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CAT Positive Tones - Practice Questions & MCQ

Edited By admin | Updated on Oct 04, 2023 04:34 PM | #CAT

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Directions: Read the passage and answer the questions

The theory of quantum entanglement, a cornerstone of modern physics, delves into the intricate dance of particles on a subatomic level. At the heart of this theory lies a phenomenon that challenges classical intuitions and gives rise to a host of philosophical and technological implications.


Entanglement occurs when two or more particles become correlated in such a way that the state of one particle cannot be described independently of the state of the other(s), regardless of the distance that separates them. This correlation persists instantaneously, defying the constraints of space and time as we conventionally understand them.


The implications of entanglement are profound. In the realm of quantum computing, entangled particles can be harnessed to perform computations at a speed exponentially faster than classical computers. This potential has sparked a race among researchers and technology companies to harness the power of entanglement for practical applications.


Furthermore, entanglement forms the basis of quantum teleportation, a process by which the state of a particle can be transmitted from one location to another without physical transfer. While this may sound like science fiction, experiments have demonstrated successful teleportation over small distances, paving the way for secure communication and quantum networking.


However, the very nature of entanglement raises perplexing questions about the fundamental structure of reality. It challenges our intuitions about locality, suggesting that there may be hidden connections underlying the fabric of the universe. This has led to debates among physicists and philosophers about the nature of reality itself.


While the theory of quantum entanglement has yielded astounding technological advancements and expanded our understanding of the quantum world, it remains an enigma that continues to captivate the imagination of scientists and thinkers alike.



What is a potential implication of entanglement in quantum computing?



Concepts Covered - 1

Positive Tones

Introduction to Positive Tones in Passages:


In reading comprehension, identifying the tone of a passage is crucial for understanding the author's attitude and perspective. Positive tones indicate that the author has a favourable view or is expressing optimism about the subject matter. Recognizing and interpreting positive tones is essential for accurately comprehending the author's message.


Key Points:


Identifying Positive Tones: Positive tones can manifest in various ways, including expressions of enthusiasm, admiration, hope, or praise. Look for words, phrases, and statements that convey positivity.


Author's Perspective: Understanding the author's perspective is vital. Positive tones imply that the author supports or approves of the subject, idea, or situation being discussed.


Context Matters: Consider the context in which positive language is used. It should align with the overall theme or message of the passage.


Contrast with Other Tones: Be aware of the contrast between positive tones and negative or neutral tones within the same passage. This can provide insight into the author's complexity of thought.




Let's explore examples of positive tones within passages:



"The groundbreaking research conducted by Dr. Smith has opened up new possibilities in the field of renewable energy. Her innovative approach to harnessing solar power promises a cleaner and more sustainable future for our planet."


Positive Tone: The passage exudes a positive tone by using words like "groundbreaking," "innovative," "promises," "cleaner," and "sustainable." These words convey enthusiasm and optimism about Dr. Smith's research and its potential impact.



"In the face of adversity, the community came together, displaying remarkable resilience and unity. Their unwavering support for one another during challenging times serves as a shining example of human compassion."


Positive Tone: This passage reflects a positive tone by praising the community's "remarkable resilience" and "unity." It highlights the positive aspects of human compassion and solidarity in the face of adversity.


Recognizing positive tones in passages helps you understand the author's perspective and the positive aspects of the subject matter being discussed. It's important to differentiate positive tones from negative or neutral tones, as this distinction can provide valuable context for interpreting the passage accurately.


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