IPMAT 2025 Exam Analysis: Comprehensive Breakdown of Exam Pattern & Memory-Based Questions

IPMAT 2025 Exam Analysis: Comprehensive Breakdown of Exam Pattern & Memory-Based Questions

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Feb 17, 2025 12:15 AM IST | #IPMAT
Ongoing Event
IPMAT  Application Date : 14 Feb' 2025 - 27 Mar' 2025

IPMAT 2025 Exam Analysis: Integrated Program in Management Aptitude Test, popularly known as IPMAT, is conducted by the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Indore, to select eligible candidates for admission to the five-year Integrated Management Programme. The IPMAT 2025 exam will be held on May 12th, 2025. As soon as the examination gets concluded, the candidates should engage themselves in a comprehensive IPMAT 2025 analysis. Careers360 will be providing the complete IPMAT 2025 analysis on the IPMAT exam day. The candidates are requested to stay tuned and regularly revisit the article for further updates.

This Story also Contains
  1. IPMAT 2025 Exam Pattern
  2. IPMAT 2025 Exam Analysis
  3. IPMAT 2025 Memory Based Questions
  4. IPMAT Exam Analysis 2024
  5. IPMAT 2024 Exam Analysis: Section-Wise
  6. IPMAT Indore 2024 Exam Analysis by Toprankers
  7. IPMAT Previous Year's Questions
  8. IPMAT 2025 Preparation: Download Practice Materials
IPMAT 2025 Exam Analysis: Comprehensive Breakdown of Exam Pattern & Memory-Based Questions
IPMAT 2025 Exam Analysis: Comprehensive Breakdown of Exam Pattern & Memory-Based Questions

IPMAT 2025 Exam Pattern

The basic step in achieving success in any examination is to properly understand the exam structure of the corresponding examination. The complete IPMAT 2025 examination structure is given below for the candidate's reference.

Exam Duration120 Minutes (2 hours)
Time Allotted to Each Section40 Minutes
Exam ModeOnline
Number of SectionsThree:
- Quantitative Ability (MCQs)
- Quantitative Ability (Short Answer Questions)
- Verbal Ability (MCQs)
Types of QuestionsShort-answer questions and multiple-choice questions (MCQs)
Total Marks400
Marking Scheme- 4 marks for every correct answer
-1 mark for every wrong answer

IPMAT 2025 Exam Analysis

The complete IPMAT 2025 analysis will be provided here for the reference of the aspirants on May 12, 2025 as soon as the examination gets concluded.

IPMAT 2025 Memory Based Questions

The memory based questions of the IPMAT 2025 examination will be shared here on the exam day. Stay tuned.

IPMAT Exam Analysis 2024

In 2024, the IPMAT exam was held on May 23, 2024. Careers360 brings to you the IPMAT 2024 analysis by experts and test takers. According to experts, the difficulty level of IPMAT 2024 was moderate. As per the IPMAT 2024 exam analysis, the overall difficulty level of the paper was moderate to difficult. The IPMAT exam consisted of three sections: QA-MCQs (30 questions), QA-SA (15 questions), and Verbal Ability (45 questions). The questions were asked about topics like Algebra, Geometry, Analogy, Blood Relations, Para Jumbles, Error Correction, etc. Get a comprehensive overview of the IPMAT exam and overall trends in the IPMAT 2024 exam analysis.Before we move on to the IPMAT analysis 2024, let us first take you through the IPMAT exam pattern for a better understanding of the analysis:

IPMAT 2024 Exam Analysis: Section-Wise

Check out the section-wise IPMAT analysis 2024 by test takers and experts.

IPMAT Exam Analysis For Quantitative Ability (SA)

This was the first section of the paper, with 10 questions in total. There was no negative marking for this section; however, the questions were moderately difficult. This section also had questions with a mix of concepts.


No. of Questions







Permutation & Combination




Geometry (Circles)


Time, Speed, and Distance




An attempt of 6-7 questions can be considered good, despite no negative marking.

