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CAT Literal Meanings - Practice Questions & MCQ

Edited By admin | Updated on Oct 04, 2023 04:34 PM | #CAT

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Directions: Read the passage and answer the question


The ancient forest stood silent, its ancient trees reaching towards the sky like ancient sentinels guarding a timeless secret. The air was thick with an otherworldly stillness, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long, eerie shadows, a sense of foreboding settled over the forest.


Amidst the towering trees, a lone figure moved, their steps deliberate and purposeful. They navigated the tangled undergrowth with an uncanny familiarity, as if they were a part of this primordial landscape. With each step, the figure's eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for signs, for clues.


As the moon rose, casting an ethereal glow on the forest floor, the figure halted. They stood before a massive stone, weathered and covered in ancient symbols. With a deliberate motion, they raised a hand, tracing the patterns etched into the stone's surface. The air seemed to hum with an unseen energy.



What might be the significance of the stone covered in ancient symbols?


Which paragraph has a neutral tone?


Paragraph 1:

The quaint village nestled in the valley was a picture of tranquillity. The locals greeted each other with smiles, and life moved at a leisurely pace.


Paragraph 2:

The concert hall was alive with the beautiful melodies of the orchestra, filling the audience's hearts with awe and wonder.


Paragraph 3:

The long, arduous journey through the treacherous mountain pass tested the hikers' endurance and resilience. The biting cold and thin air made it a challenging expedition.


Paragraph 4:

The political debate grew increasingly heated, with candidates resorting to personal attacks rather than addressing the pressing issues facing the country. The discourse left many feeling disillusioned with the state of politics.


Concepts Covered - 1

Literal Meanings

Introduction to Literal Meanings:


Literal meanings refer to the straightforward, factual interpretations of words or phrases without any figurative or metaphorical connotations. In reading comprehension, it's essential to distinguish between literal and figurative language to understand the author's message accurately.


Key Points:


1. Literal vs. Figurative: Literal meanings are the most basic, direct, and factual interpretations of words. They are in contrast to figurative meanings, which involve metaphors, similes, and symbolism.


2. Context Clues: Understanding the literal meaning of a word or phrase often relies on context clues within the passage. The surrounding sentences and paragraphs provide context for interpretation.


3. Precise Interpretation: Literal meanings leave no room for ambiguity or multiple interpretations. They are concrete and can be verified based on objective information.


4. Common Usage: Many words have both literal and figurative meanings, and their usage depends on the context. Recognizing when a word is used literally is crucial for comprehension.




Let's examine some examples of literal meanings within passages:



"The temperature in Antarctica can drop to as low as -80 degrees Celsius, making it one of the coldest places on Earth."


Literal Meaning: In this passage, the phrase "as low as -80 degrees Celsius" is used literally. It means that the temperature in Antarctica can actually reach as low as -80 degrees Celsius, and this is a factual statement.



"The author's words were like a sharp knife, cutting through the clutter of confusion to reveal the truth."


Literal Meaning: While this passage contains a metaphor comparing the author's words to a sharp knife, the term "sharp knife" is used figuratively. The literal meaning of "sharp knife" refers to a physical cutting tool, not the author's actual words.



"The book contains 300 pages, and each page is filled with tiny print."


Literal Meaning: In this passage, the phrase "each page is filled with tiny print" is used literally. It means that the pages of the book have small-sized text covering them, and this is a straightforward description.


Recognizing literal meanings is essential for understanding the factual content of a passage. When encountering words or phrases in RC questions, assess whether they are used literally or figuratively based on the context, as this distinction can significantly impact your comprehension and ability to answer questions accurately.


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