CUET BBA Syllabus 2025, Check Section Wise Syllabus, Download PDF

CUET BBA Syllabus 2025, Check Section Wise Syllabus, Download PDF

Edited By Rajyalaxmi Venkatapuram | Updated on Mar 05, 2025 06:01 PM IST | #CUET

CUET BBA syllabus 2025 was released by the National Testing Agency (NTA) at Candidates can download the CUET exam syllabus for BBA pdf from this page also. CUET BBA entrance exam syllabus 2025 include topics that aspirants have to cover during their preparation. Candidates planning to do BBA through the CUET exam should check the syllabus beforehand. Along with the syllabus, aspirants should also check the CUET BBA exam pattern. Read the complete article to know more about CUET BBA syllabus 2025.

This Story also Contains
  1. CUET BBA Syllabus PDF
  2. CUET Exam Syllabus for BBA
  3. CUET Syllabus for BBA - General Test
  4. CUET BBA Syllabus : Section IA: English
  5. CUET BBA Exam Syllabus : Mathematics/ Applied Science
  6. CUET Syllabus for BBA - Business Studies
CUET BBA Syllabus 2025, Check Section Wise Syllabus, Download PDF
CUET BBA Syllabus 2025, Check Section Wise Syllabus, Download PDF


Understanding the CUET BBA entrance exam syllabus is an important part of effective preparation. Candidates can check the syllabus of CUET subjects for BBA below.

CUET BBA Syllabus 2025 - Overview

CUET subjects for BBA vary from one college to another. However, the General Test is a mandatory CUET BBA subject that is considered during the admission process. Some colleges offer BBA admission based on just general tests, while others require students to qualify one language test and other subjects such as Business Studies and Mathematics/Applied Mathematics.

CUET Exam Syllabus for BBA

NTA released the CUET BBA syllabus 2025 for the candidates to download and prepare the syllabus plan for preparation accordingly. Aspirants can check the detailed CUET BBA entrance exam syllabus that has been provided on this page.

CUET Syllabus for BBA - General Test

General test is a mandatory section for admission to BBA colleges through CUET. Candidates can below check CUET exam syllabus for BBA based on which general test questions are framed.

  • General Knowledge, Current Affairs

  • General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability

  • Reasoning (Simple application of basic mathematical concepts Quantitative arithmetic / algebra geometry / mensuration / statistics)

  • Logical and Analytical Reasoning

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Vishwa Vishwani BBA Admissions 2025

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Also Check: CUET admit card

CUET BBA Syllabus : Section IA: English

Many BBA colleges such as Delhi Technological University, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University and Galgotias University require students to qualify English language test along with general test to get admission to Bachelors in Business Administration.

CUET BBA Syllabus for English

  • Reading Comprehension - Factual, Narrative and Literary

  • Verbal Ability

  • Rearranging the parts

  • Match the following

  • Choosing the correct word

  • Synonyms and Antonyms

  • Vocabulary

CUET BBA Exam Syllabus : Mathematics/ Applied Science

CUET entrance exam syllabus for Mathematics/ Applied Science is divided in sections. Aspirants can below check section-wise CUET BBA syllabus for Mathematics/ Applied Science.

CUET BBA Syllabus for Mathematics/ Applied Science - Section A




(i) Matrices and types of Matrices

(ii) Equality of Matrices, transpose of a Matrix, Symmetric and Skew Symmetric Matrix

(iii) Algebra of Matrices

(iv) Determinants

(v) Inverse of a Matrix

(vi) Solving of simultaneous equations using Matrix Method


(i) Higher order derivatives (second order)

(ii) Increasing and Decreasing Functions

(iii) Maxima and Minima

(iv) Maxima and Minima

Integration and it’s applications

(i) Indefinite integrals of simple functions

(ii) Evaluation of indefinite integrals

(iii) Definite Integrals

(iv). Application of Integration as area under the curve

Differential Equations

(i) Order and degree of differential equations

(ii) Solving of differential equations with variable separable

Probability Distributions

(i) Random variables

Linear Programming

(i) Graphical method of solution for problems in two variables

(ii) Feasible and infeasible regions

(iii). Optimal feasible solution

CUET BBA Syllabus for Mathematics/ Applied Science - Section B 1



Relations and Functions

  • Relations and Functions - (Types of relations: Reflexive,symmetric, transitive and equivalence relations. One to one and onto functions.)
  • Inverse Trigonometric Functions - (Definition, range, domain, principal value branches. Graphs of inverse trigonometric functions.)