IPMAT Analysis 2024: Quantitative Ability (MCQ)

The level of difficulty of this section was similar to that of the previous year. There were 20 questions, with a sectional time limit of 30 minutes. The breakdown of this section is as follows:


Number of questions

Data Interpretation (1 Set)




















Number System


Three questions from the data interpretation set were inference-based, while the other two were slightly difficult. Just like last year, questions in higher mathematics were limited. Overall, this was a difficult section. An attempt of 14–15 questions can be considered a good one within the sectional time limit of 30 minutes.

IPMAT Analysis 2024: Verbal Ability (MCQ)

This section was easy-to-moderately difficult. All he 30 questions could easily have been completed within the given time frame. The section was very much like the IPMAT 2019 paper, with a reduced number of questions due to the revised structure. The breakdown of this section is as follows:


Number of questions

Reading-Comprehension (1 Passage)


Fill in the Blanks


Para Jumbles (TITA)


Sentence Correction


Word Usage


Idioms and Phrases


Given the revised structure, there was just one passage that was moderately lengthy. Similar to 2023, the questions on para jumbles did not carry any options.

Overall, students found this section to be easy; thus, the cut-off for this section is expected to be higher than that of the other two sections, similar to last year. An attempt of 25–26 was possible in this section.

Disclaimer: All information on analysis, answer keys, and scores is based on independent analysis and evaluation made by Career Launcher. We do not take responsibility for any decision that might be taken based on this information.

IPMAT Indore 2024 Exam Analysis by Toprankers

The IPMAT Indore 2024 exam was similar to the previous year, consisting of two primary sections: quantitative ability and verbal ability. The QA section was further divided into QA-Answer and QA-MCQ. The IPMAT exam included 30 questions from QA-MCQ, 15 questions from QA-SA, and 45 questions from verbal ability. However, there were significant changes in these categories. Let's see what these are;

IPMAT Quantitative Aptitude Analysis

Short Answer Questions: The QA-SA section is said to be easier than last year. Consistent with previous years, there were no negative marks in this section. A new format is introduced in this section, specifically titled medians. A set of three questions on 'Medians' was classified as moderate in difficulty. Other topics covered include quantities, series, functions, number systems, and geometry.

Multiple Choice Questions: On the contrary, the QA-MCQ section was more challenging. Students found the questions tricky and time-consuming. The Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) section, in particular, was confusing and difficult to tackle. Many students struggled with this section, leaving many questions unanswered. Topics covered in QA-MCQ section include 4-5 questions from compound interest, simple interest, number systems, triangles, and logarithms.

IPMAT Verbal Ability Analysis

The verbal ability (VA) section received mixed reviews from students and was rated moderately difficult. For some, this section was manageable, while others found it challenging. The structure was consistent with the previous year's exam, with two Reading Comprehension (RC) sections, each consisting of six questions. One RC is of medium length, and the other is long. Other elements of the VA section, like phrasal verbs and para jumbles, were particularly difficult and confusing, which may lead to an increase in the cutoff for English this year.

The overall difficulty level of the IPMAT Indore 2024 exam was considered moderate to tough, similar to the previous year's exam. The introduction of new question patterns and different difficulty levels in different sections added unique challenges to the examinees.

While students wait for the results, it remains to be seen how these changes will affect the final cut-off and overall performance.

IPMAT Previous Year's Questions

The candidates can refer to the previous year's questions of the IPMAT examinations. This would help them to understand the IPMAT exam trends and align their preparation better for the IPMAT examination. Section-wise IPMAT previous year's examination questions are given below

IPMAT Quantitative Aptitude Short Answer Questions

1. Vinita drives a car which has four gears. The speed of the car in the fourth gear is five times its speed in the first gear. The car takes twice the time to travel a certain distance in the second gear as compared to the third gear. In a 100 km journey, if Vinita travels equal distances in each of the gears, she takes 585 minutes to complete the journey. Instead, if the distances covered in the first, second, third, and fourth gears are 4 km, 4 km, 32 km, and 60 km, respectively, then the total time taken, in minutes, to complete the journey, will be______.

