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Panjab University Management Entrance Test

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Can u please tell me exam conducted in which month 2021 and entrance exam form also

harshitasharansrivastava Student Expert 15th Feb, 2021

Hello Dear,

There are many examination conducted in 2021 so please give s some more details. As per the details mentioned by you, your query is not clear. Please mention more details of the course and institute in which you are interested to know about. Please elaborate your question and feel free to ask your doubts here for quick resolution of your query.

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Is Panjab university is same as UBS panjab university???

Siddhi Shenoy 6th Nov, 2020

Hi Shailendra Jain,

Yes, the University Business School is by the Panjab University and it is the a college under Panjab University. The Panjab University is like a head, and under it has many colleges which includes University Business School. This Business School has been ranked amongst the top business schools in India.

You can know more about the college by clicking on the link below:


how to correct information in completed forms

pdwords Student Expert 10th Apr, 2020

Usually, there's correction facility window in case of most entrance exam,in case of PU MET as per its official website correction can be done for completed forms till April 18, 2020 upto 5:00 p.m, so make use of this.

You can visit the official website at to know more details regarding this.

In form of PU MET 2020 they asked for academic certificate what does they refer to?

Anshu Saini 22nd Feb, 2020
Hi aspirant,
Anacademic certificateis a document that certifies that a person has received specific education or has passed a test or series of tests.Here, the academic ceetifucate stating that you have have completed your required recent education, is being reffered to. So you need to uplead the same.Follow this link for more details of PU MET-
Hope this helps.

I want to give pu met can someone pls tell me the cutt off and eligibility for this test to get in puchd

S. Saha Student Expert 1st Oct, 2019
  • Eligibility criteria-

Panjab University will prescribe the eligibility criteria of PU MET which would be different for various management programmes at the university. However, the PU MET eligibility criteria remain the same and are stated below-

Most obtain a Bachelors or Master Degree with at least 50 per cent aggregate score (45 per cent for SC/ST/BC/PwD candidates) in any discipline from a recognised university.

The final year degree candidates are eligible to apply and can take the written test provisionally as well, but the result of the qualifying examination should be submitted later, as and when required.

Age Limit: No mention has been made age in the official prospectus of PU MET regarding eligibility criteria.

  • Cutoff-
Candidates who appear for the exam need to obtain a valid score though there is no exam cutoff, as per last year pattern. The PU MET cutoff is college-based which means that each of the participating institutes of PU MET will have their individual cutoffs for their respective admission process. Candidates need to contact the respective college(s) to get the related cutoff details.

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