  • Matrices - (Concept, notation, order, equality, types of matrices, zero matrix, transpose of a matrix, symmetric and skew symmetric matrices. Operations on matrices: Addition, multiplication and multiplication with a scalar. Simple properties of addition, multiplication and scalar multiplication. Non-commutativity of multiplication of matrices and existence of nonzero matrices whose product is the zero matrix (restrict to square matrices of order 2). Invertible matrices and proof of the uniqueness of inverse,if it exists;(Here all matrices will have real entries).)
  • Determinants - (Determinant of a square matrix (up to 3 × 3 matrices), minors, cofactors and applications of determinants in finding the area of a triangle. Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix. Consistency, inconsistency and number of solutions of system of linear equations by examples, solving system of linear equations in two or three variables (having unique solution) using inverse of a matrix.)


  • Continuity and Differentiability - (Continuity and differentiability, chain rule, derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions, like sin−1 ? , cos−1 ? and tan−1 ?, derivative of implicit functions. Concepts of exponential, logarithmic functions. Derivatives of logarithmic and exponential functions. Logarithmic differentiation, derivative of functions expressed in parametric forms. Second-order derivatives.)
  • Applications of Derivatives - (Rate of change of quantities, increasing/decreasing functions, maxima and minima (first derivative test motivated geometrically and second derivative test given as provable tool). Simple problems (that illustrate basic principles and understanding of the subject as well as real-life situations).
  • Integrals - (Integration as inverse process of differentiation.Integration of a variety of functions by substitution, by partial fractions and by parts, Evaluation of simple integrals of the following types and problems based on them. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (without proof).Basic properties of definite integrals and evaluation of definite integrals.)
  • Applications of the Integrals - Applicationsin finding the area undersimple curves, especially lines, circles/parabolas/ellipses(in standard form only).
  • Differential Equations - (Definition, order and degree, general and particular solutions of a differential equation. Solution of differential equations by method of separation of variables, solutions of homogeneous differential equations of first order and first degree. Solutions of linear differential equation of the type: dy/dx + Py = Q, where P and Q are functions of x or constants,other is dx/dy+Px = Q, whereP and Q are functions of y or constants)

Vectors and three-dimensional geometry

  • Vectors - (Vectors and scalars, magnitude and direction of a vector. Direction cosines and direction ratios of a vector.Types of vectors (equal, unit, zero, parallel and collinear vectors), position vector of a point, negative of a vector, components of a vector, addition of vectors, multiplication of a vector by a scalar, position vector of a point dividing a line segment in a given ratio. Definition, Geometrical interpretation, properties and application of scalar (dot) product of vectors, vector(cross) product of vectors)
  • Three-dimensional Geometry - (Direction cosines and direction ratios of a line joining two points. Cartesian equation and vector equation of a line, skew lines,shortest distance between two lines. Angle between two lines.)
  • Linear Programming - (Introduction, related terminology such as constraints, objective function, optimization, graphical method of solution for problems in two variables,feasible and infeasible regions (bounded or unbounded),feasible and infeasible solutions, optimal feasible solutions (up to three non-trivial constraints).
  • Probability - (Conditional probability, Multiplications theorem on probability, independent events, total probability, Baye’s theorem. Random variable.)

CUET BBA Syllabus for Mathematics/ Applied Science - Section B2



Numbers, Quantification and Numerical Applications

Modulo Arithmetic

  • Define modulus of an integer
  • Apply arithmetic operations using modular arithmetic rules

Congruence Modulo

  • Define congruence modulo
  • Apply the definition in various problems

Allegation and Mixture

  • Understand the rule of allegation to produce a mixture at a given price
  • Determine the mean price of a mixture
  • Apply rule of allegation

Numerical Problems

  • Solve real life problems mathematically

Boats and Streams

  • Distinguish between upstream and downstream
  • Express the problem in the form of an equation

Pipes and Cisterns

  • Determine the time taken by two or more pipes to fill or empty the tank

Races and Games

  • Compare the performance of two players w.r.t. time, distance

Numerical Inequalities

  • Describe the basic concepts of numerical inequalities
  • Understand and write numerical inequalities