2. The remainder when 1! + 2! + 3! +∙∙∙+95! is divided by 15 is______.

3. Amisha can complete a particular task in twenty days. After working for four days she fell sick for four days and resumed the work on the ninth day but with half of her original work rate. She completed the task in another twelve days with the help of a co-worker who joined her from the ninth day. The number of days required for the co-worker to complete the task alone would be ______.

4. In an election with only two contesting candidates, 15% of the voters did not turn up to vote, and 50 voters cast invalid votes. It is known that 44% of all the voters in the voting list voted for the winner. If the winner got 200 votes more than the other candidate, then the number of voters in the voting list is_________.

5. In the xy-plane let A = (-2,0), B = (2,0). Define the set S as the collection of all points C on the circle x² + y2 = 4 such that the area of the triangle ABC is an integer. The number of points in the set S is________.

IPMAT Quantitative Aptitude Multiple Choice Questions

1. A goldsmith bought a large solid golden ball at INR 1,000,000 and melted it to make a certain number of solid spherical beads such that the radius of each bead was one-fifth of the radius of the original ball. Assume that the cost of making golden beads is negligible. If the goldsmith sold all the beads at 20% discount on the listed price and made a total profit of 20%, then the listed price of each golden bead, in INR, was

2. If the difference between compound interest and simple interest for a certain amount of money invested for 3 years at an annual interest rate of 10% is INR 527, then the amount invested in INR is

3. In a group of 120 students, 80 students are from the Science stream and the rest are from the Commerce stream. It is known that 70 students support Mumbai Indians in the Indian Premier League; all the other students support Chennai Super Kings. The number of Science students who are supporters of Mumbai Indians is

4. The minimum number of times a fair coin must be tossed so that the probability of getting at least one head exceeds 0.8 is

5. In a triangle ABC, let D be the mid-point of BC, and AM be the altitude on BC. If the lengths of AB, BC and CA are in the ratio of 2:4:3, then the ratio of the lengths of BM and AD would be

IPMAT Verbal Ability Questions

1. Read the following passage and choose the answer that is closest to each of the questions that are based on the passage

The general idea of being fit is usually assumed to be exercising regularly and having a healthy diet. It’s true to some extent. But this is not always the case. People don’t realise that sleep also plays a crucial part when it comes to physical and mental well-being. It’s a restorative process, which shouldn’t be negotiable.

Hectic working hours, increasing stress levels, and an unhealthy lifestyle can cause irregular sleep patterns. These not only disturb one’s daily routine, but can also hamper one’s health, leading to lifestyle conditions like deranged cholesterol and diabetes. It’s a preconceived notion that cholesterol and diabetes are usually genetic diseases, and unhealthy eating patterns and lifestyle exacerbate them. It is not generally known that sleep deprivation can put a person at risk of both deranged cholesterol and diabetes.

Sleep helps your body and mind repair and recharge themselves. But things can go awry if one is sleep-deprived. Insomnia can generally make the body work abnormally. It affects the mental and physical abilities to prepare the body for the next day. It leaves the brain exhausted, affecting the natural functioning of the body.

Lack of sleep can lead to higher cholesterol and blood pressure. Sleep deprivation can lower levels of leptin, a hormone that stabilises metabolism and appetite. This can also lead to obesity, if left unchecked. Sleep deprivation has been found to raise levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and decrease levels of leptin, the satiety hormone. That’s why people seek relief in foods that raise blood sugar. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that adults should get a minimum of seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Staying up late can lead to consuming unhealthy snacks and junk food high in carbs and sugar. All this increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes and is equally connected to obesity.

Just like any other routine, having a definite sleeping pattern can help a person maintain a cycle of rest and activity. Sleeping at the same time every day and waking up on time will encourage quality sleep. Proper relaxation of body and mind before sleeping means that one should keep the mobile phone aside for at least half an hour before bed. It helps if the room is dark and quiet. Plus, one can always read a good book or listen to soothing music which can lull one into deep sleep.

1. Being deprived of sleep can result in

(a) mental exhaustion.

(b) terminal illness.

(c) hunger satiation.

