CAT College Predictor - IIM & Non-IIM MBA Call Predictor

  • Know Your Chances for getting Calls from IIMs & other Top MBA Colleges through CAT Percentile, based on your category, academic profile, work-ex & CAT result

  • Get to know the College-wise Eligibility & Required Cut-off Percentiles / Scores for your Interview Calling Chances

  • 70,000+ management aspirants used Careers360 College Predictors


CAT Score Details

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IIM & Non-IIM MBA Call Predictor | CAT College Predictor

CAT College Predictor 2023: Common Admission Test, the MBA exam, is a dream for many management aspirants. CAT aspirants are curious about the possibility of getting admission to top B-schools. If you are also the one who is looking to know which college they can get into on the basis of the CAT score secured? Then, You have come to the right place. Careers360 provides you with a CAT College Predictor tool that can predict your college as per your CAT ranking and other details. 

CAT College Predictor 2023

With the CAT college predictor 2023 provided by Careers360,  get an opportunity of getting an idea of overall/category-wise All India Rankings in the entrance exam.  The tool is significantly helpful in providing the possibility of getting the different colleges with the respected rank. 

The tool has been designed to be easy and friendly for all MBA candidates. The CAT  aspirants have to provide some details like CAT score details, gender, category, and so on.  With all these details provided by the candidate, the CAT College Predictor 2023 predicts the colleges based on the score of the candidate with the use of an advanced algorithm. 

How to use the CAT college predictor 2023?

The Careers360 team has designed this CAT Predictor Tool 2023 with an advanced algorithm to assist the candidates properly in getting admission to their expected MBA colleges. Candidates shall follow the below-given steps to check the possibility of getting admission to top MBA colleges in the nation.  

Step 1: Visit the Careers360 website or click here.

Step 2: Now, fill in all the required details such as gender, category, and CAT score details.

Step 3: Click the Next tab on the screen and check the result. 

What can be checked with the CAT 2023 college predictor tool of Careers360?

The candidates will get the following details by using the CAT 2023 College Predictor tool 

  • Various important details such as MBA/ PGDM/ PGP Courses, Fees, Number of Seats, College Facilities are provided with the CAT College Predictor 2023.
  • Based on the counselling selected in the results displayed, personalised reports with the predicted institutes will be sent directly to the email of the candidates for each decision they have reviewed.
  • Counselling-round and Course wise CAT cutoffs for various Seat Types, Caste groups, Quotas, etc. for the multiple Counsellings accepting CAT.

CAT Marking Scheme 2023

It is important for the candidate to understand the CAT marking scheme well to crack the top MBA entrance exam. The marking scheme of this national-level MBA entrance exam can be seen below:

CAT Marking Scheme

  • For every right answer, +3 will be awarded
  • For every wrong answer in MCQs, -1 will be deducted
  • No negative marks for Non-MCQs

How to calculate CAT percentile 2023?

Many a time candidates are not aware of how to calculate their CAT percentile. The CAT percentile  is basically the number of candidates who have got a score below the respected candidate. It is important to have knowledge of your expected rank to find out the expected CAT percentile. For example, 

A total of 2,27,835 people have appeared in the CAT exam. Now that you have set the standard to 4000, then your CAT percentile will be:

  • CAT percentile = [1 - { 4000/2,27,835 }] * 100 = 98.24 percentile

Expected CAT Exam Cutoff 2023

Candidates can check below the CAT exam expected cut off for different IIMs. The list is provided below along with qualifying CAT cut offs. 


Qualifying CAT cut offs

IIM Ahmedabad


IIM Bangalore


IIM Calcutta


IIM Lucknow


IIM Indore


IIM Kozhikode


IIM Amritsar


IIM Nagpur


IIM Sambalpur


IIM Sirmaur


IIM Rohtak


IIM Jammu


Top B-schools Accepting CAT Exam Result 2023


Expected CAT Cutoff

FMS Delhi Admission

98.20 Percentile

MDI Gurgaon Admission

95+ Percentile

SPJIMR Mumbai Admission

85+ Percentile

Xavier Institute of Management Bhubaneswar (XIMB)

90+ Percentile

FORE School of Management Admission

76 to 85.75 Percentile

IMT Ghaziabad PGDM Admission

93+ Percentile

NITIE Mumbai Admission

95+ Percentile

TAPMI Admission

85+ Percentile

IPE MBA Admission

75 to 80 percentile

What users have to say

Shailley Gupta
"Dear CAREERS360, i do not know how far this works, but i got a peace of mind once i came to know my marks will fetch me a seat in RV college. so thank u very much."
"I commend all the efforts and help provided i guess something kind has really helped people in terms of guidance exposure towards various education institutions"
Lakshit Sethi
"Your information is far more accurate than all those websites out there.Thank you for your work as it was a great deal of help in finding my best college.Thank you again and keep up the good work."
Mukul Jain
"I cannot explain that how much help you have provided because it is obviously not easy to choose few from 62 institutes."
Vamsikrishna Dumpala
"Yes, the site is navigator to the candidates to choose their choices at an advance stage of announcing results, before appearing to counselling and getting seats."
Sivakumar Ogirala
"Career360 is doing yeoman service by College Predictor and Rank Predictor options for various competitive exams... Kudos to the team which is making it happen in a professional way. Keep it up!"

Questions related to CAT


Getting admission to an IIM without taking the CAT is possible through alternative routes such as:

1. Executive MBA (PGPX,EPGP,ect .)  : Many IIMs offer Executive MBA programs for experienced professionals, which may require GMAT scores instead of CAT .

2.Integrated programs: Some IIMs offer integrated programs like IPM (Integrated Program in Management), where admission cab be based on entrance exams other than CAT.

3.Doctoral programs (Ph.D.): Some IIMs accept GMAT/GRE scores for their doctoral programs .

4. Specialized Courses: IIMs offer various short-term and ccertificate programs that don't require CAT scores.

Check the specific IIM websites for detailed admission criteria and processes for these programs .


Generally admissions are given based on your rank. So based on your overall percentile in JEE your rank could be between 56470 - 63480 approximately.

Unfortunately, Based on the marks you scored, it will be difficult to get admitted into NIT Trichy under OBC category. However there is also a second chance for you to attend for JEE, so I recommend you to take that chance and score better.

You can check the colleges you are eligible for using the below link.

Correct Answer: have been know the result

Solution : The error lies in the third option.

Explanation: The error lies in the use of the phrase "have been know". The correct form should be "have known" when expressing future perfect tense. The structure is "will have known", indicating that the action of knowing the result will be completed in the future before a specified time (next week). The verb "know" should be in its past participle form "known" in this context.

Therefore, the correct sentence would be: We will have known the result of the CAT exam by next week.

Hello aspirant,

I regret to inform you that, despite your 57 percentile on the CAT exam, IMT Nagpur will not be contacting you. This is because the college's total cut-off score for all CAT, MAT, and CMAT exams is 70 percentile. There is no sectional cut-off, but you must score at least in the 70 percentile in order for your application to be reviewed further.

Thank you

Hope this information helps you.


With your CAT percentile and sectional cutoffs, you have a good chance of being eligible for admission to the newer IIMs. The newer IIMs, also known as the baby IIMs, are a group of IIMs established relatively recently. They consider a slightly lower CAT percentile for admission compared to the older IIMs. However, eligibility criteria can vary from year to year, so it is best to check the official websites.

Hope this helps you,

Thank you

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