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AIMS Test for Management Admissions

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my admit card for ATMA exam which is conducted on 1july not seen after login

Sharon Rose Student Expert 28th Jun, 2020


The latest notice is that ATMA entrance exam which is going to be conducted on July 1, 2020 is postponed due to the present situation. The new date for the entrance examination will be announced soon. The admit card is supposed to be out today but as it was postponed you are not able to find your admit card. Check for new updates so that you won't miss any important information. You can check any updates here (


Hi the website says that ATMA test to be taken on July 1 has been postponed and revised date to be announced soon , but the important dates section still hasnt been updated. Has the exam been postponed again? Also will the exam take place at the centre or would be a home online exam?

S. Saha Student Expert 25th Jun, 2020
Association of Indian Management Schools has postponed the exam which was scheduled to be conducted on July 1, 2020. The revised date for the examination would be notified within due course of time. ATMA 2020 is a computer based test and each candidate is allotted a particular computer system.

the upcoming atma exam , is it CBT based or offline, its not given clearly on the webiste. It says we will be alotted with centre but it is not possible to travel with the lockdown.

Anurag Khanna 12th Jun, 2020

Hello Aspirant,

Association of Management Schools (AIMS) use to conduct a national entrance test from 740+ Business schools by the name of ATMA, it is conducted every year in online as well as offline mode.

Earlier it was postponed and the new date for ATMA 2020 is June 20th as per the official website. They provide you two options for mode of examination first one is online CBT mode and second one is offline pen-paper based. But in both the modes you have to visit the alloted centres.

At present circumstances are very critical so AIMS might give the provision for online test from home but till now they did not released any notification regarding this. So if they do not release any notification than you have to visit the alloted centre to give respective exam.

For more details about ATMA 2020 you should refer to the link given below :-

I hope this information helps you.

Good Luck!!


Where can I get admission for MMS in Maharashtra with ATMA percentile of 50.61

ANUJA 10th Jun, 2020

Dear Aspirant,

If you wish to take admission in MMS through ATMA percentile then you have to apply to cap rounds through All India Quota.

To get into good colleges you atleast have to secure more than 85 percentile. Once the cap counseling gets started you will get your rank, so you can predict the college based on your rank by using the college predictor tool

Hope this helps


Is JBIMS accepting ATMA score this year? If yes, then how much percentile is required?

harshitasharansrivastava Student Expert 11th Jul, 2020

Hi dear,

Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JBIMS)is one of the oldest and best b-schools in India and is affiliated to the University of Mumbai and the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. There are many programs offered by JBIMS. Yes, JBIMS accept ATMA score only if you have given CET exams. The college will accept both ATMA Feb and May scores. The cut off for general category for ATMA is 99.99 percentile.

Other exam score which is accepted by JBIMS is: CAT, XAT, CMAT, ATMA, CET

Good Luck


postpone exam date of atma exam

Bhawna Mehbubani 24th May, 2020

Dear Chanchal, the postponed exam date of ATMA exam is 2oth June 2020. Previously the exam date was announced to be on 24th May 2020, but due to covid-19 crisis, the exam date has been postponed.

For more details, keep a regular check on the official website

I hope this helps you!


24may 2020 exam postpone due to lockdown

Shubham Dhane 23rd May, 2020


The AIMS Test for Management Admissions exam date is postponed due to corona virus or COVID-19 pandemic. The exam dates are not yet declared. On 24th may the Admit card is going to be released. Please click the below link to know more.


ebook for ATMA exam preparation

Akram Khan 8th May, 2020


Here I found one book for ATMA exam. All about atma by careers360. Here is the link of pdf to download -

As the syllabus consist of general topics like quantitative aptitude, comprehension ,reasoning, analytical skills, verbal skills. Any good book on these topic will be useful. Here. Are list of some books which you can refer for your preparation -

A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal

Mathematics for M.B.A by RS Aggarwal

Trishna's Verbal Ability And Logical Reasoning For The CAT And Other MBA Examinations

Beside the reference book try to solve the previous years question papers. It will help you a lot to increase your marks in exam.

Hope you find it helpful.

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