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UPES Management Entrance Test

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Hello Carter 360 team. My name is Ritanshi my question for the day is can we give UPES MET exam before the attempt of CMAT.

Shreya Bhowmick 28th Feb, 2022


In order to appear for CMAT exam 2022, you must have done a minimum of 3 years of graduation in any stream. There is no age limit set by NTA to appear for this exam. You must be a citizen of India. For executive PGDM course, you must have done graduation degree in any discipline along with 5 years of minimum experience. For PGCM course, you must have passed graduation degree in any discipline. For MBA and PGDM, you have to pass Bachelor’s degree in any stream.

Moreover, UPESMET syllabus consists of Quantitative Aptitude, Analytical Reasoning, English and General Awareness while CMAT syllabus consists of Quantitative Techniques and Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Language Comprehension and General Awareness + Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Optional subject). So the syllabus is more or less similar for both the examination. With hardwork and practice, you can crack the exams.

For further information, please refer to these links:

Best wishes


need to know about the fees structure of MBA course?

Swarnendu Bhattacharya 17th Jul, 2021


MBA is one of the courses which is gaining a huge momentum and has a lot of prospects in the future. It offers very lucrative jobs as a manager in different mnc's and much more

MBA fees in india ranges from rs 20,000 to rs 40 lakhs for two year full time program. On an average proper MBA colleges costs about rs 7.5 to 25 lakhs. Fee structure changes with the college you want to study in, but that is an overall idea.

Check out the link to know more:

Hope this helps


i want to complete mba offline cource

snehasinha1718 Student Expert 23rd Mar, 2021


If you're planning to complete your mba offline then you can go for distance mba. This is most soughted mba and nowadays more preferred mba amoug students. The major advantage of Distance MBA programmes is that the course can be pursued along with full time work, without hampering any professional commitments. Some students also tend to go for Masters in another discipline but decide to get an MBA degree alongside, without wasting 2 more year.

Although the courses differ from programme to programme, the core courses generally include finance, accounting, management, marketing, global or international business, and technology. Following is the list of top course offered in Distance MBA programmes.

  1. General management

  2. Financial management

  3. Human resource management

  4. E-Business

  5. Family business management

  6. Retail Management

  7. Logistics and supply chain management

  8. Marketing management

  9. Information system management

  10. Technology management

  11. Health care management

  12. Agriculture Business Management

  13. Operations management

  14. Banking and finance

  15. Hospital management

  16. Corporate management

  17. Education Management

You can check the link below to get a detailed analysis of the same-

Hope this helps.


application date of MBA 2021 when it will stated

Shubham Dhane 1st Nov, 2020


Odisha Joint Entrance Examination Committee will release the OJEE MBA 2021 important dates in online mode on the official website. According to the important dates of OJEE MBA 2021, the registration process is likely to start tentatively from the fourth week of January, 2021. The exact dates have not yet released. The last date to fill the application from will be in the last week of April 2020.


do you want join msc chemistry

No i do not want to join in M.SC chemistry.Because i am pursuing an engineering degree at present.


Upes met sample entrance papers with answers

ADITYA KUMAR Student Expert 17th Apr, 2020
Hi Ankit

You can get previous year question papers and sample papers as well for UPES MET examination by going through our page, the link for the same is provided below

These papers of UPES MET  will help you to understand the types of questions which are asked in UPES MET  exam, you will understand the important topics which are covered in the UPES MET exam by practising them, you will also get to know your preparation level .

Best of luck for your UPES MET examination.



I have scored 209 i.e;82.239percentile in CMAT 2020. Will I get call for GD/PI from UPES MET? Or will i have to give UPES MET or not?

harshitasharansrivastava Student Expert 9th Mar, 2020

Hello Aspirant,

UPES-MET (UPES Management Entrance Test) is an aptitude test conducted in online mode by University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, better known as UPES for candidates seeking admission to the MBA programmes at UPES, Dehradun. It must be noted by the students that Following students will be exempted from UPES Management Entrance Test and will only be called for Group Discussion & Interview if qualified only If the candidate has:

  • MAT/CMAT 2020 score of 75 percentile & above.
  • CAT/XAT 2019 score of 70 percentile & above. GMAT Score of 550 & above.
  • NMAT Score of 140 & above

Since you have a percentile more than 75 in cmat there's no need for you to sit for upesmet and you'll be directly called for gdpi round.

All the best

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