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CAT What is Inference - Practice Questions & MCQ

Edited By admin | Updated on Oct 04, 2023 04:34 PM | #CAT

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Directions for Question: Read the passage given below and answer the question with the most appropriate choice.

Passage 3

Darwin's work has the property of greatness in that it may be admired from more aspects than one. For some, the perception of the principle of Natural Selection stands out as his most wonderful achievement to which all the rest is subordinate. Others, among whom I would range myself, look up to him rather as the first who plainly distinguished, collected, and comprehensively studied that new class of evidence from which hereafter a true understanding of the process of Evolution may be developed. We each prefer our own standpoint of admiration, but I think that it will be in their wider aspect that his labours will most command the veneration of posterity.

A treatise written to advance knowledge may be read in two moods. The reader may keep his mind passive, willing merely to receive the impression of the writer's thought; or he may read with his attention strained and alert, asking at every instant how the new knowledge can be used in a further advance, watching continually for fresh footholds by which to climb higher still. Of Shelley it has been said that he was a poet for poets: so Darwin was a naturalist for naturalists. It is when his writings are used in the critical and more exacting spirit with which we test the outfit for our own enterprise that we learn their full value and strength. Whether we glance back and compare his performance with the efforts of his predecessors, or look forward along the course that modern research is disclosing, we shall honour most in him not the rounded merit of finite accomplishment, but the creative power by which he inaugurated a line of discovery endless in variety and extension. Let us attempt thus to see his work from a true perspective between the past from which it grew, and the present which is its consequence. Darwin attacked the problem of Evolution by reference to facts of three classes: Variation; Heredity; and Natural Selection. His work was not as the laity suppose, a sudden and unheralded revelation, but the first fruit of a long and hitherto barren controversy. The occurrence of variation from type, and the hereditary transmission of such variation had of course been long familiar to practical men, and inferences as to the possible bearing of those phenomena on the nature of specific difference had been from time to time drawn by naturalists. Maupertuis, for example, wrote: "Ce qui nous reste à examiner, c'est comment d'un seulindividu, il a punaîtretantd'espècessidifférentes." And again: "La Nature contient le fonds de toutescesvariétés: mais le hasardoul'art les mettent en œuvre. C'estainsiqueceuxdontl'industries'applique à satisfaire le goût des curieux, sont, pour ainsi dire, créateursd'espècesnouvelles." Such passages, of which many (though few so emphatic) can be found in eighteenth-century writers, indicate a true perception of the mode of Evolution. The speculations hinted at by Buffon, developed by Erasmus Darwin, and independently proclaimed above all by Lamarck, gave the doctrine of descent a wide renown. The uniformitarian teaching which Lyell deduced from geological observation had gained acceptance. The facts of geographical distribution had been shown to be obviously inconsistent with the Mosaic legend. Prichard, and Lawrence, following the example of Blumenbach, had successfully demonstrated that the races of Man could be regarded as different forms of one species, contrary to the opinion up till then received. These treatises all begin, it is true, with a profound obeisance to the sons of Noah, but when performed, they continue on strictly modern lines. The question of the mutability of species was thus prominently raised.

Question: It can be inferred from the passage that the author means the following when he states, "Darwin was a naturalist for naturalists":

Concepts Covered - 1

What is Inference



Understanding Inference:


Inference is a critical skill in reading comprehension, requiring the reader to draw conclusions based on evidence and implicit information provided in the passage. It involves making logical deductions beyond what is explicitly stated by the author.


Key Points:


Definition: An inference is a logical conclusion or deduction that is not explicitly stated in the passage but can be drawn based on the information provided.


Relying on Context: Inferences rely on understanding the context and implications of the information presented in the passage.


Use of Clues: Inferences are often supported by clues such as tone, language, and the relationships between ideas in the text.


Approach to Inference Questions:


  • Identify Contextual Clues: Look for language, tone, and details in the passage that may hint at information that is not directly stated.


  • Consider Relationships: Analyse the relationships between ideas in the passage to draw logical conclusions.


  • Avoid Making Assumptions: Ensure that your inference is based solely on the information provided in the passage, without adding external assumptions.


  • Distinguish Between Fact and Inference: Differentiate between information that is explicitly stated (fact) and what can be logically deduced (inference).


  • Practise Critical Thinking: Hone your critical thinking skills by regularly practising inference questions to become adept at drawing accurate conclusions.


Additional Notes:


  • Inferences are a crucial aspect of comprehension, as they allow the reader to delve deeper into the text and derive a fuller understanding of the author's intended meaning.


  • They often require the reader to read between the lines and think analytically about the information presented.


  • In the CAT exam, inference questions may ask you to identify implicit meanings, make deductions about characters' intentions, or draw conclusions about the overall message of the passage.


  • It's essential to practise inferring meaning from various types of passages to become proficient in this skill.


Types of Inferences:


  1. Factual Inferences:

Definition: These involve deducing specific facts or details that are not directly stated but can be logically derived from the information provided.

Example: If a passage mentions that Mary left her umbrella at home and it's currently pouring outside, we can infer that Mary will likely get wet on her way to work.


  1. Conceptual Inferences:

Definition: These involve understanding abstract or implied ideas, concepts, or themes that are not explicitly stated in the passage.

Example: In a passage discussing the detrimental effects of deforestation, the conceptual inference could be the impact on biodiversity and climate change, which are not explicitly mentioned but are implied by the context.


Strategies for Making Inferences:


  1. Analyse Context: Pay close attention to the surrounding context, including the sentences before and after the information in question. Context often provides clues for making accurate inferences.


  1. Consider Tone and Language: The tone of the passage and the language used by the author can provide insights into the intended meaning. For example, a passage with a critical tone may imply negative consequences.


  1. Look for Implied Relationships: Identify relationships between ideas, events, or characters in the passage. For instance, if two characters are arguing, it implies a conflict, even if not explicitly stated.


  1. Evaluate Cause-and-Effect Relationships: Analyse the cause-and-effect relationships presented in the passage. Inferences often involve understanding the repercussions of certain actions or events.


  1. Distinguish Between Fact and Inference: It's crucial to differentiate between information that is explicitly stated in the passage (fact) and what can be logically deduced from the provided information (inference). Avoid making assumptions not supported by the text.


Example Application:


Passage Excerpt:

"The dark clouds gathered overhead, casting a shadow over the town. The distant rumble of thunder signalled an approaching storm."



Based on the description of dark clouds and the distant rumble of thunder, it can be inferred that a storm is imminent and will likely bring rain.


Significance of Inferences in management exams:


  • In these exams, inference questions assess your ability to read critically and draw logical conclusions from the information provided. They may ask you to identify implicit meanings, make deductions about characters' intentions, or draw conclusions about the overall message of the passage.


  • Proficiency in making accurate inferences is crucial for achieving a high score in the Reading Comprehension section, as it demonstrates a deep understanding of the passage beyond surface-level comprehension.


  • Regular practice with inference questions will enhance your critical thinking skills and improve your ability to draw accurate conclusions, ultimately leading to success in management examinations.

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