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CAT Introduction to Caselets - Practice Questions & MCQ

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 25, 2023 25:47 PM | #CAT

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  • 3 Questions around this concept.

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M/s Sespi Pvt Ltd, headquartered at Kolkata, started the business of bottling and selling Sparkling Water under the brand name of ‘Sespark Aqua’ from the beginning of 2017-18 with liquid assets worth Rs 40 crores. 

The graphs given below give various details of the operations of M/s Sespi Pvt Ltd for the five years from 2017-18 to 2021-22, at the end of every year :

The Total cost of Production in a year = The Total Fixed Cost of Production in the year + The Total Variable Cost of Production in that year

Total Profit in a year = Total Sales Revenue in the year – Total cost of Production in the year

Liquid Assets at the end of a year = Liquid Assets at the beginning of the year + Total Profit in the year 


In which year was the total cost per carton of Sespark Aqua water the highest ?

Concepts Covered - 1

Introduction to Caselets

Caselets are a form of data representation used in management and competitive exams to present information and questions related to a specific scenario or case. Caselets are typically short, self-contained passages that include both textual information and data tables or graphs. They are designed to test your ability to analyze and interpret data within the context of a given situation.

Key Components of Caselets:

  • Textual Information: Caselets begin with a brief narrative or scenario that sets the context for the data provided.
  • Data Tables or Graphs: Following the textual information, caselets include tables, graphs, or charts that present relevant data.
  • Questions: Caselets are accompanied by a set of questions that require you to analyze the data and make decisions or draw conclusions based on the information provided.

Interpreting Caselets:

  • Caselets require you to read and understand the given scenario, extract relevant information from tables or graphs, and use that information to answer questions.

Example Caselet:

Let's consider an example caselet to illustrate these concepts:

Scenario: You are a marketing manager for a mobile phone company. The company is launching a new smartphone model in three different cities: City A, City B, and City C. The caselet provides sales data for the first quarter of the year.

Sales Data (in units):





City A




City B




City C





  • Which city had the highest total sales in March?
  • Calculate the total sales for City B in the first quarter.
  • Calculate the percentage increase in sales for City C from January to February.


  • City B had the highest total sales in March with 3800 units sold.
  • The total sales for City B in the first quarter were \mathrm{3200 + 3500 + 3800 = 10500 \; units}.
  • The percentage increase in sales for City C from January to February can be calculated as \mathrm{[(2000 - 1800) / 1800] x 100% = 11.11%.}

Conclusion: Caselets are a common format for presenting data and questions in management and competitive exams. They test your ability to extract meaningful information from data tables or graphs, apply analytical skills, and provide solutions or answers within the context of a given scenario. Regular practice with caselet-based questions enhances your ability to interpret data effectively and make informed decisions.

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