Matrices and types of matrices

  • Define matrix
  • Identify different kinds of matrices

Equality of matrices, Transpose of a matrix, Symmetric and Skew symmetric matrix

  • Determine equality of two matrices
  • Write transpose of given matrix
  • Define symmetric and skew symmetric matrix

Algebra of Matrices

  • Perform operations like addition & subtraction on matrices of same order
  • Perform multiplication of two matrices of appropriate order
  • Perform multiplication of a scalar with matrix

Determinant of Matrices

  • Find determinant of a square matrix
  • Use elementary properties of determinants
  • Singular matrix, Non-singular matrix
  • |AB|=|A||B|
  • Simple problems to find determinant value

Inverse of a Matrix

  • Define the inverse of a square matrix
  • Apply properties of inverse of matrices
  • Inverse of a matrix using: a) cofactors

If A and B are invertible square matrices of same size,

i) (AB)-1=B-1 A-1

ii) (A-1 ) -1 =A

iii) (AT ) -1 = (A-1 ) T

Solving system of simultaneous equations (upto three variables only (non-homogeneous equations))


Higher Order Derivatives

  • Determine second and higher order derivatives
  • Understand differentiation of parametric functions and implicit functions

Application of Derivatives

  • Determine the rate of change of various quantities
  • Understand the gradient of tangent and normal to a curve at a given point
  • Write the equations of tangents and normal to a curve at a given point

Marginal Cost and marginal revenue using derivatives

  • Define marginal cost and marginal revenue
  • Find marginal cost and marginal revenue

Increasing/Decreasing Functions

  • Determine whether a function is increasing or decreasing
  • Determine the conditions for a function to be increasing or decreasing

Maxima and Minima

  • Determine critical points of the function
  • Find the point(s) of local maxima and local minima and corresponding local maximum and local minimum values
  • Find the absolute maximum and absolute minimum value of a function
  • Solve applied problems


  • Understand and determine indefinite integrals of simple functions as anti-derivative

Indefinite integrals as family of curves

  • Evaluate indefinite integrals of simple algebraic functions by methods of :

(i) substitution

(ii) partial fraction

(iii) by parts

Definite Integral as area under the curve

  • Define definite integral as area under the curve
  • Understand fundamental theorem of integral calculus and apply it to evaluate the definite integral
  • Apply properties of definite integrals to solve problems

Application of Integration

  • Identify the region representing C.S. and P.S. graphically
  • Apply the definite integral to find consumer surplus-producer surplus

Differential Equations

  • Recognize a differential equation
  • Find the order and degree of a differential equation

Formulating and solving differential equations

  • Formulate differential equations
  • Verify the solution of differential equation
  • Solve simple differential equation

Application of Differential Equations

  • Define growth and decay model
  • Apply the differential equations to solve growth and decay models

Probability Distributions

Probability distribution

  • Understand the concept of Random Variables and its Probability Distributions
  • Find probability distribution of discrete random variable

Mathematical expectation

  • Apply arithmetic mean of frequency distribution to find the expected value of a random variable


  • Calculate the Variance and S.D. of a random variable

Binomial Distribution

  • Identify the Bernoulli Trials and apply Binomial Distribution
  • Evaluate Mean, Variance and S.D. of a Binomial Distribution

Poisson Distribution

  • Understand the conditions of Poisson Distribution
  • Evaluate the Mean and Variance of Poisson distribution

Normal Distribution

  • Understand normal distribution is a continuous distribution
  • Evaluate value of Standard normal variate
  • Area relationship between Mean and Standard Deviation

Index number and time based data

Time Series

  • Identify time series as chronological data

Components of Time Series

  • Distinguish between different components of time series

Time Series analysis for univariate data

  • Solve practical problems based on statistical data and Interpret

Secular trend

  • Understand the long term tendency

Methods of Measuring trend

  • Demonstrate the techniques of finding trend by different methods
Inferential Statistics

Population and sample

  • Define Population and Sample
  • Differentiate between population and sample
  • Define a representative sample from a population
  • Differentiate between a representative and a non-representative sample
  • Draw a representative sample using simple random sampling
  • Draw a representative sample using a systematic random sampling

Parameter and Statistics and Statistical Inferences

  • Define Parameter with reference to Population
  • Define Statistics with reference to Sample
  • Explain the relation between Parameter and Statistic
  • Explain the limitation of Statistic to generalize the estimation for population
  • Interpret the concept of Statistical Significance and Statistical Inferences
  • State Central Limit Theorem
  • Explain the relation between Population-Sampling Distribution-Sample

t-Test (one sample t-test and two independent groups t-test)

