environment. It helps students to prepare them for the final D-day.

4. Time Management

While solving previous year TANCET question papers for MBA, one can get a time management plan during the actual exam. One can spend time wisely during the actual exam.

5. Real Exam Simulation

Simulate exam conditions while practicing TANCET MBA question paper using real exam paper. It provides a sense of the real test environment, which helps reduce anxiety on the exam day.

6. Identifying Important Topics

Past question papers and TANCET mock test reveal recurring topics and concepts which help candidates prioritize the topics that appear frequently in the TANCET exam.

7. Adapting to Difficulty Levels

Previous TANCET MBA exam papers provide an insight into the various difficulty levels of the questions. It helps to prepare for various challenges that arise during the exam.

8. Learning Exam Strategies

Analyzing past year TANCET question paper with solutions helps candidates to understand effective strategies for different types of questions in the sections.

9. Self-Evaluation

Regular practice of past TANCET MBA Questions acts as a self-assessment technique, Candidates can gauge their readiness for the MBA entrance exam by assessing their strengths and weaknesses.

10. Improving Speed and Accuracy

Repeated practice of TANCET MBA question papers improves speed and accuracy along with development of problem solving skills. Improving speed and accuracy is key to excelling in a timed competitive exam.

TANCET MBA 2025 Previous Year Question Papers

.The candidates can refer to the TANCET MBA 2025 previous year’s question papers by referring to the ebook given below. This ebook contains the preparatory material to the different TANCET question papers. The candidates are advised to make the best use of the ebook.


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TANCET MBA 2025 Previous Year Question Papers

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Best Books for TANCET MBA 2025 Preparation

The candidates are strongly advised to go through the below expert-suggested books to enhance their TANCET 2025 preparation.

SectionRecommended BooksAuthor/PublisherWhy This Book?
Quantitative AbilityQuantitative Aptitude for Competitive ExaminationsR.S. AggarwalComprehensive coverage of all quant topics with clear explanations and ample practice exercises. Essential for TANCET aspirants.
Magical Book on Quicker MathsM. TyraFocuses on shortcut techniques, mental math tricks, and faster calculations, crucial for time management in TANCET.
The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude for MBA Entrance ExaminationsDinesh KhattarProvides in-depth topic coverage with solved examples. Includes TANCET-level difficulty questions for effective preparation.
TANCET MBA GuideE.S. RamasamyTANCET-specific book that covers all sections but has a dedicated section for Quantitative Ability with relevant practice problems.
Analysis of Business SituationsAnalytical and Logical Reasoning for CATArun SharmaCovers business-oriented case studies, logical reasoning, and decision-making concepts.
Data Interpretation & Logical ReasoningGautam PuriBest for practicing graph-based questions, tabulation, and business decision-making problems.
Reading ComprehensionWord Power Made EasyNorman LewisEssential for building vocabulary, understanding passages, and improving comprehension speed.
30 Days to a More Powerful VocabularyWilfred Funk & Norman LewisHelps in understanding key words, synonyms, and antonyms for TANCET RC sections.
High School English Grammar and CompositionWren & MartinStrengthens reading comprehension, sentence improvement, and grammar basics.
Data SufficiencyHow to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CATArun SharmaCovers pie charts, bar graphs, and mixed graph DI problems, useful for Data Sufficiency.
Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CATNishit K. SinhaFocuses on data sufficiency, number system graphs, and analytical problem-solving.
English Grammar and UsageHigh School English Grammar and CompositionWren & MartinBest for sentence correction, grammar rules, and error detection in TANCET English sections.
Objective General EnglishS.P. BakshiCovers grammar, vocabulary, idioms, phrases, and comprehension-based questions.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is TANCET MBA easy?

TANCET MBA is considered moderately difficult. The exam tests candidates on areas like quantitative ability, logical reasoning, reading comprehension, and business analysis. With proper preparation, time management, and regular practice, candidates can perform well in the exam.

2. Can I crack TANCET in 2 months?

Yes, you can crack TANCET in 2 months with dedicated preparation. Focus on understanding key concepts in quantitative ability, logical reasoning, and verbal skills, and practice mock tests regularly to improve speed and accuracy. Consistent revision and effective time management will enhance your chances of success.

3. How can completing TANCET question papers help you understand the test format and syllabus?

Working through these papers will help you understand how the test is constructed, the sorts of questions offered, and the importance of each area.

4. Can answering previous question papers help me understand my strengths and weaknesses?

Yes, practice helps you determine which areas you excel at and which need more effort, allowing you to alter your study strategy.

5. How does mock tests enhance my time management skills?

Working with former TANCET exams in a timed context teaches you how to pace yourself, which will help you manage your time effectively throughout the test.

6. Can I identify important topics by solving past TANCET papers?

Yes, examining previous papers helps you identify repeating subjects, allowing you to concentrate on what is most likely to occur on the test.

7. Will solving TANCET question papers help me enhance my speed and accuracy?

Yes, frequent practice with these problems improves your problem-solving abilities, allowing you to respond more properly and rapidly on the test.


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Questions related to TANCET

Have a question related to TANCET ?


TANCET is a popular entrance exam in Tamil Nadu for MBA aspirants. The exam evaluates candidate's aptitude in areas like quantitative ability, logical reasoning, verbal ability, and data interpretation.

TANCET scores are accepted by various colleges and universities in Tamil Nadu for their MBA programs.

You can get TANCET past year's question papers through the link below:


Hope this helps,

Thank you

Hello aspirant,

The TANCET MBA question paper provides candidates with information on the test's format, probable themes, degree of difficulty, and other features. Using the TANCET MBA questions paper is one of the best ways for applicants to master the entrance exam and get a higher grade.

To obtain the TANCET past year's question papers, use the link provided below to visit our website.


Thank you

Hope this information helps you.

Hello aspirant,

Through the use of the TANCET MBA question paper, candidates can learn about the format, likely themes, difficulty level, and other aspects of the test. One of the finest approaches for applicants to ace the entrance exam and score higher is to use the TANCET MBA questions paper.

To get the previous year question papers of TANCET, you can visit our website by clicking on the link given below.


Thank you

Hope this information helps you.

A TANCET is a exam conducted for  getting seat in good college of mba/march/mca/..the cuttoff marks depend on category and performance of student. Your percentile is 51.74  unnder BCM category. You have chance to get admission in university of madras chepauk college.

Hi aspirant...!

Hope you're doing great....!

So, with regard of you're query.  Most likely in the second week of May, Anna University will host the TANCET MBA 2023 entrance exam. According to the TANCET MBA 2023 test format, the paper will be divided into five sections: Quantitative Ability, Verbal Ability, Logical Reasoning, General Knowledge, and Data Sufficiency. The TANCET MBA test pattern for 2023 includes the scoring system and the number of questions in each segment. A state-level exam known as TANCET is held for admission to MBA program in institutions in Tamil Nadu that accept the TANCET 2023 MBA score.

You can access prior year's papers by clicking the link below:


Hope this will helps you...!


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