(d) metabolism loss

2. In what way does sleep contribute to a person’s well-being?

(a) By helping the body replenish its resources.

(b) By adding power and strength to the muscles.

(c) By increasing a person’s appetite.

(d) By regularising a person’s daily routine

3. In order to remain physically fit one must

(a) maintain a set sleep pattern.

(b) snack frequently.

(c) raise levels of ghrelin.

(d) read a good book every night

4. The main focus of the passage is on the

(a) perils of insomnia and irregular sleep patterns.

(b) stability of leptin and ghrelin in the human body.

(c) ill effects of junk food high in carbs and sugars.

(d) dangers of high level of cholesterol and diabetes

5. As per the passage which of these sentences is not correct?

(a) One’s body and mind should be properly relaxed to ensure good sleep.

(b) Insufficient sleep can lead to obesity.

(c) Irregular sleep patterns can result in health problems.

(d) Regular exercising and eating healthy food alone ensure fitness.

5. The objective of the passage is to

(a) provide medical input to the reader.

(b) advise the reader.

(c) present psychological insights to the reader.

(d) expose the reader to disinformation.

6. If you ask me to give you a rough estimate for the cost of the project, _________________ I would say thirty lakhs.

(a) off-the-mark

(b) off-the-grid

(c) off-the-cuff

(d) off-the-mike

7. The new car has disappointed its buyers in many ways, and good mileage is its only ______________.

(a) saving grace

(b) saving face

(c) saving praise

(d) saving case

8. Some big shots know how to escape the law even after they violate it. It is, however, the _______________ who are more often apprehended and punished.

(a) small fry

(b) tiny shots

(c) tiny fish

(d) small fish

9. It grieved me _______________ my friend’s serious illness.

(a) to hear regarding

(b) hearing regarding

(c) in hearing

(d) to hear of

10. _________________ have to label their ____________________ posts in order to bring about transparency and ________________ the interests of the customers.

(a) Influencers; promotional; safeguard

(b) Promoters; social media; incite

(c) Distributors; Facebook; multiply

(d) Advertisers; commercials; capture

IPMAT 2025 Preparation: Download Practice Materials

The candidates are strongly recommended to download and study the previous year's question papers and preparation tips of the IPMAT examination. This would help them to enhance their IPMAT 2025 exam preparation.

Title Download Link
IPMAT 2019 Question PaperDownload Now
IPMAT 2021 Sample Paper by HitbullseyeDownload Now
IIM Indore IPMAT 2016 Sample PaperDownload Now
IPM Aptitude Test Sample PaperDownload Now
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Which IIM will start IPM in 2024?

IIM Indore conducted IPMAT 2024 on May 23, 2024.

2. How to clear IPMAT 2024?

Candidates must go through the IPMAT 2024 exam pattern and prepare accordingly to ace this exam. 

3. How many students appeared for IPMAT 2024?

Around 18000–20000 students are expected to appear in the IPMAT 2024 exam. 

4. Is 240 a good score in IPMAT?

Yes, 240 can be considered a good score in IPMAT 2024. 

5. What is the difficulty level of IPMAT Indore?

The difficulty level of Indore IPMAT 2024 is moderate. 


Certifications By Top Providers

Explore Top Universities Across Globe

University of Essex, Colchester
 Wivenhoe Park Colchester CO4 3SQ
Queen Mary University of London, London
 Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
 16 Richmond St, Glasgow G1 1XQ
Oxford Brookes University, Oxford
 Headington Campus Oxford OX3 0BP UK
Northumbria University, Newcastle City Campus
 Sutherland Building, Northumberland Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1 8ST
Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff
 Llandaff Campus, Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB

Questions related to IPMAT

Have a question related to IPMAT ?

Hello aspirant,

The second week of February 2025 is anticipated to mark the start of IPMAT registration 2025. There will be no option for offline IPMAT Indore registration; the 2025 IPMAT application form will be accessible on the official website.
On May 12, 2025, IPMAT 2025 will take place in computer-based test modality. The test is scheduled to take place during the afternoon shift.

