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CAT Types of Application Based question - Practice Questions & MCQ

Edited By admin | Updated on Oct 04, 2023 04:34 PM | #CAT

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What is the main purpose of identifying the main idea in a passage?

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the rugged landscape. The canyon stretched out before them, its depths shrouded in a cool, almost mystical, darkness. The wind whispered through the ancient rocks, carrying with it a sense of timelessness.


As they descended into the depths of the canyon, the air grew cooler, and the scent of earth and stone enveloped them. The walls rose like towering sentinels, their surfaces etched with the marks of millennia. It was a place where echoes of ancient footsteps seemed to linger, where every stone held a story.


Among the rocks, they discovered ancient petroglyphs, etchings from a people long vanished. Each symbol seemed to dance with meaning, a cryptic language of a bygone civilization. It was as if the spirits of those who had once inhabited this land were reaching out through time.


As the day waned, they stood at the heart of the canyon, surrounded by its silent grandeur. The fading light painted the walls in hues of gold and crimson, a final flourish before nightfall. In that moment, they felt a profound connection to the land, to the echoes of the past that still reverberated through the stones.



How does the experience in the canyon affect the characters?


Concepts Covered - 1

Types of Application Based question

Types of Application Based Questions 


Understanding Application Based Questions:


Application based questions in Reading Comprehension require students to apply their understanding of the passage to specific scenarios, often involving critical thinking and analysis. These questions assess the ability to extract relevant information and make reasoned conclusions.


Key Types of Application Based Questions:


Inference Questions:

Definition: Inference questions require students to draw conclusions or make educated guesses based on information provided in the passage.

Example: "What can be inferred about the main character's motivations from the passage?"


Vocabulary in Context:

Definition: These questions assess the ability to discern the meaning of a word based on how it's used in the passage.

Example: "In paragraph 3, what does the word 'ephemeral' most likely mean?"


Author's Perspective:

Definition: Students are asked to discern the author's stance or opinion on a particular issue presented in the passage.

Example: "What is the author's attitude towards advancements in technology?"


Application of Concepts:

Definition: These questions require applying information or concepts from the passage to solve a problem or analyse a scenario.

Example: "Using the information provided, evaluate the potential impacts of climate change on agricultural practices."


Approach to Answering Application Based Questions:


  1. Thorough Passage Comprehension:Before attempting application based questions, ensure a clear understanding of the passage. This forms the foundation for accurate responses.


  1. Review Relevant Sections:Identify the paragraphs or sections of the passage that pertain to the specific question. Focus on extracting relevant details.


  1. Eliminate Irrelevant Options: In multiple-choice questions, eliminate answer choices that do not align with the information provided in the passage.


  1. Avoid Making Assumptions: Base your answers strictly on information explicitly provided in the passage. Avoid making unwarranted assumptions.


  1. Use Context for Vocabulary Questions: When determining the meaning of a word in context, consider the surrounding words and the overall message conveyed by the passage.


  1. Consider the Author's Tone: For questions about the author's perspective, pay attention to the author's language and tone. Look for cues that reveal their stance.


Examples of Application Based Question:


Example 1: Inference Question

Passage Excerpt:

"The protagonist's hesitation before making a crucial decision hinted at a deep internal conflict. Her inner turmoil was palpable, revealing the weight of her choices."


"What can be inferred about the protagonist's state of mind from the passage?"


It can be inferred from the passage that the protagonist is grappling with a significant internal conflict, as indicated by her palpable inner turmoil and hesitation before making a crucial decision.


Example 2: Vocabulary in Context

Passage Excerpt:

"The artist's work was characterised by its use of vibrant and effervescent colours, creating a sense of exhilaration in the viewer."


"In this passage, what does 'effervescent' most likely mean?"


In this context, the word 'effervescent' is used to describe the colours, suggesting that they are lively, bubbly, and full of energy, thus creating a sense of exhilaration in the viewer.


Example 3: Author's Perspective

Passage Excerpt:

"The author's critique of the political system was scathing, highlighting its inherent flaws and inefficiencies. He advocated for a more transparent and accountable governance model."


"What is the author's attitude towards the current political system?"


The author's perspective towards the current political system is negative, as indicated by the scathing critique that highlights its flaws and inefficiencies. Additionally, the author advocates for a more transparent and accountable governance model, implying a desire for improvement.


These examples illustrate different types of application based questions, including inference questions, vocabulary in context, and questions about the author's perspective. Mastering the ability to answer such questions is crucial for success in the Reading Comprehension section.


Importance of Application Based Questions:


  1. Assess Critical Thinking: Application based questions evaluate a student's ability to think critically, analyse information, and make reasoned conclusions.


  1. Evaluate Reading Comprehension Skills: These questions test a student's proficiency in comprehending and extracting relevant information from the passage.


  1. Bridge Passage Understanding and Real-World Application: Application based questions connect passage content to broader concepts, helping students see the practical implications of the information.


  1. Enhance Analytical Skills: Responding to these questions hones analytical skills, preparing students for more complex problem-solving scenarios.


By mastering the skill of answering application based questions, students can excel in the Reading Comprehension section of management exams. This proficiency not only leads to accurate responses but also cultivates critical thinking and analytical abilities.


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