  • Define a hypothesis
  • Differentiate between Null and Alternate hypothesis
  • Define and calculate degree of freedom
  • Test Null hypothesis and make inferences using t-test statistic for one group/two independent groups

Financial Mathematics

Perpetuity, Sinking Funds

  • Explain the concept of perpetuity and sinking fund
  • Calculate perpetuity
  • Differentiate between sinking fund and saving account

Calculation of EMI

  • Explain the concept of EMI
  • Calculate EMI using various methods

Calculation of Returns, Nominal Rate of Return

  • Explain the concept of rate of return and nominal rate of return
  • Calculate rate of return and nominal rate of return

Compound Annual Growth Rate

  • Understand the concept of Compound Annual Growth Rate
  • Differentiate between Compound Annual Growth rate and Annual Growth Rate
  • Calculate Compound Annual Growth Rate

Linear method of Depreciation

  • Define the concept of linear method of Depreciation
  • Interpret cost, residual value and useful life of an asset from the given information
  • Calculate depreciation

Linear Programming

Introduction and related terminology

  • Familiarize with terms related to Linear Programming Problem

Mathematical formulation of Linear Programming Problem

  • Formulate Linear Programming Problem

Different types of Linear Programming Problems

  • Identify and formulate different types of LPP

Graphical Method of Solution for problems in two Variables

  • Draw the Graph for a system of linear inequalities involving two variables and to find its solution graphically

Feasible and Infeasible Regions

  • Identify feasible, infeasible and bounded regions

Feasible and infeasible solutions, optimal feasible solution

  • Understand feasible and infeasible solutions
  • Find optimal feasible solution

CUET Syllabus for BBA - Business Studies



Nature and Significance of Management
  • Management – concept, objectives, importance.
  • Nature of management; Management as Science, Art, Profession.
  • Levels of management – top, middle supervisory (First level).
  • Management functions – planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling.
  • Coordination – nature and importance.

Principles of Management

  • Principles of Management – meaning, nature and significance.
  • Fayol’s principles of management.
  • Taylor’s Scientific Management – Principles and Techniques.
Business Environment
  • Business Environment – meaning and importance.
  • Dimensions of Business Environment – Economic, Social, Technological, Political and Legal.
  • Meaning, features, importance, limitations.
  • Planning process.
  • Types of Plans – Objectives, Strategy, Policy, Procedure, Method, Rule, Budget, Programme
  • Meaning and importance.
  • Steps in the process of organising.
  • Structure of organization – functional, and divisional.
  • Formal and informal organisation.
  • Delegation: meaning elements and importance.
  • Decentralization: meaning and importance.
  • Difference between delegation and decentralisation.
  • Meaning, need and importance of staffing.
  • Staffing as a part of Human Resources Management.
  • Steps in staffing process.
  • Recruitment – meaning and sources.
  • Selection – meaning and process.
  • Training and Development – meaning, need, methods – on the job and off the job methods of training.
  • Meaning, importance and principles.
  • Elements of Direction:
  1. Supervision: meaning and importance.
  2. Motivation – meaning and importance, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; Financial and non- financial incentives.
  3. Leadership – meaning, importance.
  4. Communication – meaning and importance, formal and informal communication; barriers to effective communication.
  • Meaning and importance.
  • Relationship between planning and controlling.
  • Steps in the process of control.
Business Finance
  • Business finance – meaning, role, objectives of financial management.
  • Financial planning – meaning and importance.
  • Capital Structure – meaning and factors.
  • Fixed and Working Capital – meaning and factors affecting their requirements.


  • Marketing – meaning, functions, role.
  • Distinction between marketing and selling
  • Marketing mix – concept and elements:
  1. Product – nature, classification, branding, labelling and packaging
  2. Physical distribution: meaning, role; Channels of distribution, – meaning, types, factors, determining choice of channels.
  3. Promotion – meaning and role, promotion mix, Role of Advertising and personal selling; objections to Advertising.
  4. Price: factors influencing pricing.
Consumer Protection
  • Importance of consumer protection
  • Consumer rights.
  • Consumer responsibilities.
  • Ways and means of consumer protection – Consumer awareness and legal redressal with special reference to Consumer protection Act.
  • Role of consumer organizations and NGOs.
Entrepreneurship Development
  • Concept, Functions and Need.
  • Entrepreneurship Characteristics and Competencies.
  • Process of Entrepreneurship Development.
  • Entrepreneurial Values, Attitudes and Motivation – Meaning and Concept

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. When will the CUET 2025 syllabus release?

