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AIMS Test for Management Admissions

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which are the best colleges that accept Atma score for mms program in Maharashtra? and is their admission process carry out through cap round?

harshitasharansrivastava Student Expert 21st Aug, 2020

Hi Dear,

ATMA  and MAT score  is not accepted by Maharashtra based MMS Colleges for MMS program. ATMA score is only accepted for admission into PGDM courses in Maharashtra colleges.

Visit the following link to know about colleges accepting ATMA score in Maharashtra:

Good Luck


SIES college can accept atma score for batch 20-22? and if they are accepting then what is the cutoff and admission process for that ?

Aditya Joshi 21st Aug, 2020

Hello aspirant,

SIES College of Management Studies accept ATMA exam score .

Last year cutoff of SIES College for ATMA Exam(Round 1) is given below:-

85 percentile for MMS HR management

85 percentile for MMS Operations

85 percentile for MMS Marketing

Admission process related information is given in the below link:

Hope this helps you....

All the best


As Atma results are out, what is the next procedure to get admission in PUMBA (pharmaceutical biotechnology)2020?

Mehnaz Siddiqui 31st Aug, 2020


After you have appeared for your ATMA exam you will now have to fill out the application form for the respective college.


which college is best for bcom Delhi college of arts and commerce Atma ram santam dharma college

ginnisachdeva02_9364270 Student Expert 11th Aug, 2020


Both Colleges provide basic infrastructure facilities to students such as digital classrooms, sports ground, etc and the faculty members are also experienced. Placement opportunities is the factor to compare both the colleges, however atma ram sanatan dharma college gas offered highest salary package of 12 lakhs per annum but the placement opportunities provided to students are more good in Delhi college of Arts and commerce in trhe companies like KFC, Tata, KPMG, deleoitte, etc.

Hope it helped to clear your delimma

Thank you


I got 92.59% in Atma Aug 2020.can I get admission in PUMBA for pharma biotech?

Mehnaz Siddiqui 31st Aug, 2020


Yes you can get admission in PUMBA for pharma biotech. The eligibility criteria is to qualify ATMA.

Hope this helps.


After Atma 2020 exam can I get admission this year for MBA program

Mohit Gupta 3rd Aug, 2020

Hello Aspirant

If you appeared in Atma exam held in Feburary then you can definitely take admission on its basis and if you are appearing in upcoming atma exam then mostly colleges won't accept that as admissions are already closed in all the top B-Schools but still there are some colleges which will accept it's score.

You can get the list of accepting colleges in your form of Atma, when you'll be applying there is a list of accepting colleges so you can go through that.

Also I'll suggest to prepare for CAT 2020 as it's just 3 months ahead and target top 50 colleges of India as in Atma exam there's no top most college which accept it's score, only welingkar Mumbai and welingkar banglore accept it that too of September and February attempt, now admission are closed in welingkar college too.

Conclusion:- you can get admission though upcoming atma exam in mba this year itself but I'll suggest you to go for cat and other exams for taking admission next year.

To know more about atma and it's accepting colleges list, you can visit the following link:-

I hope this information is helpful for you.

All the best for your bright future ahead.


ATMA exam held on 7 August 2020 can be applicable for admission in batch 2020-2022?

Rucha Shailesh Bhave 2nd Aug, 2020

Hello Bhagyashri

Actually ATMA exam was on 6th july 2020! and it can be applicable for admission of MBA batch of 2020-2022.


atma ram college delhi course offered

Garvita 19th Jul, 2020

There are a total of seven courses in Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma college, namely:

1. (hons.), The total fee per year for the course is 11,275.

2., the total fee per year for the course is12,545.

3. B.A. (hons.), The total fee per year for the course is 10,185.

4. M.A., the total fee per year for the course is 10,696.

5. B.A, the total fee for the course per year is 9,685.

6., the total fee for the course per year is 10,118.

7., the total fee per year for the course is 10,696.

Hope this helps, all the best.

Which colleges are accepting Atma may score this year in mumbai for mms program? can we apply through cap round which is conducted by dte for mms admission?

amanlikes638 12th Jul, 2020

Greetings Aspirant,

Below are the Names of the colleges in Mumbai which are accepting ATMA score this Year with their Cutoff

  • Prin. L. N. Welingkar WE School Mumbai:           CutOff-80-85
  • SIESCOMS Navi Mumbai:                                         CutOff-80-85
  • Chetna CIMR:                                                              CutOff-75-80
  • ITM Group of Institutions:                                      CutOff-70-75
  • SDA Bocconi Mumbai:                                             CutOff-70-75
  • IES Management IES MCRC Mumbai:                 CutOff-70-75
  • DSIMS Mumbai:                                                       CutOff-70-75
  • Vivekanand Education VESIM Mumbai:           CutOff-65-70
  • Guru Nanak GNMIMS Mumbai:                         CutOff-65-70
  • Bharati Vidyapeeth`s BVIMSR Mumbai:        CutOff-60-65

Hope My Answer Helped You.

Best of Luck for Future.


hi guys ,I got 89.32% in atma exam ,plese suggest best collage for me....

Mayank Chowdhary 10th Jul, 2020


Here is the list of some colleges -

• Institute of public enterprise, Hyderabad

• ITM business school, Mumbai

• Delhi school of business, Delhi

• Jaipuria institute of management, Noida

• ICBM university, Hyderabad

• Indira school of business studies, pune

• RV institue of management, Banglore

• IIHMR university, Jaipur

Do check out this link for more colleges


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