For complete information, you can visit our site through following link:


Thank you

Yes, it is totally possible with focused and proper preparation during the last 2 months. Totally drink the entire IPMAT syllabus that includes topics such as Quantitative Ability, Verbal Ability, and GA. Know the number of questions, total time, marking scheme, etc. Give more importance to the strong points and weaknesses. Focus on the areas in which you are not perfect. You need to ensure that your study time is equally distributed over all subjects and topics. Be strict about sticking to the study plan. Keep practicing all sorts of problem-solving skills like arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data interpretation to improve your reading and comprehension abilities, vocabulary, grammar, and reasoning. Take as many mock tests as possible to simulate exam conditions and know where one needs to work. Attempt previous year's IPMAT papers to grasp the pattern and level of difficulty.
Analyze your mock test performance for your strong and weak areas.
Proper guidance with the advice of experts could be derived through a coaching institute. Your score in 10th-grade is one of the eligibility criteria for IPMAT, though it is not the decisive factor for your admission. A holistic profile that includes performance in IPMAT, 12th-grade scores, and other factors such as extracurricular activities and personal interviews is taken into account by IIM Indore. While an 89% in 10th grade is a good score, the focus should remain on doing well in IPMAT and other aspects of your profile to improve the admission prospects. IPMAT


The Integrated Programme in Management Aptitude Test (IPMAT) is a popular national-level entrance exam conducted by the Indian Institutes of Management (IIM) Indore for admission to its Five-Year Integrated Programme in Management.

Some of the best colleges accepting IPMAT scores for a BBA course include:

  • IIM Rohtak
  • IIM Ranchi
  • IIFT Kakinada
  • Nirma University Institute of Management
  • NICMAR University, Pune
  • NALSAR University, Hyderabad
  • Xavier University
  • Mumbai University

You can know more about IPMAT accepting colleges for integrated BBA course.


Hope this information will help you

The IPMAT (Integrated Program in Management Aptitude Test) exam is primarily conducted for admission into five-year Integrated Program in Management (IPM) courses. Here are some key colleges that accept IPMAT scores:

1. **Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Indore**: IIM Indore was the first to introduce the IPM course, and it continues to use IPMAT scores for admission. Their program offers a strong foundation in management and business studies.

2. **Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Rohtak**: IIM Rohtak also accepts IPMAT scores for its IPM program, which focuses on grooming students for managerial and leadership roles through a mix of business and liberal arts education.

3. **Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ranchi**: IIM Ranchi started its IPM program in 2021 and uses IPMAT scores for admission. This program aims to provide a multidisciplinary approach to management.

4. **Nirma University**: Nirma University’s Institute of Management in Ahmedabad accepts IPMAT scores for its Integrated BBA-MBA program, which combines undergraduate and graduate studies in management.

5. **TAPMI Bengaluru**: T.A. Pai Management Institute (TAPMI) in Bengaluru also considers IPMAT scores for its integrated program, though it is relatively new in the field.

Each of these institutions has its own admission process and eligibility criteria, so be sure to check specific requirements when applying.


In most Indian engineering colleges, if you choose to drop out after the first year, they often ask for fees for the entire program duration (all four years) before releasing your original documents. However, policies can vary between institutions, and some colleges might have different approaches. Here are some steps to handle this:

  1. Check Your College Policy: Look at the college’s official documents, like the student handbook, fee policy, or withdrawal policy. Some colleges might have a clause for students who want to transfer or drop out.

  2. Visit the Administration or Academic Office: Talk directly to the administration office about your plans. They can clarify the exact policy and let you know if you can retrieve your documents by paying only for the first year.

  3. Negotiate with the College Authorities: If possible, negotiate with the authorities, especially if you have a valid reason, like pursuing a different course. Sometimes, they may relax policies on a case-by-case basis.

  4. Consider Legal Counsel: If they are firm on charging fees for all four years and you feel it’s unfair, consulting with a lawyer can help. They can guide you on whether there’s a legal route to claim your documents without additional fees.

Also, it's great to see your commitment to join the IPMAT program for the IIM course! With careful planning, you can manage this transition smoothly.

Hope it helps !

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