NTA released the CUET syllabus 2025 at its official website -

2. What is CUET BBA syllabus?

The syllabus of CUET BBA is the topic for the candidate to prepare for the exam from which the questions will be asked.

3. Who will conduct the CUET BBA exam?

The National Testing Agency will conduct the CUET BBA exam.


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Oxford Brookes University, Oxford
 Headington Campus Oxford OX3 0BP UK
Northumbria University, Newcastle City Campus
 Sutherland Building, Northumberland Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1 8ST
Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff
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Marketing Director

A career as Marketing Director is also known as a marketing expert who is responsible for the overall marketing aspect of the company. He or she oversees plans and develops the company's budget. The marketing Director collaborates with the business team to plan and develop the marketing and branding strategies for the company's products or services. 

4 Jobs Available
Business Development Executive

A Business Development Executive (BDE) is a professional responsible for identifying growth opportunities and fostering strategic partnerships to enhance a company's market position. Typically, a BDE conducts market research, analyses industry trends, and identifies potential clients or business prospects. He or she plays a crucial role in developing and implementing sales strategies to achieve revenue targets. 

A BDE often collaborates with cross-functional teams, including marketing and product development, to align business objectives. Strong communication, negotiation, and relationship-building skills are essential for success in this role. BDE strives to expand the company's customer base, drive sales, and contribute to overall organisational growth in a dynamic and competitive business environment.

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Content Marketing Specialist

Content Marketing Specialists are also known as Content Specialists. They are responsible for crafting content, editing and developing it to meet the requirements of digital marketing campaigns. To ensure that the material created is consistent with the overall aims of a digital marketing campaign, content marketing specialists work closely with SEO and digital marketing professionals.

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Sales Manager

A sales manager is a revenue-generating source for a company. Any organisation or company which sells a commodity or service requires sales to generate revenue. A Sales manager is a professional responsible for supervising the sales team. An Individual as a sales manager works closely with salespeople, assigns sales territories, sets quotas, mentors the members of the sales, assigns sales training, and builds a sales plan. 

The Sales Manager work also includes hiring and laying off sales personnel after evaluating his or her work performance. In bigger entities, sales quotas and plans are usually set at the executive level. He or she is responsible for overseeing the set target or quotas met by salespeople or upholding any policy. He or she guides his or her fellow salespeople and allows them to sell.

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Business Analyst

Individuals who opt for a career as a business analyst look at how a company operates. He or she conducts research and analyses data to improve his or her knowledge about the company. This is required so that an individual can suggest the company strategies for improving their operations and processes.

In a business analyst  job role a lot of analysis is done, things are learned from past mistakes and the successful strategies are enhanced further. A business analyst goes through real-world data in order to provide the most feasible solutions to an organisation. Students can pursue Business Analytics to become Business Analysts. 

2 Jobs Available
Marketing Manager

A marketing manager is a person who oversees a company or product marketing. He or she can be in charge of multiple programmes or goods or can be in charge of one product. He or she is enthusiastic, organised, and very diligent in meeting financial constraints. He or she works with other team members to produce advertising campaigns and decides if a new product or service is marketable. 

A Marketing manager plans and executes marketing initiatives to create demand for goods and services and increase consumer awareness of them. A marketing manager prevents unauthorised statements and informs the public that the business is doing everything to investigate and fix the line of products. Students can pursue an MBA in Marketing Management courses to become marketing managers.

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SEO Analyst

An SEO Analyst is a web professional who is proficient in the implementation of SEO strategies to target more keywords to improve the reach of the content on search engines. He or she provides support to acquire the goals and success of the client’s campaigns. 

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Digital Marketing Executive

Digital marketing is growing, diverse, and is covering a wide variety of career paths. Each job function aids in the development of effective digital marketing strategies and techniques. The aims and objectives of the individuals who opt for a career as a digital marketing executive are similar to those of a marketing professional: to build brand awareness, promote company services or products, and increase conversions. Individuals who opt for a career as Digital Marketing Executives, unlike traditional marketing companies, communicate effectively through suitable technology platforms.

2 Jobs Available
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